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MissMoustache February 19, 2017 02:49 PM

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It needs a really good weeding once the soil dries a bit more and I need to add compost and gravel then cover with landscape fabric and mulch it to get rid of the grass. It got terribly over grown when I sprained my wrists last spring and couldn't do much.

I'm going to get some more pink roses. I'm already growing lavender (Munstead), salvia (May Night), and I'll split off more golden oregano to give it a look more like this!

I've planted purple alliums and next month I'm going to sprinkle some red Ladybird poppy seeds to get a look like the second picture in spring.

(Both inspirational pictures are from Pinterest )

AlittleSalt February 19, 2017 02:56 PM

That is beautiful. :)

MissMoustache February 20, 2017 01:23 PM

Thank you Salt! The flower pictures at not from my garden but that's the look I'm going for. (I found them on Pinterest.)

This flower bed is next to a patio I built a couple years ago so I want there to be absolutely gorgeous flowers from spring to fall for me (and my neighbours) to enjoy.

I'm hoping that I can find roses for the same deal I saw a couple years ago. Or maybe I can ask around for some rooted cuttings locally. I only need four or five of them to make this sort of hedge but if I order them online it will be more than my budget will take.

MissMoustache February 20, 2017 01:36 PM

2 Attachment(s)
It's about 45-50° today. Overcast and feels damp. So not nearly as nice out as the last few days. Still...this weather is wild and wacky for a February!

I worked some more on the yard today. Picking up branches and blown in garbage. Walked around checking to see if plants are damaged. My neighbour gave me these rocks to place around a flower bed. They were piled up along with the mulch bags so I placed them all today. Once the soil is thawed I will dig an edged border and place them in it.

And I've laid some landscape cloth and mulch for a path. The area around the path will be covered with cardboard, newspaper, grass clippings, pine needles, leaves, and coffee grounds in thick layers to smother the grass (that hardly grows due to the trees sucking up the nearby moisture and the carpet of pine needles. It just makes sense to go with nature and kill off the struggling grass, instead plant things like ice plants, sedums, and prairie flowers, and use rocks and mulch for interest and color). I'm not worried about planting this year. Just want to get the beds designed, dug/edged, and the grass and weeds smothered and the soil fertility increased.

There are also a LOT of little stones to dig out and a couple of weedy trees that have self down and taken over. I'm seriously considering roundup to kill them off. We've tried cutting them down, tried to rip them out with a truck and chain, tried mowing them (too many little was landscaped around the house but it hasn't been kept up with so I'm trying to reclaim it)and nothing organic is working. I hate to do it...but these gosh darnoodley trees are out one way or another.

MissMoustache March 3, 2017 10:59 AM

I did a lot of things that warm weekend! Sandbox, fire pit, laid landscape fabric and mulch for paths, moved a trellis, set up solar lights, and made two fairy garden pots.

Then we got icy rain, snow, warm rain that melted the snow (which froze the next evening), and more snow. And now this weekend it's supposed to be 60F again. Looks like I'll be back into the garden digging and prepping! I have a frog and wildlife pond to dig, swingset and climbing equipment to cement into the ground and lay mulch around, laundry line to put up (I have new metal poles so I'm going to move it), the rest of my seeds to order (a few flowers and herbs I forgot to order before), more veg and flowers to start inside, new garden beds to build and dig, and then before I know it the potatoes and jerusalem artichokes will be here in the mail and the growing season will really start!

MissMoustache March 4, 2017 06:47 PM

It's war.
I have fungus gnats. I knew I should have knocked wood when I said I hadn't had them in two years!

I added crushed mosquito dunks to the watering cans. I sprayed the soil down with a mix of 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide and 4 parts water. Set out apple cider vinegar in shot glasses with a drop of dish soap in each. Put up yellow sticky traps and tapes. And now I have to wait while they....


MissMoustache March 4, 2017 07:31 PM

In better happier news I started more seeds today! Including the first tomatoes! I started Cowlick Brandywine, Stump of the World, German Johnson Benton Strain, Csikos Botermo, Red Siberian, Sun Gold F1, Cosmonaut Volkov, Bloody Butcher, to be put out in 6-8 weeks (inside Wall O' Waters, I have floating row cover to add over the top too).

I also started another batch of herbs: common oregano, marjoram, common thyme, summer savory, catnip, and winter savory.

And then lastly in the tray is another round of cayenne peppers since none of mine germinated (I'm thinking they're gonners with the fungus gnats so time to resow), some tomatillos (purple, green, and pineapple), and a six pack each of Patio Pleaser sweet pepper and Shooting Stars eggplant. Those last two are for requests from people I'm growing for.

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