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kayrobbins July 14, 2015 04:20 PM

[QUOTE=goodwin;488534]It must be a challenge keeping tomatoes going in the Florida heat! Do you try again in the fall? We had a few days in the upper 90's here, but now the afternoon rains are keeping things cooler. I'm picking for market this afternoon and luckily the Ambrosias and Pinks are some of the few cherries that have not been splitting with all the wet weather.
Anyway, Painted Pink should be streaked with the color and not deep blue all over, so this is a bit of a mystery.
I sure do have a fall garden. My tomatoes usually do better in the fall except for those rare times we actually get any freezing temperatures. I started my seeds yesterday. I am growing your Danube again and trying the Sugar Drop for the first time.

Ganado July 14, 2015 11:06 PM

They are still really beautiful =)

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

BigVanVader July 18, 2015 07:46 PM

Nice cobb house in the back round of that pic Lee! Your tomatoes are awesome as well :yes:

jirkakuta July 29, 2015 04:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Midnight select

jirkakuta July 29, 2015 04:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Painted Pink - this plant is very different from another Painted Pink plants

goodwin November 29, 2015 10:16 PM

Wow, jirkakuta, that is some leaf roll on the plants! What do you think happened? It looks like environmental stress - heat or root damage.

RobinB November 30, 2015 01:33 AM

Blue Ambrosia in 2015
3 Attachment(s)
I'm sorry to report that I got a rather unfortunate result with the Blue Ambrosia this year. I only had one plant and it produced the worst tasting tomatoes I have ever had. Acidic, but way beyond that. They had a very strange taste and aftertaste. I kept trying them at different stages, but nothing made them better. They were so intensely bad, I pulled the plant in the middle of the season.

The plant was beyond prolific, I've never seen a cherry with so many fruit. The color is weird in this photo from my cel phone.

The first fruit were shaded and didn't have any blue. As you can see, most were kind of bumby and slightly oblate and most were on the large side, around 1 oz.

Later, the fruit that got sun did get a bit of blue on their shoulders.

I had one other plant that I put in my new greenhouse. It had completely different looking fruit, smaller and round and more blue. Unfortunately, the plant didn't make it and died when our power went out during a freak snowstorm. It got too cold in there, so we'll never know what might have happened with that one.

goodwin November 30, 2015 10:25 PM

Hi Robin,

Thanks for the report, though it sounds like a very unfortunate experience. The most likely explanation is a crossed seed from one of the wild species I was working with. The wild ones are often oddly flavored.
The sheer number of fruit might point to that sort of cross because there would be a lot of hybrid vigor.
It would be ironic if after working for years to finally make successful crosses to something like Solanum corneliomulleri, an accidental cross would pop up. In any case, though, it was not what you wanted or expected. My apologies.


goodwin December 5, 2015 02:54 PM

Hello everyone -

I retired from teaching last year and was able to gather seed from a number of new varieties. My wife claims I left the workplace only to join the vegetable kingdom.
In any case, there is seed available for more than three dozen new tomatoes, most of which are quite rare. I also added more native corns, chile and beans.
If there is anything you would like to sample, I would be happy to send it or exchange for other seed. There are more than 250 varieties now in the catalog, so maybe my wife is right.
In Northern New Mexico the snow has begun piling up in the mountains and it looks and feels like winter. I can take a little break.
I hope you all are able to relax with friends and family over the holidays. Spring will be here soon enough!

Desert Jonathan December 8, 2015 08:36 PM

"......................Spring will be here soon enough! "

Good attitude Lee, I like it. ;)

goodwin December 9, 2015 12:15 AM

Thanks - it's good to get a break from the field work once the harvest is finished and winter sets in. There is still plenty to be done, but it is nice to slow down a bit, not worry about the weather or the crops, and just enjoy the season.

goodwin December 10, 2015 05:04 PM

Here are photos for some of the new seeds I have. I've been fortunate to find a number with the help of people who have become good friends. I'm very grateful to Dmitry Shlenov from Russia, Jean-Pierre Pillois from Belgium, and Martin Kohutec from Slovakia who sent me seed for some remarkable tomatoes over the past several years.
I'm also fortunate to live in Northern New Mexico where there is a long tradition of agriculture and whose people have kept the old varieties alive. We're all lucky there is such a remarkable diversity of crops available to grow and enjoy.



Desert Jonathan December 10, 2015 08:37 PM

Nice looking fruit. Bet they'll make a great Sammich. ;)


goodwin January 1, 2016 11:13 AM


[/B]Here is a list of what we added to the catalog for 2016. I hope everyone had a great New Years Eve. We actually managed to stay up until 12:00 and ring in the New Year - so we are off to a good start!
Albertovske Zlute
Ananas Noire (original from Belgium)
Ancienne Belge
Bandelier (J&L trial)
Beauty King
Belle de Toggenburg
Bibi Cherry tomato
Black Pepper tomato
Black Strawberry (J&L experimental)
Caspian Pink (Kaspiyskiy Rozovyi)
Cesu Agrais
Chudo Zemli (Wonder of the World)
Coeur de Boeuf Orange
Fater Rein (Vater Rhein)
Getman Mazepa
Giant Italian Paste
Glorie de Malines
Green Apple
Krainiy Sever
Longhorn (J&L trial)
Marilyn's Best
Markham Magnat
Marvel Striped
Merveille des Serres
Mini Mexico
Moya Noire
Novikov's Giant
Orangvoe Serdtse
Pink Champagne Cherry
Pokoritel Serdets (Conqueror of Hearts)
Pum Rim
Rouge de Namur
Serdtse Ashkhabada (Heart of Ashkhabad)
Shokoladnyi (Chocolate)
Silvoryi (green-when-ripe)
Sladkoezhka (cherry tomato)
Striped Sweetheart
Tonnelet (striped tomato)
Valdo (pear tomato)
Wild Cross (J&L grafting rootstock, improved)
Wessel's Purple Pride
Zolotaya Kanareyka (Golden Canary)

[I][U][B]Peppers and Chile[/B][/U][/I]
Black Pearl (ornamental, hot)
Dedo de Moca (mild)
Habenero de Arbol (hot)
Jimmy Nardello
Nambe Chile (from Nambe Pueblo)
Pasilla Pepper
Pimenta Biquinho (Little Beak Pepper)
Red Dragon Cayenne (hot)
Shi★★★★o Pepper (mild)

Glass Gem corn
Hopi Glass corn
Kaleidoscope popcorn (Cherokee)
Mexican Rose (for posole)
Moss Rock dent corn (J&L new)
Rainbow sweet corn (J&L selection)
Zola's (new OP ultrasweet corn, J&L trial)

Anazazi Beans
Rose's Concho Bean (very rare)
Succotash - unusual bean
Tecuigalpa Slippery Silks

Job's Tears

Jaymato January 24, 2016 11:43 PM

I've ordered from J&L twice this year, Lee was very kind and helpful, and the bonuses they give w/ purchase will likely be as good as anything you order! They have one of the best selections of varieties, and many exclusive offerings. Their website is one of my favorite to visit.

goodwin January 25, 2016 09:24 PM

I appreciate that, Jaymato. We've had a great response to the new varieties and it is always fun to hear from folks and talk tomatoes.
We are still in the grip of winter in New Mexico, but the first tomato seedlings are popping up in the heated workshop and there is no turning back now! We'll take over another acre just north of our place this summer which will give us more room for corn and peppers as well as tomatoes. Thanks to everyone who has helped make it possible for us to do what we love doing.


Canehdian January 28, 2016 11:02 AM

J and L has awesome varieties, Lee is a true pioneer, the packages have LOTS of seeds and the postage is not excessive. Some sites its $10 US to ship to Canada, which is almost $15 Canadian after the bank applies their markups! Just want to mention however that I forgot my password and have never been able to get another one to get back in to order more, even though there is a link for that. (I use a Mac if that makes any difference.)

goodwin January 28, 2016 02:09 PM

Hi Canehdian -

When I can use first class mail international (letter mail) the shipping is free. I can't do corn and bean seed that way, but tomato and other small seeds work.
Password retrieval on the website has been a problem when, for unknown reasons, my hosting service changes the email server settings. I'll check into that today.
Anyway, thank you for the compliments!


goodwin January 28, 2016 03:28 PM

Just an update. I believe any problems with resetting a lost password are resolved - at least it was working for me.

jmsieglaff January 28, 2016 03:52 PM


I've obtained seeds for your variety 'Rancho Solito'. I see you've pulled it from your store and will be reselecting for fruits that do not have concentric cracking problems in wet weather. Are you going back to an earlier generation and going forward from there? It's a variety that sounds very interesting and I'm excited to try sometime.


goodwin January 28, 2016 04:52 PM

2015 was the wettest summer I've seen in 30 years. It was like growing in the Pacific Northwest. It was a good test of the plants ability to handle cool, damp weather. ("it's a good test"- that's what we say when disaster strikes) We might see some of the same type of weather with the El Nino this season.
Rancho Solito is a hirsutum cross, PL, rugose and very early. But last year I wasn't able to take many to market and had to dehydrate them instead. So you're right, I'm going back to some F3 and F4 selections to see how they do. I saved seed from about 8 lines. A couple appeared to be blight resistant as well.

braybright April 26, 2016 11:24 PM

Wow, Zolotaya Kanareyka is really unique looking! The site says sold out - will you be restocking it?

goodwin April 27, 2016 07:49 PM

It is unusual with that very long 'beak'. My friend Dmitriy sent me the variety from Russia and I don't know much about the history.
The fruit doesn't produce much seed and so I did run out. I started several plants this spring and I'll have more this fall.
However, I could send you half a dozen seeds to start if you'd like. I think there are about 20 left in the jar. PM me if you have room this season and are interested in a trade or returning seed to me at the end of the season.


braybright April 27, 2016 08:37 PM

That is very kind of you! I'll send a pm.

goodwin April 28, 2016 05:09 PM

You are welcome. That goes for other seed I have as well. It is good to share these varieties and see them grown.


UFXEFU April 28, 2016 10:13 PM

Did you sow the red Sugar Drop seed I sent you? I am growing out 3 plants and have shared seedlings with 4 friends. My plants are blooming but no fruit set yet.


Bipetual August 31, 2016 07:32 PM

Just wanted to say I grew Ambrosia Gold this year and loved it. The little gems are just morsels of intense deliciousness! No cracking, either. Very few of them actually made it into the house because I ate them as soon as I picked them.;)

goodwin August 31, 2016 11:46 PM

Bipetual -

It is always nice to hear a report like that. I've had a good year with the variety as well and taken loads to the farmers market here in Santa Fe. We had an unusual summer with heat through July and then cool, rainy, weather in August. My Ambrosia Reds cracked a little, but the Golds and the Ambrosia Orange were fine. Anyway, thanks, and good luck with everything else in the garden.


goodwin December 25, 2016 07:52 PM

Merry Christmas everyone! The mountains here look like a Christmas card and it is almost time to think about the new season.
Our catalog is out and we added a bunch of new tomatoes, peppers, and corn. There are over 300 varieties now, all raised on our farm. So much for retirement! The 2017 catalog can be found on the farm web page.
As always, if anyone here would like a sample of something, all you have to do is ask. Jan and I hope all of you are enjoying being with friends and family and wish you the very best.

carolyn137 December 26, 2016 10:27 AM

[QUOTE=goodwin;555353]It is unusual with that very long 'beak'. My friend Dmitriy sent me the variety from Russia and I don't know much about the history.
The fruit doesn't produce much seed and so I did run out. I started several plants this spring and I'll have more this fall.
However, I could send you half a dozen seeds to start if you'd like. I think there are about 20 left in the jar. PM me if you have room this season and are interested in a trade or returning seed to me at the end of the season.


Here's the history Lee


And I have lots of seeds returned from one of my now 7 seed producers who grew it out for seed production this past summer and it will be listed in the next seed offer.

He always sends back his comments about each variety and this is what he wrote for this one

Indet, RL, 3 oz yellow paste teardrop shaped, point on blossom end, good to very good flavor,high yields.

Now my words,his adjectives when describing flavor are way down as compared to those he has written for other varieties. He's grown many thousands of varieties and SSE lists many of them, adding and deleting some each year as I used to do when I was a listed SSE member.

My seeds were originally from Reinhard Kraft in Germany.We'd trade my newest ones for the same # off his list,with pictures, but he didn't want any new ones lately b/c he was concentrating on his breeding efforts.He always listed lots of varieties from Russia.

Hope that helps,


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