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angelique January 27, 2007 10:28 PM

Well, this year was my third year purchasing seeds from Sandhill Preservation. Last year, I had mixed feelings about their quality of service, but I am giving them another chance.

Basically, last growing season, I placed my order at the end of 2005, because I wanted to get an early start on some varieties. To make a long story short, I orderd Kazakh melon seeds along with several other seeds. I tried several times to germinate the melon seeds (from Feb to late May) without any luck, so I contacted them via email.

I was told by who ever replied (all email signatures are "Glenn and Linda Drowns"), that their seeds are only good for the year purchase. I just don't understand why I would get 2005 seeds at the end of the year. To add insult to injury, he/she/they also said in the email response,

"We can only guarantee germination for the year in which the seed is purchased as we have no control over how that seed is stored once it leaves our facility".

Oh well. Luckily, I was promised a courtesy credit for a seed packet on 6/10/06. The credit never arrived.

I mailed my 2007 order to them last Tuesday. I also just emailed them regarding my outstanding credit.

I'll update you with their response. Like I said, I did order with them again. Perhaps, the bad customer service was a one time thing...Or so I hope.

shelleybean February 1, 2007 10:36 PM

I dropped my order in the mail Jan. 6 and received my seeds Jan. 31. In years past, it took almost exactly one month to get my order so I do think they're a bit faster this year.

DavidinCT February 6, 2007 09:05 PM

[quote=shelleybean]I dropped my order in the mail Jan. 6 and received my seeds Jan. 31.[/quote]

About the same here. Ordered Jan 8th, arrived today Feb 6th.

Sandhill was out of Zogola and Crnkovic Yugoslavian but doubled the Sara's Galapagos order (1 pack of organic and 1 of regular seeds) and threw in for free Glesener and Glacier. See several other varieties have sold out since Jan 8th.

Glacier works out well as I ordered Matina and Kimberly from TGS. Early variety taste test time! We shall see who is telling the truth about these cultivars :arrow:

A search brings up little on Glesener. Sandhill's description: [i]93 days. Indeterminate plants, a local family heirloom, semi-sweet fruits on potato leaf foliage.[/i]

Anyone know more? One pound or so size fruit?

velikipop February 7, 2007 12:26 AM

I ordered mine early January and they arrived today with a couple bonus packs, which is nice. This is the most seed I have received for the price and they were nicely packaged and in great condition.

feldon30 February 7, 2007 10:56 AM

[quote=DavidinCT]A search brings up little on Glesener. Sandhill's description: [i]93 days. Indeterminate plants, a local family heirloom, semi-sweet fruits on potato leaf foliage.[/i][/quote]
Two different descriptions from SSE 2007 Yearbook:

93 days, indeterminate, potato leaf, flattened globe.

80 days, indeterminate, potato leaf, good yield of 8-12 oz. pink fruit, very good flavor.

93 days sounds like a long time for 8-12 oz globe fruit.

carolyn137 February 7, 2007 01:23 PM

93 days sounds like a long time for 8-12 oz globe fruit.


Glenn grows his plants preety much in pure sand, hence the name Sandhill, :lol: , and his DTM's are often longer than others for quite a few varieties, but not all, and he doesn't record DTM's every year as far as I know, and I think we all know the worth or non-worth of DTM's.

Yes? :roll:

elkwc36 February 12, 2007 11:25 PM

Seeds arrived
Service was just over 3 weeks. About like I expected. Was out of two varieties. Sent 3 free packs and a credit. Very generous amounts of seeds. Definately in my top five and one I will order from in the future. Also ordered some other seeds. Way over the said amount on all and in most cases seed count was the highest I've ever received. With only one order left to receive besides my SSE seeds I've only had one bad experience this year. Will probably not use that vendor again after such good results from several like Sandhill. Jay

angelique February 12, 2007 11:49 PM

I received my seeds today from Sandhill. Although I did not receive a response to my email, they did include Petit Gris de Rennes melon seeds with my order and a free packet of Homestead tomato seeds.

My seeds arrived sooner than I expected. :D

GrowSeeds February 13, 2007 12:00 AM

I got my first catalog from them today and would like to say (though I don't get many catalogs) that their cherry tomato seed listings is the most I have seen listed.

shelleybean January 3, 2008 01:01 PM

Got my 2008 catalog today. They don't have the sweet potato I wanted this year but there are plenty more from which to choose. Happy shopping! :D

Luvgardening2 January 3, 2008 01:12 PM

I am jealous. Mine has not arrived yet. I am looking forward to purchasing from them. Have my list ready from the 2007 catalog. They did not update their website. What do the tomato prices look like?



shelleybean January 3, 2008 01:25 PM

Hi, Nancy. The tomato seed packets are now individually priced. Before, it was one packet at this price, five at that price. Now they're different prices depending on variety, but still cheap. They say they had a lot of problems with tomato seedlings this past season and they're out of a lot of varieties this year, I'm sorry to report.

velikipop January 3, 2008 01:26 PM

They charge $1.75 per pack and if your order 10 or more then it is $1.65. Very reasonable and lots of seeds.

kktwahoo January 3, 2008 02:05 PM


Way to go! But, I am close to them, sort of, so I guess once again, life is NOT fair!

I will keep looking!

Happy ordering!

Kent & Kathy

carolyn137 January 3, 2008 05:16 PM

[quote=velikipop;83507]They charge $1.75 per pack and if your order 10 or more then it is $1.65. Very reasonable and lots of seeds.[/quote]

Prices have changed Alex, see the post above yours. I got mine today and flipped thru the tomato section quickly and actually saw a couple of varieties at $1.25/pack/

Seems reasonable to me that the varieties with more seeds be less expensive than those with very few, said Carolyn remembering the two years she couldn't offer Lillians' Yellow Heirloom b'c of too few seeds, as well as Opalka.

dice January 3, 2008 06:11 PM

You have to figure that anyone that has an online
catalog but *not* online ordering and yet handles
small retail orders is not in it for the money (else
they would spring for a website that maximizes
customer convenience, figuring that they would
get the cost back a thousand times over in increased

In that light, one cannot really expect the same kind of
customer service that you would be insulted if you did
not receive from most online vendors. It is more like a
a volunteer public service with a small donation to cover
some of their costs than a for-profit business. In return
for putting up with not quite professional quality service,
you get access to seeds of a lot of cultivars that you are
not going to find anywhere else, and at a more than fair
price, too. If they happen to not have something listed
in the catalog when you order, that is just how it goes,
and they will usually send you a substitution and something
else free for compensation.

In short, Sandhill Preservation functions more like
a mail-order farmer's market than a vending machine,
where popular items can sell out while your order
is in the mail, and their website gets updated when
they get around to it. While I may not get everything
I ordered in a Sandhill order, I doubt that I will be
unhappy with what I do get.

velikipop January 3, 2008 09:49 PM

Dice, you will not be dissapointed. Yes it takes a while to receive the order but if you order early like I do in December then your seeds will come way before you can start them.

Carolyn, I didn't notice the new change in prices. I ordered before they made the changes. Looks like it might be an even better deal!!!

I too can't see them being in this business for the money. The seed business must be very competitive with very low profit margins. That is why I support Sandhill. They carry seed that larger companies will not because of low demand. This allows the very small community of heirloom gardeners to source otherwise rare seed.


troad January 3, 2008 11:38 PM

I spoke with Linda at Sandhill today to inquire about 2008 prices. She said they had a lot of difficulties this past summer and 2 of the 3 tomatoes I asked about were not going to be available this year. She further stated there would be some explanation when the website is updated with 2008 prices. They may need support from some of us Fad growers here:D
On a good note Sandhill does have some beans I was reading about on a thread from Worth (i think) about Dragon Tongue beans. There called Dragon Langarie. The translator on Yahoo posts that is tongue in French. $2.50 per package.

shelleybean January 4, 2008 07:22 AM

Check out their okra selection too.

carolyn137 January 4, 2008 11:09 AM

I spoke with Linda at Sandhill today to inquire about 2008 prices. She said they had a lot of difficulties this past summer and 2 of the 3 tomatoes I asked about were not going to be available this year. She further stated there would be some explanation when the website is updated with 2008 prices. They may need support from some of us Fad growers here:D
On a good note Sandhill does have some beans I was reading about on a thread from Worth (i think) about Dragon Tongue beans. There called Dragon Langarie. The translator on Yahoo posts that is tongue in French. $2.50 per package.[/quote]

The difficulties Linda referred to are spelled out quite clearly in the 2008 catalog which many have already received.

And as for Dragon Tongue beans, they are absolutely the best. Unlike conventional green and yellow beans one planting will last the season whereas with the others you should really be succession planting.

I'm in close contact with Linda and Glenn almost all of the time and I know many of the more popular tomato varieties that were wiped out last summer will be back for 2009, weather permitting and as always, some new ones; reminder to Carolyn to send them and TGS the best of her new ones for trial. Glenn can turn around a new variety on one season while Linda at TGS has to subcontract out and the wait is longer.

But with so many tomato varieties listed I'm sure folks will find subs that are great.

But get your orders sent in ASAP b'c if you wait, your wait for seeds goes up and up, as Glenn has clearly indicated in the catalog.

cdntomato January 4, 2008 11:51 AM

Carolyn, I'm still waiting for my 2008 SH catalogue and the online version is not yet updated. Last year's had incorrectly named Canuck varieties, ones I know Bill Minkey and SSE vaults have as well. I'm concerned that someone from SODC is circulating these [B]registered Ag Canada[/B] varieties to unsuspecting folks, folks like Bill and Glenn who will deligently preserve these seeds, names and histories intact, not knowing there are problems. I've emailed Linda, but never heard back. Any suggestions? I can provided supporting documentation, if needed.

The problem with these wrong varieties goes deeper than my fixation with correctness; CFIA is exploring Canada Seed Act violations (and to date, no heritage seed company here complies) and is on the way to full adoption of the OECD Seed Scheme and the EU seed models. Plus Canada is currently negotiating a FTA with Japan that will require Canada to ramp up to UPOV 1991.

Thanks heaps!!!

Jennifer, thumping forehead on wall and anxiously awaiting the SH catalogue for the non-Canuck stuff

troad January 4, 2008 01:47 PM

Beans and Okra? Beans and rice sure.Must be an East Coast thing. :lol: ;)

Actually don't know if it ever gets warm enough here to grow okra. Wet enough for sure.

carolyn137 January 4, 2008 02:16 PM

[quote=cdntomato;83610]Carolyn, I'm still waiting for my 2008 SH catalogue and the online version is not yet updated. Last year's had incorrectly named Canuck varieties, ones I know Bill Minkey and SSE vaults have as well. I'm concerned that someone from SODC is circulating these [B]registered Ag Canada[/B] varieties to unsuspecting folks, folks like Bill and Glenn who will deligently preserve these seeds, names and histories intact, not knowing there are problems. I've emailed Linda, but never heard back. Any suggestions? I can provided supporting documentation, if needed.

The problem with these wrong varieties goes deeper than my fixation with correctness; CFIA is exploring Canada Seed Act violations (and to date, no heritage seed company here complies) and is on the way to full adoption of the OECD Seed Scheme and the EU seed models. Plus Canada is currently negotiating a FTA with Japan that will require Canada to ramp up to UPOV 1991.

Thanks heaps!!!

Jennifer, thumping forehead on wall and anxiously awaiting the SH catalogue for the non-Canuck stuff[/quote]

Jennifer, I don't know when you e-mailed Linda but it doesn't surprise me she didn't get back to you b'c I know she's been going flat out. Which is one reason she hasn't yet updated the website although I thought she said she had done the poultry section.

I'm afraid I don't really follow you as to the registered Canadian varieties. Does that mean they aren't supposed to be distributed?

Why do you think it could be an SODC member sending varieties. Couldn't it be Raymond as well, for I know he sent Glenn varieties as well, and I don't think he's an SODC member any more.

Sorry, but I just don't see what the problem is b'c of ignorance on my part.

As for the last paragraph, you've used so many abbreviations that I have no knowledge of that I can't quite understand what you're trying to tell folks. Maybe others understand them but I don't.

The best time to ask questions and fix errors at Sandhill is not now. Much better in the summertime when Linda is mainly inside and Glenn is mainly outside.

shelleybean January 4, 2008 03:22 PM

I just meant they have several new varieties of okra, you don't have to eat them together if you don't want to. ;)

velikipop January 4, 2008 03:25 PM


Beans do really well for me, but I have given up on Okra even with a head start indoors. I have to rely on the local green grocer for Okra when I make Gumbo or Jambalaya.


PaulF January 4, 2008 05:47 PM

Got my Sandhill catalog today; spring is coming!!

Sherry_AK January 4, 2008 07:34 PM

Well I guess I'll get my catalog ... eventually. Sure does take a long time for bulk mail to get here!

Due to an unfortunate incident last year, I didn't place an order. The envelope fell down between the seats in the car and was never mailed. But at least I have an envelope all ready for this year ... complete with a 39¢ stamp!

elkwc36 January 5, 2008 12:12 AM

Got mine today and have already marked most of what I want. The tomato prices I noticed went from 1.25 to 2.50 per pack. Still not bad if it is something you want. Last year he sent way more seed per pack than any other vendor I ordered from. A nice catalog. And no where better to order from. JMO

kktwahoo January 7, 2008 11:16 AM

Our Sandhill catalog arrived Friday, Jan 4, 2007, three days ago! I think I beat Paul by one day! LOL

carolyn137 January 7, 2008 11:26 AM

The tomato prices I noticed went from 1.25 to 2.50


Please look again. Glenn explained at the beginning of the tomato section that they were going to set prices/pack for individual varieties based on how easy it was to get seeds from them. Some varieties have lots of seeds, thus lower prices, and some like Opalka and many others I know have few seeds, thus higher prices.

If you look around you'll find some varieties going for as low as $1.25/pack.:)

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