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raindrops27 August 3, 2011 04:40 PM

Thank you both kindly. So, 10 plants, it will be. If, I have the room. :)

Wi-sunflower September 1, 2011 07:45 AM

Hi everyone,

I want to apologize to all.

I haven't been around the board much lately.

I also haven't been able to get to orders the last month. I have about a dozen orders, mostly from TV members I think. It will be around the middle of Sept before I will have time and energy to work on them.

This growing season (if you can call it that LOL) has been horrible for me. Obviously not like getting a hurricane, but still very challenging for me. I've been having a lot of stress migraines lately. That's part of the reason I'm so behind on orders.

Another reason for the migraines is that when we've been checking on many of the plants, it's obvious that some of my spring greenhouse workers didn't pay attention to properly marking the seedlings they were potting up. Lots of stuff that isn't what it is labeled. I don't know what seed I'll be able to collect yet this fall as stuff is such a mess.

It's been one problem after another this year. I can't wait for it to be over. Hopefully the next year will be better.


Sun City Linda September 1, 2011 12:06 PM

Carol- So sorry to hear your having such a tough time. :( I am one of those orders and I put a note when I placed the order "No hurry Carol" as I was hoping you were busy with harvest. Next years seed so anytime before 2012 works for me. Actually, early 2012 works too! Put my order on the bottom of your to do list. I will be praying for you. LInda

Elizabeth September 1, 2011 01:21 PM

Hi Carol,

I'm another of the orders - I ordered them as aNightOwl from - no worries. I don't need the new seeds for a few months.

I hope things turn around for you soon.

Wi-sunflower September 1, 2011 03:27 PM

I knew about you 2 and that you didn't need them right away. But I was hoping to have gotten to them by now.

I didn't want this to sound like a woe is me post as I know a whole lot of others have had bad seasons too.

I just wanted to let people know I'm rather backed up with work and will get to orders when I can.

Thanks everyone,

delltraveller September 1, 2011 03:30 PM

Hi Carol,

One of the orders is mine, too. No worries.

I get migraines, too, and the last couple weeks have had them repeatedly. Besides stress, which can be a trigger, mine get triggered by changes in weather, as in weather fronts moving through and changes in barometric pressure.

Tania September 1, 2011 06:15 PM


I am sure the things will start getting better for you, they always do! Please hold on, and not get stressed up. It helps to relax and take it easy sometimes.

Best luck for the remaining harvest and best wishes for the next growing season!


Wi-sunflower September 2, 2011 08:00 AM

Tania, you of all people truly know a difficult season with your health issues and growing problems too. I'm in no way in as bad a situation, but I do tend to stress over stuff.

Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement and understanding.

We have found a few interesting varieties including a few of the Dwarf project varieties. I should have plenty of seeds from several of those.

Lots of work to do after I recover from this coming weekend. We have 3 market days in a row. This is the only time of the year I try that. But if the weather co-operates it can turn a so-so market season around.

That's been part of my stress. We've had a decent amount of stuff to sell. But we've had way toooo many market days that have been stormy so sales have stunk. We didn't make payroll for my part-timers most of Aug. Usually we start to have money for ourselves by now.

Time to get to work,

Hulamom September 2, 2011 08:53 AM


I just recently ordered from you and I also want you to know I'm not in a rush so take your time getting my order to me.

Aloha, Lucy

greyghost September 14, 2011 11:58 AM

Carol asked me to let people know she's currently having e-mail/general
computer problems with her new computer. When she gets up and running,
she'll be back on T'Ville! Darlene

Sun City Linda September 14, 2011 12:10 PM

Ohhhh, Poor Carol. I HATE it when I have to get a new computer.:cry: LInda

tomakers September 14, 2011 05:45 PM

I thought computer problems were "why" you got a new computer.:surprised:

Sun City Linda September 14, 2011 05:52 PM

LOL only if you are moderately tech savy. Otherwise, it is the beginning of sorrows, trying to get everything switched over and working. "Working" being the key.:dizzy:

nancyruhl September 17, 2011 10:48 AM

My order can also wait until whenever it works for you. Can't grow any of them until then anyway. Hope things are going better for you.

delltraveller September 26, 2011 05:45 PM

Anyone know if Carol has kicked that new computer enough times to be up and running again?

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