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jdwhitaker March 30, 2007 11:20 PM

I'm jealous. My plants will go into the ground this weekend. Good thing I didn't plant early as we had a little hailstorm this morning.

Bryan24 March 30, 2007 11:34 PM

I'm crossing my fingers, toes and everything else, it may hail tonight. I have baby Brandywines! This is SO not fair!!!

OK, enough whining. I was happy to have flowers on all my tomato plants so far, but I think it's been a little humid for fruit set.

Feldon, I've got the same thing on my plants, but they all seem to be growing fine. Just a little wider instead of straight up. Some are starting to look like little kids pretending to be trees (standing with arms up in a "Y").


FlipTX March 31, 2007 07:40 AM

What a difference a day makes... yesterday I had ten on the Sugary plant, today it's two dozen. I also have five Silvery Fir Tree babies, a Creole, and an Arkansas Traveler. Now let's hope these storms today don't beat everything to death.

feldon30 March 31, 2007 09:49 AM

One of my 2 fruitset on OTV is a double-fruit. Could be one seriously sized tomato. ;) Got some on Kimberly in case I failed to mention. Still waiting for that cluster of 9 flowers on my CP to give me at least a few.

duajones March 31, 2007 10:00 AM

azoychka has joined in now. Feldon, radar looks like some possible severe weather in your area, hope all goes well

feldon30 March 31, 2007 11:23 AM

Nothing possible about it. ;)

It's been raining since 6am. But it's been mostly gentle rain. No torrential soil-splashin' fungus-spreadin' downpours. Of course I watered everything really well yesterday. :(

FlipTX March 31, 2007 11:38 AM

Argh. Most of my back yard and about a quarter of my garden is under ankle-deep water. We had a lot of heavy rain. It's tapering off now and my plants look pretty battered. I'm sure they'll bounce back, though.

Bryan24 March 31, 2007 11:40 AM

At two this morning, it looked like the storm would be traveling straight down I-10. But I think most of the energy poured out west of San Antonio. We didn't get any hail here, either (who knew crossing toes would work:lol:).


feldon30 March 31, 2007 12:06 PM


Gotta get you some raised beds and maybe dig up the yard and put drainage tubes. I know -- $$. :(

FlipTX March 31, 2007 12:22 PM

Yeah my whole yard needs work. Bleh. The parts that aren't under water right now [I]are[/I] raised beds and containers. So at least I've got that. :)

Ruby March 31, 2007 08:25 PM

Do you guys do anything like shaking the plant, flicking blossoms, etc. to help pollination? I have lots of flowers right now, but no fruit yet (might still be a little too cold overnight here).


CLa March 31, 2007 08:46 PM

Outside I don't bother with that much. The wind weather and bees take care of that pretty well. But if you have the time on your hands, maybe shaking could force those few 0-20% leftover flowers on each truss that normally fall off to pollinate.

duajones March 31, 2007 08:52 PM

I am using an inexpensive disposable battery powered toothbrush that I lightly touch to the stem of the blossoms and can see the pollen come out. Im not sure if I am making any difference but it couldnt hurt I suppose.

feldon30 March 31, 2007 11:30 PM

I am using a Sonicare toothbrush to do the same as Duane. Seem to have some good fruitset except the 9 blossoms on Cherokee Purple are being quite stubborn.

FlipTX April 1, 2007 10:47 AM

When there's no breeze to speak of, sometimes I'll shake the cage/stakes a little, or flick a few branches as I walk by. I did that with my Brandywine last year. We had a lot of humid, very warm, breezeless days. But if there's some wind blowing, I don't bother.

Looks like I have a couple Jaune Flamme coming along now.

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