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SpookyShoe April 7, 2018 05:13 PM

What's blooming now?
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Nun's Orchid and Shrimp Plant.

Donna, Texas Gulf Coast

SpookyShoe April 7, 2018 05:26 PM

Begonia and Foxglove
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Donna, Texas Gulf Coast, zone 9

SpookyShoe April 7, 2018 05:41 PM

Misc. pots
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I planted two of the large pots with gladiolus bulbs. I hope they bloom. This was taken about 2 weeks ago. The ferns along the fence died back b/c of a rare hard freeze where it got down to an unheard of 20 degrees. They are just now starting to come back from the roots. Donna

pmcgrady April 7, 2018 05:59 PM

Daffodils and crocus and 2" of snow tomorrow...

SpookyShoe April 7, 2018 06:00 PM

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I can't kill these. This one has survived since Christmas 2016. What flowers, trees, shrubs, and whatever is blooming for you guys?

Donna, Texas Gulf Coast

jillian April 7, 2018 06:15 PM

Spookyshoe those are all gorgeous!

SpookyShoe April 7, 2018 06:25 PM

Flowering trees yet?
[QUOTE=pmcgrady;693892]Daffodils and crocus and 2" of snow tomorrow...[/QUOTE]

I heard on the news today that the cherry blossoms in DC are at their peak.


pmcgrady April 7, 2018 07:21 PM

Nothing is really blooming here, seems like a month behind last year. No cherries, magnolia, no forthsia no dandelion... no morels YET!

SpookyShoe April 21, 2018 04:26 PM

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Pink "Knockout" rose and yellow miniature rose.

Donna, Texas Gulf Coast

SpookyShoe April 21, 2018 04:32 PM

Impatiens in planter, pineapple sage
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They'll grow a lot as time goes on. The elephant ears are coming back from the roots of the mother plant which died back the abnormally cold winter.

Donna, Texas Gulf Coast, zone 9

SpookyShoe April 21, 2018 05:03 PM

Confederate Jasmine
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This is a very young plant. Blooms are quite fragrant. Bees like.


MissS April 21, 2018 09:04 PM

I sure am glad that someone has flowers. I look out the window and am still seeing snow... :evil:

Salsacharley April 21, 2018 09:30 PM

Donna, your roses are insanely vibrant! All your flowers look very nice.

NarnianGarden April 22, 2018 06:21 AM

Nothing growing in the ground yet. A white narcissus is blooming on my balcony. Smells wonderful, but too strong for indoors.

Edit. Found a pic and description..

SpookyShoe April 22, 2018 10:34 AM

For those with no blooms.....
Courage ( pronounced with French accent)!!!! Your day in the sun is coming!


SpookyShoe April 23, 2018 06:39 PM

Thank you, Salsa.

GoDawgs April 24, 2018 06:54 PM

It was a slow start to spring but stuff is waking up!

This is the Mock Orange (Philadelphus 'Natchez') at the back corner of the house. It's in full bloom and what a scent!


This is an 'Amethyst Falls' wisteria, which is a relatively dwarf type. Unlike the insanely unruly Chinese wisteria that wants to take over the world, Amethyst Falls can be easily kept pruned to a bush shape. Behind it is a Knockout rose.


Any day now there should be a few irises opening. I think we've finally turned the corner and winter has given in.

MissS April 24, 2018 10:17 PM

GoDawgs I do hope that you have a window that you can open by your Mock Orange to allow it's incredible scent into your home. I had one at my old house and just loved it. Thanks for bringing back the memory.
I have never heard of a dwarf wisteria. I am going to look into this one. How old is yours and how tall is it? Do the deer prune it at all?

GoDawgs April 25, 2018 06:38 AM

[QUOTE=MissS;697018]GoDawgs I do hope that you have a window that you can open by your Mock Orange to allow it's incredible scent into your home. I had one at my old house and just loved it. Thanks for bringing back the memory.
I have never heard of a dwarf wisteria. I am going to look into this one. How old is yours and how tall is it? Do the deer prune it at all?[/QUOTE]

The kitchen window above the sink is right there by the plant. Know what? I've never thought to open it! It's a small window and kind of hard to reach over the sink to open but I'm sure gonna do it today!

Gosh, I'm trying to remember when I planted the Amethyst Falls. I worked for a large grower of ornamentals for 18 years and have been retired for seven so it's at least seven years old. I'd say it's about 3' tall and maybe 4-5' wide. The only pruning it gets is after it blooms when I cut off any "wild hairs" and shape it a bit and maybe a few more during the growing season. It's not aggressive at all, unlike the regular wisteria I foolishly planted about 15 years ago. It took four or five years to eventually kill that sucker off!

SpookyShoe April 25, 2018 11:16 AM

Dawg, is that an antique rose behind the wisteria?


SpookyShoe April 25, 2018 11:21 AM

Miniature roses
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When I bought them they didn't have tags.

Donna, Texas Gulf Coast. zone 9

P.S. I saw my first hummingbirds today. I don't get very many in Spring.

GoDawgs April 26, 2018 07:33 AM

[QUOTE=SpookyShoe;697077]Dawg, is that an antique rose behind the wisteria?


Just plain old Knockout. I about gave up growing roses because of the constant battle with disease. Don't need that hassle! But I gave it one more shot with Knockout due to its supposed disease resistance and although they still get a bit of funk on them now and then, it's tolerable.

SpookyShoe April 26, 2018 05:38 PM

[QUOTE=GoDawgs;697200]Just plain old Knockout. I about gave up growing roses because of the constant battle with disease. Don't need that hassle! But I gave it one more shot with Knockout due to its supposed disease resistance and although they still get a bit of funk on them now and then, it's tolerable.[/QUOTE]

I have 2 double Knockouts (pink), an apricot colored "drift" rose, 3 minis, and an antique red rose that I forgot the name of (bad grammar). If the rose is not a shrub, I can't/won't grow it.

Donna, Texas zone 9

GoDawgs April 29, 2018 12:01 PM

The big Chinese Fringe (Loropetalum chinensis) is starting to bloom again after already going through one round earlier in the year. It first blooms during the first spate of warm spring temps, usually late February or early March. Then the next cold wave puts an end to that nonsense!



This is 'Major Wheeler' honeysuckle. It's another early bloomer that gets snapped by cold spells but by now it's probably going to bloom all summer. I think it and the Loro have an early blooming contest going! It's on a trellis next to the garden where I can remember to keep it trimmed.


That's probably the last of the new bloomy stuff for now until the hydrangeas do their thing.

roper2008 April 30, 2018 01:28 PM

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GoDawgs April 30, 2018 04:02 PM

Gorgeous Iris! That's my favorite iris color combo. :yes:

roper2008 May 1, 2018 12:01 PM

Thanks, I bought the plant because it's suppose to bloom twice.

Worth1 May 2, 2018 06:56 AM

My pomegranate is in full bloom and I might get fruit this year.
The pomegranate has one of the most vivid red blooms you ever saw in your life and is water friendly too.

Vitex starting to put out blooms.
Red yucca that is really an agave is in full bloom.
Purple prickly pear bloomed.
Bluebonnets bloomed and now have seed pods.

Worth1 May 2, 2018 08:43 AM

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Rabbit sanctuary behind red bloom.

MissS May 2, 2018 10:29 PM

Yay......Today I had my first Dandelion bloom!
Spring is on it's way.

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