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jennifer28 January 10, 2012 11:17 PM

what's your favorite kind of basil?
What kind of basil do you like to grow?

I like genovese. I am thinking of growing sacred basil for the fun of it.

What do you like? Why?

Father'sDaughter January 10, 2012 11:20 PM

I grew both Genovese and Valentino last year. I liked the Genovese for pesto, but the Valentino was my choice for tomato salads and bruschetta topping.

RobinB January 10, 2012 11:21 PM

I really like the purple ruffles basil. It has the same taste as the green, but is very eye catching in a dish with tomatoes, especially if the tomatoes are all different colors! (You didn't think we could talk about something else without even mentioning tomatoes, did you?)

darwinslair January 10, 2012 11:40 PM

Yikes. Favorite? Have not found one I didnt like. Last year I had about 30 Genovese, 20 sweet italian, 4 Thai and 4 Opal. I like the sheer bulk i get from the genovese. I like the classic taste of the sweet italian. I like the way the thai goes with mint, fish sauce, coconut milk and smoking hot chilis, and I put the opal in everything because it tastes good and adds a color other than green.


Zana January 10, 2012 11:57 PM

Hard to pick a favourite....since I've lost track of how many different ones I've grown over the past 30 years or so. Traditionals are one thing, but I also love the fruit flavoured ones too. I really like the lemon and lime ones....but the flavours of sacred or holy basil is not to be missed if you get a chance. Some interesting nuances to look for in them.


biscgolf January 11, 2012 08:35 AM

genovese for flavor, nufar for disease resistance.

i grow about a dozen different basils each year.

i disagree that purple ruffles tastes like "regular" basil.

this time of year the hands down winner is greek columnar however because it's still growing.

roper2008 January 11, 2012 09:42 AM

The Genovese for cooking. Siam Queen for ornamental. Mrs. burn's
lemon for it's fragrance. I did buy a little cookbook to lean how to use
most of my herbs for next season.

bustani.mama January 11, 2012 10:32 AM

Last year I had this really cool green with purple flecks that im trying to see if it comes back or not lol that was awesome for pics

Id have to say I love the look of the Saim queen tho there was a fuzzy holy that I got at my greenhouse one year that was amazing to grow --tho I haven't grown too many types compared to what's out there lol

Now ask me my favourite herb and I'll say chocolate mint withought question just because a year withought it growing would be bad luck lol

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jennifer28 January 12, 2012 07:42 AM

chocolate mint? does it really taste like chocolate and mint or is it a brown mint?

Germinator January 12, 2012 09:31 AM

Yes, it REALLY does. Last year was my first experience with it and it still is overwintering. It tastes very chocolaty and it is a chef's favorite.

FILMNET January 12, 2012 09:33 AM

Thai Basil or Siam Basil

tam91 January 12, 2012 09:44 AM

Genovese and Opal. The purple ruffles doesn't grow as well for me, and the color fades.

nicky January 12, 2012 09:50 AM

I got desperate making spanakapita last weekend when DH forgot the mint - ran out to the unseasonably warm garden & found some chocolate mint still going. It worked very well in the recipe, very strong tasting. I was growing it in planters around the pool. LOVE the smell on a hot summer day.

I love every kind of basil :D especially with tomato, garlic & olive oil toasted on Naan bread.:yes: Mmmm... great, now I am starving.

lakelady January 12, 2012 10:02 AM

I always grow Genovese and Large Italian, but last year I grew Spicy Globe Basil and it was great for recipes since my kids aren't keen on big leaves in their food, lol..

And if you like Chocolate Mint, you must try Orange and Pineapple too, awesome for lemonade or iced tea or other adult beverages!

Zana January 12, 2012 10:02 AM

Ditto Nicky....and I'm stuck "manning" a recruiting booth at U of Waterloo's Clubs Days and no mint or naan in sight....sighhhhhhhh....lunch is a long way off and now I'm starving

Orange and Pineapple are good too. Somebody I know was trying to cross chocolate and orange. Will have to check how that cross-breeding is doing.



nicky January 12, 2012 10:12 AM

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Jim Westerfield crosses mints & plants are for sale at Richters Herbs... ginger, grapefruit, berries & cream, marshmallow.... crazy! No Chocolate Orange though. I am going to raid the snack cupboard for some Clementines now![/SIZE][/FONT]


and on the thread topic - there is a great variety of basil seed at Richters!


Zana January 12, 2012 10:13 AM

Ginger is a good one. Haven't tried the berries & cream or marshmallow. Will have to recheck Richters...its been awhile. Thanks for reminding me, Nicky.


nicky January 12, 2012 10:16 AM

You are welcome! I got the Mojito mint from Belgian Nurseries (on Hwy 7) last spring. It had a Richters tag on it. I am hoping that they carry a few more this year. Those Mojito leaves were BIG!

bustani.mama January 12, 2012 10:40 AM

I had the mojito last year and it was AMAZING! I think with the 8 basil types I also had the mojito mint and chocolate mint --but I had SO many plants in there there was no room for weeds and the mints couldn't fully "take" lol

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Zana January 12, 2012 12:46 PM

In 2010 I grew the following herbs:
Genovese Basil
Spicy Globe Basil
Sweet Basil
Dark Opal Basil
Lemon Basil
Lime Basil
Cinnamon Basil
Fine Verde Basil
Lettuce Leaf Basil
Purple Ruffles Basil
Queen of Siam Thai Basil
Orange Mint
Chocolate Mint
Pineapple Mint
Ginger Mint
Garlic Chives
Greek Oregano
French Tarragon
Mammoth Dill
Culinary Sage
Pineapple Sage
Summer Savory

I think there were more...but also think that the list for those hasn't been updated on the computer yet. Seems I have some more paperwork to do....sighhhh

bustani.mama January 12, 2012 01:10 PM

Lol that's allways fun! --but then I get to totally overhaul my seed collection (new list new packaging EVERYTHING it seems and I don't expect it to be quick OR easy lol) hopefully lol I can start in 2 weeks and I have the ability to do everything I want to lol (my list is MASSIVE! Lol)

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livinonfaith January 12, 2012 01:33 PM

Lemon basil is my favorite. Wouldn't have a garden without it.

Of course, I've only grown lemon, lettuce leaf, and regular old sweet basil. (And next year I won't grow the lettuce leaf. It had a strong, almost licorice flavor. I suspect it would be good in certain dishes, but we're really not big enough fans of licorice to give it the room.)

sirtanon January 12, 2012 01:53 PM

I made the mistake one year of planting a type of Lime basil.. and now we can't get rid of it!! The thing self seeds like crazy! :panic:

It goes well on fish and with some teas, but I find it has the wrong flavor for most of my normal basil dishes.

Luckily, I also have a very delicious thai basil that seems to hold up in the heat. This one is my fave.

roper2008 January 12, 2012 10:43 PM

I am not a big fan of the licorice flavored basils, but the thai basil's are so
pretty, and it is a good bee attracter. This is my Siam Queen. I will be
growing it again this year.


NorthTom January 16, 2012 11:53 PM

I've never cooked with it, but cinnamon basil is the best smelling plant I've ever grown, imo. Every time I walk by it I have to brush it and take a sniff.

b54red January 21, 2012 04:04 PM

Globe and Thai. I like the smaller leaves and the plants don't usually get so big that they are a problem.

Kierkegaard July 18, 2012 10:48 PM

I'm kind of new to basil. I've only tried sweet, lemon, lime, "purple" and boxwood. I like the boxwood because I can just clip it like a hedge and it tastes great. I'm not crazy about the lemon or lime.

swamper July 19, 2012 08:50 AM

I've grown many over the years, and will always have thai and lemon basil, and a sweet basil for pesto. I prefer sweet basil to genova.

Marseillais is my favorite sweet/ bush type though not the most resistant to mildew or fusarium. I have trialed many bush types. Greek Mini is also interesting for its camphor aroma.

Lucky Dance is a very aromatic lemon basil. I'd like to find a source for bulk seed.

Sweet Thai is a very aromatic thai basil but it doesn't yield as much as some like Siam Queen. Thai Magic looks vigorous and slow to bolt this year and Queenette was also very fragrant. I'm still looking for the perfect thai basil.

I have Cameo dwarf genova basil coming up and it looks very vigorous and compact, also have some later sown Summerlong to see if it's flavor resembles marseillais.

JoParrott July 19, 2012 10:08 AM

My fav is Greek Columnar Basil- it doesn't go to flower, so no trimming necessary (I know it CAN go to seed, but in all my years of growing it, that has not happened). It makes a beautiful compact upright bush about 2 feet tall, and tastes really good.

Lcottomsvcs July 28, 2012 10:08 PM

My favorite hands down is lemon basil. I have tried many of the different strains, they are all good to me. I dry it to make tea mixed with lemon balm, make a lemony paste like pesto for baked chicken or fish, and blend it with softened butter and chives to top baked or grilled salmon. Yum. Now I am hungry.......

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