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coronabarb March 3, 2006 03:08 PM

Debra, Bruce, Bob, would Davis make it more convenient for you? (Diana, I don't know where you live) Should we go ahead and get a park reserved for August 26th? Let's get this going...

chilhuacle March 3, 2006 04:16 PM

It would for me. I think it would be a slightly nicer setting and little closer for the Bay Area folks. More tables would be good too.

Don't get me wrong though, the park last year was great also. :o

GreenThumbGal_07 March 3, 2006 05:23 PM

Wow. So is this event going to happen again? :-)

Davis sounds nice. Thanks!


angelique March 3, 2006 11:39 PM

Hi All,

It seems like Davis is the consensus for the tomato tasting event? I cannot speak for the locals, but I do not know if there is enough interest in a tomato plant exchange in Sacto. This will be my first year growing from a seeds. My plants don't look to impressive. I started them in early Jan.

Hi vermiit,

Is is possible for you to book Pioneer Park in Davis? Please let us know either way. :wink: Also, please let us know how we can help contribute to offset the cost. Last year, Kristy set up a PayPal account for this event.



vermiit March 4, 2006 02:15 AM

Hi! Yes, I can go reserve the park, no problem.

I assume it'll be under 50 people. How many hours do you think it'll be? It's 14.00 an hour. Say, 3 hours? I wasn't there last year, so if you can give me the times. I can take care of the deposit of course, I assume Heirloom Tomato Affectionados are not the kind to trash a park! :arrow: Can you post me the date that was decided too? I remember there was some discussion, and I'm not completely clear on the date settled on.

Then I can go down to the Recreation Building next week and get it taken care of.
I have a paypal account, I just have to remember the details...(it's been awhile)

Diana (aka vermiit ala vermiculture)

coronabarb March 4, 2006 11:29 AM

It seems to me we were there a lot longer than 3 hrs. Heck, it took us over an hour just to get set up and the tomatoes all sorted and marked. My guess would be to reserve for 5 hrs? At $14/hr, we could cover that. Maybe start at 10:00?

I'm going to call my sister and tell her what we've got up our sleeves. She'll be excited as she had a hip replacement last month and is working on physical therapy to get mobile.

I haven't heard back from janice in the sierras. Bob and Bruce, do you remember what her system was? (I don't) The only thing I didn't like was not knowing what I was tasting. As you remember, I kept a tally of those tomatoes I really liked. I guess we could have cards that would turn over with the names on the back.

I'm looking forward to August and seeing you all again!

landarc March 5, 2006 11:47 AM

I don't remember all of the details of the system. It seems that we assigned numbers to each of the toms, put them on plates organized by type and had color keyed sheets that allowed for judging. I think it was Bruce that suggested above that if we had a list before the event, that someone could set up the cards ahead of schedule. Not a bad idea.

As for location, Davis sounds great.

vermiit March 18, 2006 01:46 AM

Okay all: Pioneer Park is Davis is reserved for August 26, and since the 'all day' charge was a few dollars less than 5 hours at $14 an hour, we have it from 8:00am -8:00pm. :D It cost $66. There '9 tables, and 2 BBQs with restrooms nearby, small off-street parking lot and electricity on the pillar.'

The address is 5035 Hamel Drive (corner of Hamel Dr. & Swingle St.)

I have a paypal account. I'm not keen to post my email on a forum thread, so you can pm me. (you CAN edit 'old' posts!)

My mouth is already watering for real tomatos...


chilhuacle March 18, 2006 09:21 AM

Thanks Diana, looks like a great spot.


coronabarb March 22, 2006 05:24 PM

Nine tables sound wonderful. We were a bit crowded with 5 last year.

feraltomatoes March 29, 2006 10:20 AM

If this weather keeps up we may be lucky to have a sungold by the end of August.
I think we just tied the record for rainfall in march for number of days and total inches.
I usually would have planted out a couple weeks ago and its hard to keep seedling looking good for this long.
I am getting depressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

coronabarb April 3, 2006 05:36 PM


This rain is a bummer, eh? You guys are getting mucho more than us down here, but, WOW, three more days of rain coming. The forecast is for another two weeks at least, with this weather pattern. This is the coldest March/April I remember. Spring break is usually in the '80's.

chilhuacle April 4, 2006 12:35 PM


I’m just glad I got a later than usual start on my seedlings. They’re still a manageable size for carrying around so I can get them under cover (and lights) during the downpours. That’s exactly what it’s doing at the moment. Our street looks like a creek.

angelique April 4, 2006 02:18 PM

The rain has made me so depressed. :( I started my tomato seeds way to early. My plants are outside fending for themselves in the rain...Most of them don't look so good.

SFT and Kimberly are the only plants that look happy. They are both in 5 gallon containers.

chilhuacle April 5, 2006 04:38 PM

Angelique, I have a backup plant for most of what I’m growing. They may not be what you were planning to grow but if yours drown in the next 2 weeks of rain (or maybe more) you are welcome to them. Are you planning to make the plant swap?


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