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AlittleSalt April 22, 2017 12:09 PM

DM, you are absolutely right. It's nice not having electric bills over $100, windows open, fresh air - nothing but a little fan on to stir up the air inside.
[SIZE=1](When the wind isn't blowing 30mph.) :)[/SIZE]

Worth1 April 22, 2017 12:16 PM

I come home from work and turn ac ac on because I like it at around 65 degrees in the house.
When I go to work I turn the thermostat up to 80.
When I come home the temperature is around 72 degrees.
I could go through and do all of the silly programming and have it happen automatic but I couldn't care less it is the first and the last thing I do every day.:lol:
Now they have thermostats and lights you can control with your smart phone.
Speaking of cats.
When I read I turn from one side to the other in bed.
Smokey goes from one side to the other as I flip in bed.
She has to be next to my chest under my neck and chin on my arm in my way of reading, head resting on the book.:evil:

bower April 22, 2017 02:42 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Well I guess I'll join in the chorus of chilly! :twisted: Winds have stayed northerly and easterly here, and the bays are full of pack ice. Temperature has been right around freezing for two days now with constant freezing rain, drizzle or fog. The trees are loading up, my birches are about bent double at this point, and will continue overnight and into tomorrow. :| It's weather typical of March but not April... we are breaking records across the island this year, for cold. Hoping that this glitter storm doesn't bring down any power lines.
My seedlings are growing slowly in their chilly window, and just as well... hard to imagine planting anytime soon with snow still covering the garden.

Cole_Robbie April 22, 2017 06:06 PM

Last Saturday morning for market, it was 80 degrees and sunshine. Today it was in the 40s and rained most of the morning.

Rockporter April 22, 2017 09:18 PM

Looks like it's trying to rain here tonight. I was going to feed the plants tomorrow but if it rains I will hold off on that. I just sprayed everything down with garden safe neem and bt. Will that wash off in the rain? What about the daconil I applied the other day after the rains, does that become nil when I spray the neem with bt?

Worth1 April 22, 2017 09:33 PM

Best to re-spray after good rains is the best insurance.
At least the weather has kept a snail population explosion down around here.
One thing I dont do is water in the evening.
The dry soil on top seems to help keep them down.

Rockporter April 22, 2017 09:37 PM

[QUOTE=Worth1;633718]Best to re-spray after good rains is the best insurance.
At least the weather has kept a snail population explosion down around here.
One thing I dont do is water in the evening.
The dry soil on top seems to help keep them down.[/QUOTE]

That would be respray everything when it stops raining? Or just respray the daconil only? I am so confused on the proper way to do these things, lol. Why not ask on the weather thread, I am sure others may have the same questions. :?!?: And what about spraying the neem and bt a few days after daconil, does it nil and void the daconil I applied a few days before?

Gardeneer April 22, 2017 09:49 PM

[QUOTE=Rockporter;633720]That would be respray everything when it stops raining? Or just respray the daconil only? I am so confused on the proper way to do these things, lol. Why not ask on the weather thread, I am sure others may have the same questions. :?!?: And what about spraying the neem and bt a few days after daconil, does it nil and void the daconil I applied a few days before?[/QUOTE]
For fungus Dacnil should be all you need to use.
I also spray with Neem Oil every other time, mostly for insects though it is also a fungicide. They call it triple action : Fungicide, Insecticide and Miticide.

Spartanburg123 April 22, 2017 09:52 PM

I've sprayed once with Neem and with Daconil just this week. I have never added anything to my tomato plants, and I always lose them to blight or other ailments. Maybe I'll get a longer season this year by being proactive!!

Worth1 April 22, 2017 09:55 PM

I would from what I have read here re spray everything.
It is the only way I am going to get my grape vines to live.
I want grapes next year and the only way I will have them is if they put on flowering buds this year.
They have to be in the sun to do this and they cant have some critter eating on them.
There is a lot of work growing grapes and getting a good crop just like any other fruit.


Rockporter April 22, 2017 10:08 PM

OK, thanks everyone!

rxkeith April 22, 2017 11:42 PM

weather here is erratic. spring is here, but winter doesn't leave quietly. snowy, and cold thursday. friday a bit better. saturday, was sunny, and 65. sunday back to 39, and rain/snow showers predicted. if you don't like the weather, wait a bit.


Rockporter April 23, 2017 12:56 AM

Temp dropped to 66 degrees and 56% humidity. The tomato plants are being tossed a bit and it looks like the rain might not drop at all.

SteveP April 23, 2017 08:49 AM

I will find out shortly if the few tomato plants I have planted survived the cold this morning. Local weather predicted a low of 35f this morning but I don't think we got that low. I brought all that had not been planted indoors last night and will hopefully find Mother Earth tomorrow.

Worth1 April 23, 2017 10:00 AM

Good lord it is only 56 degrees according to the weather.:shock:
I'm going to check outside.
53 on the front porch.:shock:
No wonder when I went outside barefoot and half dressed to drink coffee in the garden I came back in freezing.:))
That was at dawn.
It says it is going to get up to 74 today.
The air smells so fresh and clean and the sun is out.:yes:

bower April 23, 2017 10:29 AM

3 Attachment(s)
We just took a run to the corner store this morning... in places the power lines were drooping so low, the car barely went under it without touching. :shock: Everywhere there are trees bent to the ground right to the road and a few hanging over it. I went out to snap a couple of pics in my driveway - branches bent to a few feet above the ground.
And it's hailing out! :x Some godless mix of precipitation is expected all day and twixt to snow in the evening. :bummer: Just hoping we get enough rain to bring the ice off the trees, otherwise there will be lots more breakage with snow added on top!

Cole_Robbie April 23, 2017 10:37 AM

Wow. Ice storms are brutal to power lines.

I once dated a girl who worked at an orthopedic clinic. We only get an ice storm here every 2-3 years or so, but when it happened, it was really, really good for their business, because so many people would slip and fall, break a bone, and require surgery. So watch your step.

Worth1 April 23, 2017 10:45 AM

[QUOTE=Cole_Robbie;633833]Wow. Ice storms are brutal to power lines.

I once dated a girl who worked at an orthopedic clinic. We only get an ice storm here every 2-3 years or so, but when it happened, it was really, really good for their business, because so many people would slip and fall, break a bone, and require surgery. So watch your step.[/QUOTE]

3 weeks ago I was on a construction site and stepped on a round rock on the side of a steep slope next to the curb and blacktop road.
I had my tool bag in my hand.
I knew there was no recovering so I launched myself away from the curb and onto the blacktop.
I tossed the bag tucked my arms in and rolled across the road and popped back up on my feet like it was no big deal.
Not bad for a 58 year old man.:)
The rolling and long fall was so dramatic everyone thought I was hurt.:))


oakley April 23, 2017 01:37 PM

Worth, :)), yes, so important to know how to roll with a fall. So many much younger
than us get hurt by trying to catch themselves up-right. I've gone down a few times
this past winter in the snow and pot-holes but just go with it and roll. Usually pop back
up or down a few minutes but fine.

Bower, wow. I follow NFLD PortRexton/TrinityEast weather daily and it is snowing now.
The Icebergs are all over the news here in NYC. Even a special airing tomorrow
morning is being advertised. (i have two berg bits in my freezer here)

It is near 70 here and sunny. My Tamarack i brought home years ago is budding. My
favorite tree. (smuggled in bare root).

bower April 23, 2017 01:44 PM

8-) Learning how to fall is definitely one of the best investments a person could make! I was never good at keeping my balance on ice though. :panic: I'd rather wait it out. :|
I'm expecting guests for dinner so I went out and beat as much ice off the trees as I could with a shovel. Not as bad underfoot as you might expect, thank goodness. It is above freezing now, and has started to rain heavily, but so far it's piling on the trees as still more ice instead of melting it off them. :?: It's ridiculous!!!! :( You can barely see green on the conifers now.
We get some "silver thaw" pretty much every year usually in March, but only once in a long while does it get this bad. I remember one we had back in the '80s, the power was out for five days. So far my power's okay, and fingers crossed :no: because I'm roasting a turkey... power, don't go!!!! :twisted:

bower April 23, 2017 01:51 PM

Oakley, good thing you didn't make an early spring visit this year... the weather has been so bad, it is sure not worth it for a peek at an iceberg. Brrrr. :cute:
The ferry to Bell Island - 20 minute run - took 8 hours the other week, they couldn't get through the pack ice. People were posting photos of seals on the ice around the boat. :lol: Dolphins and whales got trapped :cry: some of the dolphins were rescued but the whales couldn't be helped. :bummer: Polar bears in the news every few days.
OTOH the forecast for tomorrow is TEN DEGREES C!!! That is 50 F and it's gonna feel like the balm of summer to all of us here!! :D:roll:

NarnianGarden April 23, 2017 02:01 PM

Hail/snow has been the case here too for the last few days - with some pretty sunshine in between!
Better now than in May/June, which has also been known to happen... I remember one summer in the 80's, when there was snow in June and someone built a snowman on the lawn.

NarnianGarden April 23, 2017 02:04 PM

Mentioning nasty falls.. I am usually careful avoiding slippery spots, and I managed to live through the winter without mishaps.. only to slip and fall two weeks ago near the Uni. My left knee is still hurting (but healing slowly), I had scratches on my hands, and I also became dizzy even without hitting my head... Someone kindly called the emergency services, and the ambulance brought me back home.
So, spring weather and ice on the ground can be very very deceitful and dangerous.

wildcat62 April 23, 2017 03:01 PM

[QUOTE=bower;633867]8-) Learning how to fall is definitely one of the best investments a person could make! I was never good at keeping my balance on ice though. :panic: I'd rather wait it out. :|
I'm expecting guests for dinner so I went out and beat as much ice off the trees as I could with a shovel. Not as bad underfoot as you might expect, thank goodness. It is above freezing now, and has started to rain heavily, but so far it's piling on the trees as still more ice instead of melting it off them. :?: It's ridiculous!!!! :( You can barely see green on the conifers now.
We get some "silver thaw" pretty much every year usually in March, but only once in a long while does it get this bad. I remember one we had back in the '80s, the power was out for five days. So far my power's okay, and fingers crossed :no: because I'm roasting a turkey... power, don't go!!!! :twisted:[/QUOTE]

Hoping you have a quick defrost. That ice is hard on everything.

bigpinks April 23, 2017 04:43 PM

Cat wait to get my 72 plants outa the basement and start the sun, shade water..sun, shade water etc. Cloudy here and sixties Monday but tues and Wens look very good. Havent had a chance to till the fert into my garden yet but am absolutely chomping at the bit. Put out a 40ft row of Kohlrabi last wens and picked a handful of green onions today but my heart is in the big pinks.

Hoosier April 23, 2017 04:51 PM

[QUOTE=bigpinks;633898]Cat wait to get my 72 plants outa the basement and start the sun, shade water..sun, shade water etc. Cloudy here and sixties Monday but tues and Wens look very good. Havent had a chance to till the fert into my garden yet but am absolutely chomping at the bit. Put out a 40ft row of Kohlrabi last wens and picked a handful of green onions today but my heart is in the big pinks.[/QUOTE]

It's coming soon I think! After the next day or so the 10 day forecast is calling for 70's for highs and 50's for lows. That would take us into the first week of May. If I had started my seed earlier I might have went ahead and set a few out. For now they are in the green house having been repotted and still a couple of weeks away from plant out. The last 3 or 4 years we have had very late cold snaps and my plants were getting too large before time to plant. I adjusted but so did that darn Mother Nature.:twisted:

Gardeneer April 23, 2017 05:17 PM

Storms are coming this way. Starting midnight we are supposed to get the. A flash flood warning in effect. Riight now it is calm before the storm.
It will continue into Wednesday before getting back to normal.
So no watering anything for at least a week from now. That is the positive side.

Worth1 April 24, 2017 07:29 AM

Upper 40's here this morning.
Fine by me.

Rockporter April 24, 2017 09:22 AM

65 degrees and 76% humidity. No rain at all.

Gardeneer April 24, 2017 02:10 PM

We've got rain. Almost 3.5" in less than 24 hours and it is still coming down.
Luckily there has been no winds and it is raining gently.With our sandy soil there is no mud . The water is soaked by the soil and goes down. The creek next to us is running at full capacity .

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