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kerry.heafner April 25, 2010 05:37 PM

Jiffy Seed Starting Mix
Have been away from the board for a while. Just wondering if anyone out there in Tomatoville has had problems with the Jiffy brand seed starting mixes this year. Our seeds have been sluggish this year, and the seed starting mix has been hard to wet, prone to molding, and just generally leaving a lot to be desired. Planted two flats of Mortgage Lifters and Millionaires last week in Pro-Mix, and they were germinated in four days.
Anyone else encounter problems with the Jiffy seed starting mix?

Sherry_AK April 25, 2010 07:08 PM

[FONT=Arial]I found the same … very hard to wet (it always is, but this year was worse) and seedlings had very poor growth. When I started transplanting into ProMix, some of the cells were dry as dust. I didn’t have any mold though. [/FONT]

coloken April 25, 2010 07:12 PM

You shure make me wonder. Earlier I started a bunch of tomatoes in miracle grow potting mix with great results. More recently I tried a few more in jiffy starting mix and am having all most no germination. I blamed the seed or the moon was wrong.

peggyneckfarms April 25, 2010 07:29 PM

I had the same problems. Had many no germinations and sluggish starts. Next year will be pro mix for sure. Southern States has 3.6 bail for $22.95

danwigz April 25, 2010 11:47 PM

I used Jiffy mix for a few of my seeds and I didn't have any problems with germination, however I did have problems making sure the mix stayed wet; it seems to repel water instead of drinking it up like I'd expect.


b54red April 26, 2010 12:00 AM

I had great luck with the first two bags of Jiffy seed starter. I also started some in two other mixes and neither did as good as the Jiffy. One got moldy real quick,even before the seeds could pop up and the other dried out too quick.
I used the hot water in the bag to wet mine and after that had no trouble keeping it wet. The one thing I did notice is that even when it is wet it tends to look dry which is better than the Miracle Grow seed starting mix which looks wet when it isn't.
I'll be starting some seed with the Jiffy this week and will see if this recently purchased bag has problems.

coloken April 26, 2010 11:17 AM

The more I think about it, I am convinced it caused me problems. 12 days since 6 seeds in a tray..2 little sprouts. Another variety in 3 inch pot with 2 seeds, no anything. My usual is 4 to 5 days with a heat pad. I moved the 2 sprouts to a MG pot and replanted the other with my old stand by MG potting mix. It could be its water holdiing, or not holding that is makeing it touchey. Any way, the rest of the bag is dumped out on the garden.

Barryblushes April 26, 2010 11:28 AM

Last year I used Jiffy Mix and had no problems germination wise.But there was all kinds of sticks,and twigs in it.Think I even found a '68 Chevy bumper near the bottom of one bag :twisted: .This year my wife got me 2 Ferry Morse Mix bags, and very few sticks and twigs.On the Jiffy Mix, I added some Perlite last year,this year I didnt add it.I found no difference in germination.But Im sticking to the Ferry Morse brand for sure. Barry

OmahaJB May 6, 2010 08:35 AM

I'm not a fan of Jiffy seed starting soil. Sometime last year I needed to start some seeds and only had Cactus, Palm, and Citrus soil so decided to give it a try rather than buying a new bag of Jiffy. Wasn't sure how seedlings would react but it turned out they reacted tremendously well, and much better than any seedlings I've ever had using Jiffy seed starting soil. By the time they were ready to transplant they looked as big, strong, and healthy as any seedling I've seen in a greenhouse for sale. And that was using only shoplights with bulbs that have needed replacing for a year because they had lost much of their effectiveness.

I will say though, I recently bought a new bag of MG Cactus, Palm and Citrus soil and it had more tiny sticks and other things than the first two bags I had used. The seedlings are still responding well, however.

PaulF May 6, 2010 02:08 PM

I have used Miracle-gro as my seed starting mix for years without any problems. After all the discussion on a better way to start seeds without the added fertilizer, etc., I decided to go with a seed starter. I picked up Jiffy mix and all my tomatoes were sluggish in growth habit. None died, but everything was about two to three weeks behind. Lots of mold, too.

As soon as I did the first transplant I got the growth spurt I expected, but the stems were not as well developed as in the past. Will I go with a starter mix again? Probably not. Will I use Jiffy? No, never.

After all that, what I put in the ground on Monday will be OK and will produce. Not a catastrophe, just a learning situation.

louster May 6, 2010 08:50 PM

I, too have always used Miracle Grow seed starting mix. After reading the post on the success rate with the Cactus, Palm, and Citrus mix, I bought some this year to try. Almost none of my seeds came up, and the ones that did looked terrible. So I started over with what was available at the local hardware store, which was Jiffy. Had much better germination, but the seedlings were stunted and I had the mold problem also. Last week I finished transplanting into 4" pots with Miracle Grow potting soil, and they have really taken off and done well. So for me, at least, lesson learned...stick with what works for you!!

OmahaJB May 7, 2010 05:06 PM

[QUOTE=louster;167925]I, too have always used Miracle Grow seed starting mix. After reading the post on the success rate with the Cactus, Palm, and Citrus mix, I bought some this year to try. Almost none of my seeds came up, and the ones that did looked terrible. So I started over with what was available at the local hardware store, which was Jiffy. Had much better germination, but the seedlings were stunted and I had the mold problem also. Last week I finished transplanting into 4" pots with Miracle Grow potting soil, and they have really taken off and done well. So for me, at least, lesson learned...stick with what works for you!![/QUOTE]


Sorry to hear you had trouble with the Cactus, Palm & Citrus mix. It's worked very well for me, and I've started tomato, pepper, eggplant, sunflower, cucumber, melon, and squash so far. Only thing that hasn't germinated yet are the beans, but I just planted them a couple days ago and the seed is 4 & 5 years old.

Where I really notice the difference is when the seedlings are a few weeks old. I also like the fact the soil doesn't dry out super quick, yet doesn't get soggy unless I overwater.

But I agree, use what works for you. There's more than one way to skin a rabbit!

louster May 8, 2010 08:21 AM

Omaha.....not your fault!!! We learn by trying new things....what I learned here is to try new things on a smaller scale first! Maybe I should try some of the Cactus mix when I transplant to 4" pots next year. I did like the texture of that mix.

Hoping we all have a great tomato-growing year!!

b54red May 8, 2010 10:00 AM

I've had mold problems with all seed starting mixes I have tried except the Jiffy last year. So I think the problem is you never know what these guys will put in their mix. Maybe some years they have better quality materials than other years. The newest bag of Jiffy I bought smells moldy even before I used it so I am expecting problems with it. I try to use a couple of different mixes each year for my main seed planting. That way if one gives me problems I usually have one or two that don't.
Seems to me they could be a little more consistant with their quality control. I have found great differences in the quality from time to time within the same brand.

coloken May 8, 2010 10:25 AM

I will sure go with what [URL=""]b54red[/URL] says. My best has all ways been MG potting mix. But this week i needed to start some more that I was short on. This bag of MG potting mix is nothing like what I am use to. Big chunks an such. I should have screened it but i did not. Now I worry that I may have a problem.

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