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Mischka June 11, 2010 10:07 AM

It seems the shysters over at Atomic Grow have been using Tomatoville in their online boasting and promotion of their dubious product, even adding "Tomatoville" as a keyword to their search engine optimization word list. They've also added a FAKE testimonial that's made to look as if it came from us.

How desperate is that??? Losers.

This just goes to show the world that they cannot rely on the performance of their snake oil product and must resort to dishonest and deceitful tactics to lure folks to their site, in order to con them into buying it.
Don't fall for their untruthful hype folks. Atomic Grow [COLOR=DarkRed][U]doesn't work as advertised[/U][/COLOR] and will likely damage your valuable garden plants, trees, shrubs, etc.

Qweniden June 11, 2010 04:12 PM

This thread is epic

heirloomdaddy June 12, 2010 04:34 PM

This is a very amusing thread.

bohica June 13, 2010 04:20 PM

[QUOTE]. Bohica Tom didnt use it correctly.[/QUOTE]
LMAO, I just came back to this thread almost by WOW...if I am not mistaken, I believe Jim either emailed me instructions or we talked via phone, any way, it really doesnt take a rocket scientist to follow directions, I still have the container sitting in my office, going to use it as a weed killer. he he

bigbubbacain June 13, 2010 08:37 PM

I'm quite thankful for the standards that Mischka has set into place regarding individuals such as Mr. "SHILL"enbeck and his "Chernobyl Grow" product.

Personally, I feel that I have learned a valuable lesson by proxy. A few years ago, I found a private label manufacturer who was making some pretty unusual products that I purchased and used. I had pondered over putting together a product line and tooting my own horn through the forum, but I'm sooooooo glad that I didn't. I probably would have been lynched if anything had ever gone wrong with another member.

The best product advice and testimonials I ever get from Tomatoville are always unbiased and usually from folks who are in the same predicament that I am.

discrepancy June 13, 2010 11:20 PM

This was the last place on the planet I'd ever expect to see something like this. I lol'd.

feldon30 June 14, 2010 08:15 AM

[quote=bigbubbacain;172398]"Chernobyl Grow"[/quote]
Now I've got an idea for a new product. ;)

OkieJason June 14, 2010 02:40 PM

The ethics of this forum make me feel SAFE here. Thank you guys :)


bigbubbacain July 14, 2010 06:53 PM

I had this wart on my big toe that the doctor couldn't get rid of. I put some Atomic Grow on it and it shriveled up over night. Now my big toe glows in the dark and I can use it for a nite lite! Thanks Atomic Grow!

gflynn July 16, 2010 09:30 AM

My hair has been thinning, but since I started putting Atomic Grow on my head I think that my hair is starting to grow in thicker!

Thanks Atomic Grow!

erlyberd February 16, 2011 11:29 PM

Sounds like a replacement for another failed product in my book, Superthrive.

I used it on my African violets one drop per gallon and it not only cooked them but caused the centers to tighten and get crusty. Just the smell of the product should have spelled warning. I have grown award winning plants mind you. Another product (perhaps more widely known) that has given my av's trouble with burning and tight brittle centers is dyn_gro 7-9-5 even when mixed at 1/8th teaspoon per gallon.

Some products work others don't........................................................................................

Funny you should mention it Gflynn, I've been treating my tropical fish with ATOMIC GROW as a fin replacement therapy and the results, well frankly, are amazing!

King Carrot February 19, 2011 06:15 AM

[quote=erlyberd;200219]Sounds like a replacement for another failed product in my book, Superthrive.

I used it on my African violets one drop per gallon and it not only cooked them but caused the centers to tighten and get crusty. Just the smell of the product should have spelled warning. I have grown award winning plants mind you. Another product (perhaps more widely known) that has given my av's trouble with burning and tight brittle centers is dyn_gro 7-9-5 even when mixed at 1/8th teaspoon per gallon.

Some products work others don't........................................................................................

[B]Funny you should mention it Gflynn, I've been treating my tropical fish with ATOMIC GROW as a fin replacement therapy and the results, well frankly, are amazing!

Have they grown that "third eye" yet? ;)

BW_AustinTX March 7, 2011 12:08 PM

Wow.. I just clicked on this thread because of the rather interesting title. I read the first page, and that seems to be enough.

I think Mischka was rather smart how he handled the situation. For kicks I googled as perhaps someone would do, if thinking of using this product for tomatoes. I Googled: "atomic grow tomatoes." Was rather pleasantly surprised to see that this thread is listed on Google just below the product's home website. Hard not to notice the "Sucks!!!" when reading the search engine page... LOL!

Seems I will never buy the product, and advise against all others to do the same. Too many people (like Shellenback) hide in the anonymity of the web and use the opportunity to be rude or off putting.

Sun City Linda April 7, 2011 06:07 PM

I just read this from the beginning. Made my day!
Go Mischka:D :yes: :D LInda

cushman350 April 11, 2011 09:50 AM


[B]Go back under your bridge, troll.[/B]

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