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Milan HP February 26, 2022 12:31 PM

Hello Dot,
I am not Vladimir, but I was lucky enough to cooperate on that project (testing both Mountaineers) last year. Out of the two Pride came out as more vital and a bit more resistant to late blight, even though they were both doing fine and lasted until the first frost, Delight a week or so less. As to productivity, Pride seems to be also the winner, but by a tiny margin. Tastewise, I have to admit that my buds are not that sensitive so they both got 7 out of ten. Delight had fruit about 15 ounces as opposed to Pride's 11. They are both excellent for canning as they peel easily.
Vladimir will probably give you a second opinion.

Milan HP

seaeagle March 25, 2022 08:29 PM

Returning this year are

Arkansas Traveler - 5 or 6 plants
Earl's Faux
Monomakh's Hat

New to me from Heritage Seed

Perfect Purple
Carolina Dusk
African Queen
Amish Gold Slicer

New to me from various sources

George Detsikas’ Italian Red

Hope everyone has a great season

Spike2 March 25, 2022 10:35 PM

I am really struggling with this! Every time I decide on what I am growing, I find something else I want to grow. Rotten husband won't buy me 5 more acres :(

tryno12 March 26, 2022 01:32 AM

My grow list:
Aunt Ginny’s Purple 55)Aztec-3
3) Black from Tula 56)Rejina-4
4) Big Cheef 64)Vilma
5) Bradley 65)Pinocchio Orange
6) Brandywine Sudduth's Strain
7) Chapman
8) Chernomor
9) Cherokee Purple
10) Dana's Dusky Rose
11) African Queen
12)General Lee
13)German Queen
14)Olive Hill
15)KBX ?
18)Rebel Yell
19) Just Grow IT!
21) Elgin Pink
22) Stump of the World
23)Mat Su Express
24) Brutus
25)Bloody Butcher
26)Sofie’s Choice

27) Coastal Orange Pride
28) Boronia Dwarf
29) Summer Sunrise
30) Stupice

31) Dester
32) Tennesee Suited
33) Mr.Snow
34) New Big
35) Rosella Crimson
36) Brandy Fred
37) Sweet Scarlet
38) Wild Fred
39) Tasty Wine
40)Wild Spudleaf
41)Yellow Cherry
42)Sweet 100

hl2601 March 26, 2022 05:40 PM

Love your list Tryno!

You have many winners in there.
Pale Perfect Purple was one of the 100 Varieties from Carolyn's book and was in the Tribute. I grew it and liked it! Think of her when you grow it!

tryno12 March 26, 2022 06:02 PM

I don't have the Pale Perfect Purple or is it by a different name?

hl2601 March 27, 2022 03:04 PM

LOL please excuse me as I am losing my mind!

Tryyno- A fabulous list!
The Pale perfect Purple was meant for Seaeagle.

tryno12 March 27, 2022 03:48 PM

Ya got company:dizzy::twisted:

sic transit gloria March 27, 2022 05:16 PM

My 2022 list:

Neves Azorean Red
Barlow Jap
Grandma Oliver's Chocolate
Cherokee Purple
Black Cherry
Lillian's Yellow Heirloom
Aunt Gertie's Gold
Golden Queen (USDA)
Green Gables
Malachite Box
Orange Slice
Jaune Flammee
Brandywine Sudduth
Missouri Pink Love Apple
Rebel Yell
Stump of the World
Aunt Ginny's Purple
Monomakh's Hat
Eva Purple Ball
Clear Pink Early
Lucky Cross

Did not germinate:
Dr. Wyche's Yellow
Russian Bogatyr
Marianne's Peace

MrsJustice March 27, 2022 08:34 PM

Great List, Amen!!

Especially Lucky Cross because it looks like the Hillbilly Tomatoes. When people start looking for the Hillbily Tomatoes with Potato leaf, I think they may be getting these two beautiful Bi-color Tomatoes mix-ups. [url][/url]

tryno12 March 28, 2022 12:55 AM

Lucky Cross for me tasted great!! But................... no shelf life whatsoever:?!?:

tryno12 March 28, 2022 12:57 AM

Lucky Cross for me tasted great!! But................... no shelf life whatsoever:?!?:
Am i doing something wrong? Pick a bit "green" rinse in mild soap/diluted beach solution/dry/place in cool place............:?!?:

sic transit gloria March 28, 2022 09:31 AM

[QUOTE=tryno12;767502]Lucky Cross for me tasted great!! But................... no shelf life whatsoever:?!?:
Am i doing something wrong? Pick a bit "green" rinse in mild soap/diluted beach solution/dry/place in cool place............:?!?:[/QUOTE]

You can pick fruit that are not dead ripe and still get full flavor. I've never heard of washing in any kind of soap or otherwise, but them again I'm a peeler. Store out of the sun at room temp. Some people think you need to put them on a windowsill or in the sun to fully ripen; that's not true. Some people put them in the fridge, which may increase shelf life, but saps flavor.

D.J. Wolf March 28, 2022 07:55 PM

Well, tomato plants are all up! Planted on 3/15, they'd started coming up by 3/20. counted today, out of 71 seeds planted, 68 came up and are looking good. So far no death or damp off issues at all. I'm soooooo glad I planted so many extra in case (/end sarcasm)

ClarkB March 28, 2022 08:41 PM

Always fun to see what others are growing. Most large-fruited varieties I've tried over the last few years have been pretty bland in my sun-challenged upstate NY garden, so I'm trying many new ones, including several hybrids, with the hope of adding at least a few to my slowly growing list of keepers.

* = new for me.

Large fruited:

Alice's Dream*
Amalfi Orange F1*
Benevento F1*
Black from Tula*
Brandy Boy F1*
Carbon - only grew in '21 - my favorite large for flavor so far.
Curtis Cheek*
Dark Star F1*
Girl Girl's Weird Thing - productive, beautiful, bland in the summer of '21, but late season ones ripened on the counter were much better earning it another try.
KBX - productive, huge, clean fruit, pretty good flavor in '20, didn't grow in '21.
Midnight Sun - huge, nice-looking hearts, mild but pleasant flavor in '21
Polaris - a bit more flavor variability than Carbon, but several similarly good ones in '21.
Prudens Purple*
Purple Boy F1*
Stump of the World - quite good in '20, but lots of shoulder splitting. Best tasting pink so far.
Supersteak F1*

Small Fruited:

Agi Red*
Black Cherry - love it every year.
Cherry Baby F1*
Chocolate Cherry*
Honeycomb F1*
Lucky Bee*
Madera F1*
Maglia Rose*
Pink CherryWine F1*
Shimmer F1*
Sunchocola F1*
Sungold - every year.
Sweet Cream - sweet and fruity with nice depth. A favorite in my family.

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