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remy September 6, 2009 08:58 AM

2009 TasteFest Review and Winners
The party was a great success this year! The best yet, I would say. The weather was perfect and so was the company. I took pics of most of the tomatoes, and others took pics of the people. I have to work today so I don't have time to get mine ready to post yet, but I have the next couple days off so they will go up soon. I will post others' pics as I get them.
There were 76 varieties to vote on. A few varieties showed up late so the total count was more like 90.
The winners this year were:
Best Tasting ~ Indian Stripe, grown by Jerry P.
Sweetest ~ Snow White, grown by Mark Korney
Tangiest~ ???(a green mystery from a pkt. from Tomatofest) grown by Richard Price.
Largest ~ Slankard's 2lbs. 1.9oz grown by Jerry P.
Smallest ~ Currant grown by me(I finally won something!:lol:)
Prettiest ~ Green Zebra grown by Brenda F.
Ugliest ~ Purple Calabash grown by Richard Price
Norm Brown Award for Craziest Tomato Lover(who ever travels the farthest to come) ~ Jim(Jimche) and Galina from NJ

Thanks to all who came and made the party a great success! You know I realize now we forgot a group picture, oh well next year!

korney19 September 6, 2009 09:41 AM

Actually, it was Indian Stripe, not Vintage Wine, that won Best Tasting Tomato!

Jerry still has my camera, if he brings it back today, I'll ask him to give me his CF card and I'll do the editing & resizing and try to post the individual pics.

Did you make a list of which varieties? I don't remember many duplicates but do remember there were 102 plates!

Jerry just called, he will make a CD of the pics & get them to me in the next couple hours hopefully.

Zana September 6, 2009 10:07 AM

I'm barely upright....but still have a smile on my face just thinking about how fun it was yesterday (although I don't include the parking lot at the border in the fun part - grrrrrrrrr). For those that left before I got there....sorry to have missed you, but my Dad was happy to see that some of the baklava came back for him. LOL Sorry I missed all the main festivities, but I can vouch for the fact that all the food that was still spread out was delish! (Another reason to be upset about the backup/parking lot at the border - no meat on a stick left to sample....sighhhh....grrrrrrrrr)

Since I made a few "shopping" stops on the way home...even at that hour - God, I love 24 hour grocery stores....and what's a trip across the border without a stop at Tar-get?!? - I ended up pulling over for a wee nap on the way home. Think I got back closer to 3 least the border crossing took less than 15 minutes at that hour. So I may go back to bed for more zzzzz's.

I'll work on making a full list of those we "bagged" up to save seeds later today. I'm not sure, but I think we had baggies of all varieties, didn't we? This year there were still bits of cut up ones of everything left, so I think I may have a full representation of all varieties, unlike last year. I may have to go thru the bags and taste more of them....I was tasting as I was bagging, but with 3-4 of us bagging, I obviously didn't try them all. A

Lots of great people - returnees and newbies too. Great to see that Jim and Galina made it - I wasn't sure if they'd get my pm with the directions in time, since it was posted in the wee hours on Saturday morning. Thanks for the seeds, Richard! Now I'm going to file last year's seeds into my main collection and will segregate this year's until next year's

Once again, my thanks goes to Remy and her family for their fabulous hospitality and all those that made this year's event what it was. Lots of great memories! I'll be back next year with bells on!

Zana September 6, 2009 10:08 AM

PS - I just wasn't the same not having to dodge Hilde and her camera.....heeheehee. Oh right....I missed you Hilde....but not your camera! LOL

korney19 September 6, 2009 01:44 PM

I'm resizing pics from the show now. I see that we didn't get pics of the table in the back, maybe Remy did. Not pictured there were:

Cherokee Green Grape
Quartz Multiflora
Black Cherry
Joe's Plum
Granny Cantrell's German
Gregori's Altai (pink, not red; the red version was from the late Chuck Wyatt in MD)
Oleyar's German, which got moved to the middle table
KBHeart Red (PL)
KBHeart Pink 13N & 13S.
Earl of Edgecombe (I brought it but don't know where it went!)
Red Rose (a commercial Rutgers x Brandywine OP, I grew 1 plant that was PL)
Nipples (I think someone moved it to the Smallest category table)

remy September 6, 2009 05:48 PM

I don't know why I wrote Vintage Wine! Must be the wine I was drinking last night:D . Anyway I fixed it.
I did get pics of the back table, not sure if I got them all, but at least most of them.
I also had a big brain fart yesterday! I forgot to thnk you for the excellent job on the certificates and awards as usual!! You know I appreciate it very much, the scale too!

I'm glad you made it across the border yesterday, and that you made it home safe too!

Hilde September 6, 2009 06:00 PM

Hi guys, it sounds like you had a great tomato taste fest! I wish I could have been there with all of you and tasting all those fantastic tomatoes! I see I even missed out on that baklava! Darn! Now, what is taking you so long with posting the pictures? ;):lol:


korney19 September 6, 2009 07:26 PM

[quote=Hilde;143456]Hi guys, it sounds like you had a great tomato taste fest! I wish I could have been there with all of you and tasting all those fantastic tomatoes! I see I even missed out on that baklava! Darn! [B]Now, what is taking you so long with posting the pictures? [/B];):lol:


I HAVE 118 PICS, reduced from 194MB to 8.8MB. Most were around 4MB each, got most down to 60-70kb each.

How did you post them last time? Is there a bulk uploader? I even named each file properly instead of just leaving the raw camera names...

korney19 September 6, 2009 07:50 PM

102 Attachment(s)
Here are the tomatoes, there are still some pics we are missing... STILL LOOKING FOR RED ROSE (PL) PIC... Pictured individually (so far) are 87 unique 1 plate had 2 varieties (so 88.) There ARE MORE but not sure what is on the corner table for the smallest category--I didn't include the tiniest ones (but did include the huckleberries!)

If using WinXP or newer, and have tooltips turned on, you can hover your mouse over any pic to see the filename, some of which are more than just a filename, like captions! (see the people post following this post for more captions.)

I also added Schwartz Sarah... If anybody has individual plated pics NOT posted below, please let me know so I can shrink/name/resize & add to the list.

Without some of the missing pics, I can't make a complete varieties list yet!

I believe we had 2 entries of Green Zebra, Giant Belgium (both appear to be "wrong" Tomato Grower's Supply "free" seeds I believe), Snow White, Tobolsk & Virginia Sweets. Any others please let me know. I also entered two versions of Gregori's Altai, the correct pink one, PLUS a red version I got from the late Chuck Wyatt in, I believe, 2000-2001.

Alright, who put my Olive Hill in the Ugliest contest???

korney19 September 6, 2009 08:05 PM

43 Attachment(s)
Here's everything else: the food, kids having fun, people, preparing the plates, the prizes and our mascot for the day, Korney's Sapphire Brandy Whine!!!

Barbee September 6, 2009 08:50 PM

Lots of varieties represented it looks like. And a big crowd!
Saffy looks like she's having a good ole time :)

korney19 September 6, 2009 09:10 PM

[quote=Barbee;143471]Lots of varieties represented it looks like. And a big crowd!
Saffy looks like she's having a good ole time :)[/quote]

I think with the kids we had maybe 30-35 people.

Yes, Saffy was spoiled rotten! If she wasn't chasing Korney's Jelly Beans up & down the sidewalk, the kids were giving her Milkbones & ice! She [I]loves[/I] tomatoes & corn on the cob, though she didn't figure out how to hold it yet! :lol:

Barbee September 6, 2009 09:40 PM

Here's Miss Penny. Corndog.

korney19 September 6, 2009 09:56 PM


remy September 6, 2009 10:11 PM

Here's the link to the photos I took. I'm still waiting on Sheryl for the people and awards pics.

"Alright, who put my Olive Hill in the Ugliest contest???":twisted: I admit I did it, but it was at the suggestion of one of the people I didn't know. The growth stripes on top of it were ugly.
There were definitely at least 30 adults there so with kids at least 40.

Great to see you post from Norway! Sheryl told me to tell you she missed seeing you and the girls.

That's a cute pic! Mark's dog is a cutie too.

Zana September 7, 2009 12:03 AM

Ok, here is the list I've got now compiled of what I took to process. I believe there are 3 more varieties that were photographed but are not represented in what I took. Perhaps, Remy took a complete tomato of those varieties? They are marked in Red at the end. I've tried to add some identifying characteristics....however when all I had to work with were the leftover "cubes" that had been cut up, sometimes all I could write was a colour. Sometimes the contents of the baggies are so squished already there is no way to tell, and may be a variety that I am not familiar with. So feel free to correct any misspellings or names...or attribute a source. If you can even let us know from where you got your's it would be great too. For those that saw the seed envelopes from last year, I try to keep a provenance when possible listed on the envelope. I can also tell you that some of the varieties have limited seeds from what I can see so far.

I'll let you know when the seed are ready. I'm going to make some sauce tomorrow out of the meat of those I can. Too many people around in the house today to be able to do it.


Ananas Noire
Ananas Noire
Berkeley Tie Dye - Remy Orlowski
Black Cherry
Black and Brown Boar
Black Zebra
Blue Ridge Mountain
Brad's Black Heart
Burracker's Favorite - Yellow w/ Orange/Red BiColour Beefsteak
Carbon - Black Beefsteak
Cherokee Chocolate
Cherokee Green Grape
Clint Eastwood's Rowdy Red
Crnkovic Yugoslavian - pink
Daniels - large red beefsteak?
Depp's Pink Firefly - Remy Orlowski
Dogma's Perfection
Early Glee Remy Orlowski
Eckert's Polish - Remy Orlowski
Gajo de Melon - Remy Orlowski
Giant Belgium
Giant Belgium
Goose Creek
Grosse Cotelee - Remy Orlowski
Granny Cantrell's German
Green Zebra
Green Zebra - Richard Price
Gregori's Altai - Pink
Gregori's Altai Red - large beefsteak - Mark Korney
Grub's Mystery Green - Green Beefsteak
Heart Cross PL & Red
Hellsfrucht - Remy Orlowski
HeShPoLe F7 ([B]He[/B]art [B]Sh[/B]aped [B]Po[/B]tato [B]Le[/B]af)
Indian Stripe
Isis Candy - BiColour Cherry
Italian Sweet
Joe's Plum
Julia Child
KBH - Red
KBH - Pink
KB Heart Pink
Kellogg's Breakfast
Knucklehead F3
Koralik - Red Cherry
Korney's Jelly Bean aka Perry's Cherry - Mark Korney
Korney's XXX
Marizol Korney
Mortgage Lifter Radiator Charlie's
New Big Dwarf - Remy Orlowski
Nipples - Mark Korney - very small red with tiny nipple on blossom end
NoviHan Pink - Galina & Jim Peterson
Oleyar's German - Red Heart?
Orange Small
Paul Robeson
[COLOR="rgb(139, 0, 0)"]PLRL tals ????? - not sure what the name is - can't read the handwriting on the baggie [/COLOR]
Polish Dwarf - Remy Orlowski
Polish Pastel - Remy Orlowski
Pomadoro Tropic - yellow
Purple Calabash - Richard Price
Quartz Multiflora
Red Rose (PL)
Principe Borghese
Richardson - large red beefsteak
Roughwood Golden Tiger - Remy Orlowski
Rozovzi Flamingo - Remy Orlowski - from Andrey B in Minski, Belarus
Russian 117
Sabre - Remy Orlowski
Schwartz Sarah - Black
Small Yellow
Snow White - Remy Orlowski
Snow White
Soldacki - Remy Orlowski
Spuda Yellow Strawberry
Stump of the World - Red
"Tasty Unknown" - Remy Orlowski
Thai Pink Egg
Tobolsk - Yellowish Orange
Tobolsk - Yellowhish Orange
Tom's Yellow Wonder
Victorian Dwarf
Vintage Wine
Virginia Sweet
Virginia Sweet
White Beauty
Yellow Pear
???? (no name) - green with yellowish orange

Olena Ukranian [/COLOR]
The mystery black that was on the same plate as the snow white when the pictures were taken was no longer there when we went to bag up the leftovers for seed saving. So I have no idea what it looks like or where it went.

Thanks for the corrections, Mark. And for the record, I usually write Burracker's Favorite without the "u"...that was just a typo on my part that I didn't catch. Transcribing from the plates to the baggies to the list I made sometimes may have left spellings behind too. There is one I haven't a flipping clue what it says. (PLRL tals ????? - not sure what the name is - can't read the handwriting on the baggie) [/COLOR]

Hilde September 7, 2009 02:33 AM

As far as I know there is no bulk uploader, you just have to upload image after image. Yes, it is quite time consuming. As for resizing and transferring from raw to jpg etc., I use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, which saves an enormous amount of work.


korney19 September 7, 2009 02:43 AM

ok, we need pics of:

Ananas Noire
Black Cherry
Black Zebra
Cherokee Green Grape
Granny Cantrell's German
Gregori's Altai
Joe's Plum
KBHeart Red
KBHeart Pink 13N & 13S
NoviHan Pink - Galina & Jim Peterson
Oleyar's German
Pompadoro Tropic
Red Rose (PL)
Principe Borghese
Thai Pink Egg

On names, I corrected them all in the photos but don't know the proper spelling on Rozovzi Flamingo...

Solda[B]c[/B]ki should have the "c" in it...

Jelly Bean should be Korney's Jelly Bean, aka Perry's Cherry. There is a hybrid variety named Jelly Bean--this is NOT the hybrid. This is aka Perry's Cherry, in honor of Perry from another tomato forum group who lost his life a few years back in a motorcycle accident.

The original Gregori's Altai is pink... Chuck Wyatt gave me seeds to a red one. I brought both, but the official Gregori's Altai is pink...

Brad's Black should be Brad's Black Heart...

Burracker's Favorite, being an American tomato, should be spelled without the "u" in Favorite. I know that's how you do things in the Great White North and England but you must respect original names.

Crnkovic Yugoslavian is pink...

Daniels I'm pretty sure is written without the apostrophe. It is also a large pink, not red.

Hespole F7 should be HeShPoLe F7... it stands for [B]He[/B]art [B]Sh[/B]aped [B]Po[/B]tato [B]Le[/B]af...

Pom[B]p[/B]adoro Tropic I think should be Pomadoro Tropic, or however pomodoro is spelled...

There was also a mystery black tomato on the plate with White Beauty.


As for anything looking not like what it should be:

There were 2 Giant Belgium and both appeared to be wrong. One was red, the other was a medium pinkish purple. Giant Belgium is an XL-XXL pink. Is it just a coincidence that Giant Belgium was distributed as a pack of free seeds this year by a well known seed company in FL? I don't think so. The reds were grown by Jerry from my seeds (the FREE pack from TGS in FL!) There have also been similar problems with their "FREE" seed packets in the past I believe.

Is Vintage Wine a bi-color or pink?


[B]I would NOT distribute seeds from the following:[/B]

[B]ANY KBH/KB Heart varieties[/B]. These are [B]NOT[/B] STABLE and are still early in their filleal generations. They will not grow true and were present for tasting only.

[B]Giant Belgium[/B]. These are NOT true to type.

[B]Spuda Yellow Strawberry.[/B] It may not be stable & may be a mix-up or cross found in German Red Strawberry seeds from Neil Lockhart.

[B]Heart Cross PL & Red[/B]. I'm not sure what this is or who grew it, can we find out?

[B]Knucklehead F3. [/B]Who grew this and any further info?


I will try to let you know here or by other means which varieties I'm the source. I need to get to sleep first!

Hilde September 7, 2009 03:43 AM


Great to see you post from Norway! Sheryl told me to tell you she missed seeing you and the girls.


Thanks Remy! Greetings to Sheryl! Yes, I wish I could have been there. If nothing else, it would have taken the burden off your shoulders with taking and uploading all the pictures, and I would have loved to see all of you. I do not miss last year's snake, though!!! :) I guess this is the first year Stump of the world didn't win best tasting tomato. My mom has Stump in her green house here, so I still get to taste that, sometimes I can even taste it before it ends up in the fridge!


Hilde September 7, 2009 03:46 AM

Wow Zana, saving all those seeds, that's an awful lot of work, and must require a LOT of space since you're doing them all at once!

korney19 September 7, 2009 03:50 AM

I just added 9 more tomato pics to the first page post, thanks Robin, plus copied some from Remy's page too! Off to bed...

korney19 September 7, 2009 10:50 AM

[quote=Zana;143496]Ok, here is the list I've got now compiled of what I took to process. I believe there are 3 more varieties that were photographed but are not represented in what I took. Perhaps, Remy took a complete tomato of those varieties? They are marked in Red at the end. I've tried to add some identifying characteristics....however when all I had to work with were the leftover "cubes" that had been cut up, sometimes all I could write was a colour. Sometimes the contents of the baggies are so squished already there is no way to tell, and may be a variety that I am not familiar with. So feel free to correct any misspellings or names...or attribute a source. If you can even let us know from where you got your's it would be great too. For those that saw the seed envelopes from last year, I try to keep a provenance when possible listed on the envelope. I can also tell you that some of the varieties have limited seeds from what I can see so far.

I'll let you know when the seed are ready. I'm going to make some sauce tomorrow out of the meat of those I can. Too many people around in the house today to be able to do it.


MK/JP Ananas Noire
Ananas Noire
Berkeley Tie Dye - Remy Orlowski
MK Black Cherry
MK/JP Black and Brown Boar
Black Zebra
MK/JP Blue Ridge Mountain
MK/JP Brad's Black Heart
Burracker's Favorite - Yellow w/ Orange/Red BiColour Beefsteak
MK Carbon - Black Beefsteak
Cherokee Chocolate
MK Cherokee Green Grape
Clint Eastwood's Rowdy Red
MK/JP Crnkovic Yugoslavian - pink
MK/JP Daniels - large red beefsteak?[COLOR=red] (Daniels is pink)[/COLOR]
Depp's Pink Firefly - Remy Orlowski
Dogma's Perfection
Early Glee Remy Orlowski
Eckert's Polish - Remy Orlowski
Gajo de Melon - Remy Orlowski
MK/JP Giant Belgium [COLOR=red]see previous note about TGS/seeds[/COLOR]
Giant Belgium
Goose Creek
Grosse Cotelee - Remy Orlowski
MK Granny Cantrell's German
Green Zebra
Green Zebra - Richard Price
MK Gregori's Altai - Pink
MK/JP Gregori's Altai Red - large beefsteak - Mark Korney
MK/JP Grub's Mystery Green - Green Beefsteak
MK/JP Heart Cross PL & Red
Hellsfrucht - Remy Orlowski
MK/JP HeShPoLe F7 ([B]He[/B]art [B]Sh[/B]aped [B]Po[/B]tato [B]Le[/B]af)
MK/JP Indian Stripe
Isis Candy - BiColour Cherry
MK/JP Italian Sweet
MK/JP Joe's Plum
Julia Child
MK/JP KBH - Pink
MK/JP KB Heart Pink
Kellogg's Breakfast
Knucklehead F3
Koralik - Red Cherry
MK/JP Korney's Jelly Bean aka Perry's Cherry - Mark Korney
MK/JP Korney's XXX
MK/JP Kosovo
MK/JP Magnum
MK/JP Marizol Korney
Mortgage Lifter Radiator Charlie's
New Big Dwarf - Remy Orlowski
MK Nipples - Mark Korney - very small red with tiny nipple on blossom end
NoviHan Pink - Galina & Jim Peterson
MK Oleyar's German - Red Heart, my uncle's from NE PA/Poconos area; didn't taste great this year but Neil Lockhart I think rated it "OUTSTANDING."
Orange Small
Paul Robeson
[COLOR=red]PLRL tals ????? - not sure what the name is - can't read the handwriting on the baggie [/COLOR]
Polish Dwarf - Remy Orlowski
Polish Pastel - Remy Orlowski
Pomadoro Tropic - yellow
Purple Calabash - Richard Price
MK Quartz Multiflora [COLOR=red](pink cherry in huge clusters, sometimes as many as 50)[/COLOR]
MK Red Rose (PL) [COLOR=red](this I believe, is a commercial Rutgers x B'Wine cross, I think it should be RL, but 1 plant was PL & went with that one. It's rare getting a recessive gene so many years later!)[/COLOR]
Principe Borghese
MK/JP Richardson - large red beefsteak [COLOR=red](change this to pink)[/COLOR]
MK/JP Rocky
Roughwood Golden Tiger - Remy Orlowski
Rozovzi Flamingo - Remy Orlowski - from Andrey B in Minski, Belarus
MK/JP Russian 117
Sabre - Remy Orlowski
Schwartz Sarah - Black
Small Yellow
Snow White - Remy Orlowski
MK Snow White
Soldacki - Remy Orlowski
MK Spuda Yellow Strawberry
Stump of the World - Red (this should be pink)
"Tasty Unknown" - Remy Orlowski
Thai Pink Egg
Tobolsk - Yellowish Orange
Tobolsk - Yellowhish Orange
Tom's Yellow Wonder
Victorian Dwarf
Vintage Wine
MK/JP Virginia Sweet
Virginia Sweet
White Beauty
Yellow Pear
???? (no name) - green with yellowish orange

[COLOR=red][COLOR=#000000]MK/JP [/COLOR]Slankard's [/COLOR]
[COLOR=red][COLOR=#000000]MK/JP [/COLOR]Mexico [/COLOR]
[COLOR=red][COLOR=#000000]MK/JP [/COLOR]Olena Ukranian [/COLOR]

[COLOR=darkred]The mystery black that was on the same plate as the snow white when the pictures were taken was no longer there when we went to bag up the leftovers for seed saving. So I have no idea what it looks like or where it went. [/COLOR][COLOR=red](the mystery black was on the White Beauty plate)[/COLOR]

[COLOR=darkred]Thanks for the corrections, Mark. And for the record, I usually write Burracker's Favorite without the "u"...that was just a typo on my part that I didn't catch. Transcribing from the plates to the baggies to the list I made sometimes may have left spellings behind too. There is one I haven't a flipping clue what it says. (PLRL tals ????? - not sure what the name is - can't read the handwriting on the baggie) [/COLOR][/quote]

Very good work Z.

I marked your list above which are from me or Jerry Powarski. I think we brought 41 varieties--42 if you include Olive Hill which does not appear on the list--it was on the corner table marked "OH." Plus an Earl of Edgecombe that never got displayed and 2 peppers--Jaloro, a yellow jalapeno, & Yellow Peru (capsicum baccatum--check my spelling.)

You can edit your original post and your private notes. You can use his name as a source for those marked MK/JP.

That's pretty good... Richardson is pink not red... sorry, forgot that one.

Stump is pink too. I'm not sure if Jerry brought Stump or not, I know we grew it at his place but maybe somebody else entered it. Jerry never told me everything he was bringing. If it matters, I can ask, or Remy could check all those ziploc bags in the box behind the table:twisted: to see if there is one numbered "33.":shock:

Did anybody else think that Kellogg's Breakfast looked quite yellow/golden for an ORANGE tomato? Do we know who entered it to find the seed source? It looked even lighter than Aunt Gertie's Gold. :o

That colored text didn't work I think because of the number instead of the color name. I changed it to the word red in my quote above. I would try cross reffing to the pics to see which one you may be missing. Maybe it's from the entries [corner] table that was the pic that I didn't have the whole name?

korney19 September 7, 2009 11:16 AM

I think your mystery tomato is another one of mine/JP's, Polish (Earl's) is probably it! It doesn't show up in your list. It's pictured alphabetically, under P...

remy September 7, 2009 11:37 AM

I'm going to try to add what I know to the list.

MK/JP Ananas Noire
Ananas Noire
Berkeley Tie Dye - Remy Orlowski
MK Black Cherry
MK/JP Black and Brown Boar
Black Zebra
MK/JP Blue Ridge Mountain
MK/JP Brad's Black Heart
Burracker's Favorite - Yellow w/ Orange/Red BiColour Beefsteak
MK Carbon - Black Beefsteak
Cherokee Chocolate
MK Cherokee Green Grape
Clint Eastwood's Rowdy Red
MK/JP Crnkovic Yugoslavian - pink
Currant -[COLOR=DarkGreen]Remy Orlowski[/COLOR]
MK/JP Daniels - large red beefsteak?[COLOR=red] (Daniels is pink)[/COLOR]
Depp's Pink Firefly - Remy Orlowski
Dogma's Perfection
Early Glee Remy Orlowski
Eckert's Polish - Remy Orlowski
Gajo de Melon - Remy Orlowski
MK/JP Giant Belgium [COLOR=red]see previous note about TGS/seeds[/COLOR]
Giant Belgium
Goose Creek -[COLOR=DarkGreen]Rob K.[/COLOR]
Grosse Cotelee - Remy Orlowski
MK Granny Cantrell's German[COLOR=DarkGreen] Red[/COLOR]
Green Zebra -[COLOR=DarkGreen]Brenda F.[/COLOR]
Green Zebra - Richard Price
MK Gregori's Altai - Pink
MK/JP Gregori's Altai Red - large beefsteak - Mark Korney
MK/JP Grub's Mystery Green - Green Beefsteak
MK/JP Heart Cross PL & Red
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Hellfrucht[/COLOR] - Remy Orlowski
MK/JP HeShPoLe F7 ([B]He[/B]art [B]Sh[/B]aped [B]Po[/B]tato [B]Le[/B]af)
MK/JP Indian Stripe
Isis Candy - BiColour Cherry
MK/JP Italian Sweet
MK/JP Joe's Plum
Julia Child
MK/JP KBH - Pink
MK/JP KB Heart Pink
Kellogg's Breakfast
Knucklehead F3 -Remy Orlowksi- [COLOR=DarkGreen]no seeds saved since it is a f3[/COLOR]
Koralik - Red Cherry
MK/JP Korney's Jelly Bean aka Perry's Cherry - Mark Korney
MK/JP Korney's XXX
MK/JP Kosovo
MK/JP Magnum
MK/JP Marizol Korney
Mortgage Lifter Radiator Charlie's
New Big Dwarf - Remy Orlowski
MK Nipples - Mark Korney - very small red with tiny nipple on blossom end
NoviHan Pink - Galina & Jim Peterson
MK Oleyar's German - Red Heart, my uncle's from NE PA/Poconos area; didn't taste great this year but Neil Lockhart I think rated it "OUTSTANDING."
Orange Small
Paul Robeson
[COLOR=red]PLRL tals ????? - not sure what the name is - can't read the handwriting on the baggie [/COLOR]
Polish Dwarf - Remy Orlowski
Polish Pastel - Remy Orlowski
Pomadoro Tropic - yellow
Purple Calabash - Richard Price
MK Quartz Multiflora [COLOR=red](pink cherry in huge clusters, sometimes as many as 50)[/COLOR]
MK Red Rose (PL) [COLOR=red](this I believe, is a commercial Rutgers x B'Wine cross, I think it should be RL, but 1 plant was PL & went with that one. It's rare getting a recessive gene so many years later!)[/COLOR]
Principe Borghese
MK/JP Richardson - large red beefsteak [COLOR=red](change this to pink)[/COLOR]
MK/JP Rocky
Roughwood Golden Tiger - Remy Orlowski
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Rozovyi[/COLOR] Flamingo - Remy Orlowski - from Andrey B in Minski, Belarus[COLOR=DarkGreen] [/COLOR]
MK/JP Russian 117
Sabre - Remy Orlowski
Schwartz Sarah - Black
Small Yellow
Snow White - Remy Orlowski
MK Snow White
Soldacki - Remy Orlowski
MK Spuda Yellow Strawberry
Stump of the World - Red (this should be pink)
"Tasty Unknown" - Remy Orlowski [COLOR=DarkGreen]is a small pink[/COLOR]
Thai Pink Egg
Tobolsk - Yellowish Orange
Tobolsk - Yellowhish Orange
Tom's Yellow Wonder
Victorian Dwarf
[COLOR=Black]Vintage Wine[COLOR=DarkGreen] [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=DarkGreen]is the incorrect variety from Tomatofest[/COLOR]
MK/JP Virginia Sweet
Virginia Sweet[COLOR=DarkGreen] -Rob K.[/COLOR]
White Beauty
Yellow Pear
???? (no name) - [COLOR=DarkGreen]green with yellowish orange - Richard Price, seeds from Tomatofest package[/COLOR]

[COLOR=red][COLOR=#000000]MK/JP [/COLOR]Slankard's [/COLOR]
[COLOR=red][COLOR=#000000]MK/JP [/COLOR]Mexico [/COLOR]
[COLOR=red][COLOR=#000000]MK/JP [/COLOR]Olena Ukranian [/COLOR]

[COLOR=darkred]The mystery black that was on the same plate as the snow white when the pictures were taken was no longer there when we went to bag up the leftovers for seed saving. So I have no idea what it looks like or where it went. [/COLOR][COLOR=red](the mystery black was on the White Beauty plate)[/COLOR] -[COLOR=DarkGreen]It was very tiny and uncut. I put it in for canning since I figure we do not need another unknown variety. [/COLOR]

PaulF September 7, 2009 12:20 PM

Looks like you had a great time. I missed mine this year, so maybe I need to attend two next year; yours and ours. That way I could win something, too. Keep up the fun.


Zana September 7, 2009 12:56 PM

Ok I think this may include all the revisions so always corrections and additions of data would be greatly appreciated

Ananas Noire - Mark Korney/Jerry Powarski
Ananas Noire
Berkeley Tie Dye - Remy Orlowski
Black Cherry - Mark Korney
Black and Brown Boar -Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Black Zebra
Blue Ridge Mountain - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Brad's Black Heart - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Burracker's Favorite Yellow w/ Orange/Red BiColour Beefsteak
Carbon - Mark Korney Black Beefsteak
Cherokee Chocolate
Cherokee Green Grape - Mark Korney
Clint Eastwood's Rowdy Red
Crnkovic Yugoslavian - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski Pink
Currant - Remy Orlowski
Daniels - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski large pink beefsteak
Depp's Pink Firefly - Remy Orlowski
Dagma's Perfection
Early Glee - Remy Orlowski
Eckert's Polish - Remy Orlowski
Gajo de Melon - Remy Orlowski
Giant Belgium - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski not true, from TGS freebies, not for distribution
Giant Belgium not true, from TGS freebies, not for distribution
Goose Creek - Rob Kavanagh
Grosse Cotelee - Remy Orlowski
Granny Cantrell's German - Mark Korney Pink
Green Zebra - Brenda F.
Green Zebra - Richard Price
Gregori's Altai - Mark Korney Pink
Gregori's Altai Red - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski large beefsteak
Grub's Mystery Green - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski Green Beefsteak
Heart Cross Red - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Hellfrucht - Remy Orlowski
HeShPoLe F7 (Heart Shaped Potato Leaf) - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Indian Stripe - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Isis Candy BiColour Cherry
Italian Sweet - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Korney's Jelly Bean (aka Perry's Cherry) - Mark Korney
Joe's Plum - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Julia Child
KBH - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski Red
KBH - Pink - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
KB Heart Pink - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Kellogg's Breakfast
Knucklehead F3 - Remy Orlowski no seeds saved since it is a F3
Koralik Red Cherry
Korney's XXX - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Kosovo - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Magnum - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Marizol Korney - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
New Big Dwarf - Remy Orlowski
Nipples - Mark Korney Small red with tiny nipple on blossom end. They are a cross between Riesentraube and a wild L. cheesmanii orange teardrop shaped, hence the oval shape (cheesmanii) and point & multiflora clusters (Riesentraube.) Come to think of it, cheesmanii may be multiflora too. Both parents are high brix varieties.
NoviHan Pink - Galina Boyan & Jim Peterson
Oleyar's German - Mark Korney Red Heart, my uncle's from NE PA/Poconos area; didn't taste great this year but Neil Lockhart I think rated it "OUTSTANDING"
Orange Small
Paul Robeson
Polish Dwarf - Remy Orlowski
Polish (Earl's) - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Polish Pastel - Remy Orlowski
Pomadoro Tropic yellow
Purple Calabash Richard Price
Quartz Multiflora - Mark Korney pink cherry in huge clusters, sometimes as many as 50
Radiator Charlie's Mortgage Lifter
Red Rose (PL) - Mark Korney this Mark believes, is a commercial Rutgers x B'Wine cross, he thinks it should be RL, but 1 plant was PL & went with that one. It's rare getting a recessive gene so many years later!)
Principe Borghese
Richardson - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski large pink beefsteak
Rocky - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Roughwood Golden Tiger - Remy Orlowski
Rozovyi Flamingo - Remy Orlowski from Andrey in Minsk, Belarus
Russian 117 - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Sabre - Remy Orlowski
Schwartz Sarah Black
Small Yellow
Snow White - Remy Orlowski
Snow White - Mark Korney
Soldaki - Remy Orlowski
Spuda Yellow Strawberry - Mark Korney
Stump of the World Pink
"Tasty Unknown" - Remy Orlowski small pink
Thai Pink Egg
Tobolsk Yellowish Orange
Tobolsk Yellowhish Orange
Tom's Yellow Wonder
Victorian Dwarf
Vintage Wine this is incorrect variety from Tomatofest
Virginia Sweets - Rob Kavanagh
Virginia Sweets - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Wes - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
White Beauty
Yellow Pear
???? (no name) - Richard Price green with yellowish orange; seeds from Tomatofest package

Slankard's - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Mexico - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski
Olena Ukranian - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski

remy September 7, 2009 04:24 PM

[quote=PaulF;143549]Looks like you had a great time. I missed mine this year, so maybe I need to attend two next year; yours and ours. That way I could win something, too. Keep up the fun.

You know you are always welcome to come especially since we didn't get to meet when you were out this way. I think you would have a good shot at that craziest tomato lover prize! :D


korney19 September 7, 2009 04:49 PM


Brad's Black [B]Heart[/B]

Crnkovic Yugoslavian is PINK, not red

Granny Cantrell's German is PINK! (That's why the name got shortened from Granny Cantrell's German Red by VGary)

I think Heart Cross PL & Red - Mark Korney/ Jerry Powarski should be KB Heart Red (there was also a pink RL.) Maybe this is the one you couldn't figure out?

The KBH's there is both a red and a pink. and differences among all 4 plants.

Nipples I would ditch the "very small" part, they aren't usually that small; they are a cross between Riesentraube and a wild L. cheesmanii orange teardrop shaped, hence the oval shape (cheesmanii) and point & multiflora clusters (Riesentraube.) Come to think of it, cheesmanii may be multiflora too. Both parents are high brix varieties.

Robin sent me more pics and I'm extracting more varieties for the pictures post on page 1... I have at least 5 more pics I'm uploading there.

P.S. Where is Earl of Edgecombe and Olive Hill?

habitat_gardener September 7, 2009 04:56 PM

Wow! That's an interesting list.

I noticed one name to double-check because I'm growing it: Dagma's Perfection (not Dogma's or Dagmar's).


korney19 September 7, 2009 05:20 PM

[quote=habitat_gardener;143701]Wow! That's an interesting list.

I noticed one name to double-check because I'm growing it: Dagma's Perfection (not Dogma's or Dagmar's).


iT'S PROBABLY THE SAME as the one at the event. There's a lot of spelling errors along the way!

Is that the one that was named after Gary Isben's girlfriend or something?

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