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greenthumbomaha January 29, 2018 12:00 AM

WTS: personae non gratae at Tomatoville®
I stumbled on this website when doing research on a particular variety.

Not a forum where you can ask a question and get direct responses like here.It seems to be a store, a database, and a bunch of blogs rolled into one.

Just curious. It's a non-profit but the purpose isn't apparent to me. Lovely photos.

- Lisa

sjamesNorway January 29, 2018 02:42 AM

They've listed Craig LeHoullier as an adviser. If he is, then it's legit.


Koala Doug January 29, 2018 11:43 AM

[B][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]Maybe someone could PM Craig's Tomatoville account to see what light he can shed on this website.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

sjamesNorway January 29, 2018 12:44 PM

[QUOTE=Koala Doug;680351][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond]Maybe someone could PM Craig's Tomatoville account to see what light he can shed on this website.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE]
Done. We'll see if he replies.


nctomatoman January 29, 2018 03:05 PM

Hey folks - I am glad you asked (sort of) - the sort of only because I don't completely understand what it's all about either, to this point. I was asked a few years ago by Gary Ibsen to be involved as an adviser - he also brought Mike Dunton from Victory as well in a similar role. They had a big launch event there last year that I was unable to attend due to a timing conflict...I hope to stop in there this spring on our big cross country drive to visit our daughters.

It certainly has a focus on tomatoes, and my current role is really to answer questions that come to me via a contact there - emails that I receive every few days or so - pretty basic questions, really.

As I learn more, I will share more. But like those of you who stumbled upon it - I think we are all waiting to see what it is actually going to "do".

My primary focus on everything I do - at least my aspiration - is openness, sharing, education, learning together, honesty.....and minimizing conflict and drama - and the fervent wish that everyone with a few hours of sun everywhere grows something. Anything I can do in my (definition in progress) role in the organization that fits my aspirations will be done, as my time allows.

Seems like I have this tendency to spread myself thin!

carolyn137 January 29, 2018 04:05 PM


Here you go as in above?

Gary Ibsen?


DonDuck January 29, 2018 04:15 PM

"Tomato" is popular and getting a lot of publicity. Sometimes publicity good or bad attracts folks or groups wanting to shine in the publicity. The home page of The Tomato Society indicates one of the advisors is the founder of The Tomato Foundation. Both web pages may be totally legitimate, but they seem a little long on hype and short on fact. If I'm wrong, I apologize, no disrespect intended.

One example I've noticed is a web page named "Tomato Geeks" which states on the web page "we proudly support The Tomato Growers Association Of America. On the associations web page it states "we proudly support Tomato Geeks. The geeks site sells tomato plants and the association sells tomato seed. The geeks and the association share the same physical address in Michigan. I checked the address out on 3D Google Earth and I didn't see anything impressive. It looks like hyping for a buck.

My Foot Smells January 29, 2018 06:05 PM

[QUOTE=DonDuck;680384]"Tomato" is popular and getting a lot of publicity. Sometimes publicity good or bad attracts folks or groups wanting to shine in the publicity. The home page of The Tomato Society indicates one of the advisors is the founder of The Tomato Foundation. Both web pages may be totally legitimate, but they seem a little long on hype and short on fact. If I'm wrong, I apologize, no disrespect intended.

One example I've noticed is a web page named "Tomato Geeks" which states on the web page "we proudly support The Tomato Growers Association Of America. On the associations web page it states "we proudly support Tomato Geeks. The geeks site sells tomato plants and the association sells tomato seed. The geeks and the association share the same physical address in Michigan. I checked the address out on 3D Google Earth and I didn't see anything impressive. It looks like hyping for a buck.[/QUOTE]

The Duck is a Sleuth!

Fred Hempel January 29, 2018 07:11 PM

Gary Ibsen and Cynthia Sandberg are both well-known tomato people in California.

Ibsen has been selling seeds for awhile ([URL=""]TomatoFest[/URL]) and he used to put on a summer tomato festival in the swanky Carmel Valley with extensive tomato tasting, as well as loads of celebrity chefs who made all kinds of crazy tomato dishes (including cocktails and desserts). I went to one of these. The food was outstanding, and the crowd was diverse, from gardeners and farmers to foodies and corporate types.

Cynthia Sandberg is well known out here for two things: 1. She was a long-time close collaborator with a 3-star Michelin restaurant -- [URL=""]Manresa[/URL], and that collaboration has been extensively covered by the press, and 2. She sells oodles of heirloom tomato plants each spring, at all kinds of events in Northern California. She also gives lots of workshops at her "farm" on biodynamic growing and tomato growing. She is a local tomato Guru.

Here is what I see at the World Tomato Society website:

[B]It is not a store. The World Tomato Society is not selling tomatoes. [/B]

In fact, the "[URL=""]Seed Catalog[/URL]" of tomatoes indicates a link where they can be purchased. For example, if you are interested in the tomato "[URL=""]Solokha[/URL]" the link provided directs you to Tatiana's Tomatobase to purchase seeds.

For a few of the tomatoes, TomatoFest (Ibsen's company) is suggested. But the suggested sources for majority of the tomatoes are an array of outfits that represent a [URL=""]"who's who" of heirloom seed sellers[/URL], many of whom are well-known here at Tomatoville.

There are a number of blog-type articles at the site, and education is the stated goal of the site.

[B]Why the non-profit status, and what are they up to? [/B]They clearly state that the [URL=""]organization is raising $$ to build an educational campus[/URL] near San Jose that will be focused on tomatoes.

While some of the principles clearly are involved in "for profit" business related to this society, and you could argue that the society website will link people to their businesses, my personal feeling is that the conflict of interest factor is relatively benign compared to alot of other stuff I see going on between "foundations" and the businesses of people that run them. These guys seem to be trying to spread the love in the tomato world, and trying to get people onto numerous tomato sites to buy OP tomato seeds (not just their own).

Plus, raising funds for (and setting up) an educational facility seems, to me, to be a pretty dumb thing to do, if you are simply trying to promote your own businesses. These people are pretty successful already, and I would argue they will likely invest more $$ than they will make on this endeavor.

Just my 2 cents.

Oh.. an[URL=""] article about the project[/URL] in the local "Edible" publication.

[QUOTE=greenthumbomaha;680306]I stumbled on this website when doing research on a particular variety.

Not a forum where you can ask a question and get direct responses like here.It seems to be a store, a database, and a bunch of blogs rolled into one.

Just curious. It's a non-profit but the purpose isn't apparent to me. Lovely photos.

- Lisa[/QUOTE]

nctomatoman January 29, 2018 07:16 PM

Excellent post, Fred. From their Facebook and Instragram posting, early on, there is a great focus on education and sharing information.

Like I said above - it is new, and from my point of view it is figuring some stuff out as it goes along. But I've enjoyed my interactions and involvement and the audience it reaches is pretty wide-ranging.

I am certainly pleased to have been asked to be involved.

Fred Hempel January 29, 2018 07:26 PM

From the article I linked (and just read for the 1st time) it looks like Cynthia's collaboration with Manresa (the 3-star Michelin restaurant) sort of slowed down the launch process.

It was interesting to me that this new project is the stated reason that she left her collaboration with Manresa (only so many hours in the day).

Good luck answering all the questions you get. Maybe you could just post your book online. :cute:

KarenO January 29, 2018 07:30 PM

I had come across this in my internet travels as well. It’s a beautiful website and I am glad to see it vetted by Both Craig and Fred (I certainly trust in their opinions)
I will follow the progress of this as it looks very interesting.

KarenO December 8, 2018 11:38 PM

Changed my mind.

ginger2778 December 9, 2018 07:00 AM

[QUOTE=KarenO;720565]Changed my mind.

Especially considering who they hired to run it. :no:

Goodloe December 9, 2018 08:17 AM

I looked at the site. It doesn't appear that they [I]sell[I] seeds. They still list Craig as an adviser.

I'm not entirely clear on its purpose. Maybe it's just one of those high-brow foundation things that well off, well meaning people want "to be involved with"...?

ginger2778 December 9, 2018 09:16 AM

[QUOTE=Goodloe;720575]I looked at the site. It doesn't appear that they [I]sell[I] seeds. They still list Craig as an adviser.

I'm not entirely clear on its purpose. Maybe it's just one of those high-brow foundation things that well off, well meaning people want "to be involved with"...?[/QUOTE]

They asked me to write some articles for them. I said no. They can do the work themselves.

KarenO December 9, 2018 02:10 PM

[QUOTE=ginger2778;720574]Especially considering who they hired to run it. :no:[/QUOTE]

The website is not the issue, that has remained vague in its purpose, colourful and unobjectionable.
The social media presence on the other hand has been much more of a marketing tool for seeds, even greeting cards.
I am reserving my opinion pending further observation.

Patihum December 9, 2018 03:28 PM

As far as I can tell the WTS is mostly just the self promotion of its members. Buy seeds here - eat here - blah blah blah!

Worth1 December 9, 2018 03:37 PM

[QUOTE=Patihum;720600]As far as I can tell the WTS is mostly just the self promotion of its members. Buy seeds here - eat here - blah blah blah![/QUOTE]

Does have that west coast ring to it doesn't it.

I dont see Tomato Growers Supply on the list but I see Howdy Doody.

nctomatoman December 9, 2018 10:08 PM

Definitely reassessing things. Tricky situation - one either gets involved when asked to be able to keep an eye on things, or defers and has no way to express things. But....things have gotten weird, so...stay tuned.

ginger2778 December 10, 2018 09:23 AM

[QUOTE=Patihum;720600]As far as I can tell the WTS is mostly just the self promotion of its members. Buy seeds here - eat here - blah blah blah![/QUOTE]

Facebook page is different.

FarmerShawn December 10, 2018 09:32 AM

I can't guess the motivations behind the efforts. My only experience is the Facebook postings. The photos are gorgeous, and the descriptions of tomatoes I know are spot on accurate. I don't have any problem with a page that tempts me to try a new tomato variety, and provides a link to where I can get the seeds. Maybe I'm just too unsuspicious.

DonDuck December 10, 2018 10:10 AM

I checked out the web site Carolyn provided a link too back in January again. It does seem to have been fleshed out a little more with more meat on what was a pretty bare boned web page. Near the bottom of the page, it has a tomato identifier function which allows you to identify tomatoes by color, shape, size, and type. I identified orange, large, round; and indeterminate. It identified quite a few cultivars which fit the description. I was curious if it would identify KBX. It didn't, but it did identify Kellogg's Breakfast and Orange Minsk and a few others. I didn't follow anything to see if it led me to favored plant or seed vendors. If they continue adding to the site,, it could become a useful data base for information regarding tomatoes much like Tatiana's Tomato Base has been a useful tool for me over the years.

I was wrong. It did identify KBX as the last entry on the second page of photos.

If they would add cultivar histories, preferred growing zones, disease resistance, and tomato based recipes; it would be a great web page/data base.

oldman December 10, 2018 10:35 AM

I took a quick look at the site. It just seems to be a platform to suck people in and market to them. They rank their influencers as highly as their experts. The fact that they even see a need for. "influencers" bothers me. While they seem to have begun adding content it's nicely formatted but not unique to the site. Much of it seems to be what you'd get if you edited some Tomatoville threads into articles. I'm not saying the WTS doesn't have some admirable objectives. I'm just observing that making money seems to be one of their goals. I think if you want to talk tomatoes or learn more about gardening there are better options.

ginger2778 December 10, 2018 12:15 PM

[QUOTE=DonDuck;720641]I checked out the web site Carolyn provided a link too back in January again. It does seem to have been fleshed out a little more with more meat on what was a pretty bare boned web page. Near the bottom of the page, it has a tomato identifier function which allows you to identify tomatoes by color, shape, size, and type. I identified orange, large, round; and indeterminate. It identified quite a few cultivars which fit the description. I was curious if it would identify KBX. It didn't, but it did identify Kellogg's Breakfast and Orange Minsk and a few others. I didn't follow anything to see if it led me to favored plant or seed vendors. If they continue adding to the site,, it could become a useful data base for information regarding tomatoes much like Tatiana's Tomato Base has been a useful tool for me over the years.

I was wrong. It did identify KBX as the last entry on the second page of photos.

If they would add cultivar histories, preferred growing zones, disease resistance, and tomato based recipes; it would be a great web page/data base..


[QUOTE=oldman;720642]I took a quick look at the site. It just seems to be a platform to suck people in and market to them. They rank their influencers as highly as their experts. The fact that they even see a need for. "influencers" bothers me. While they seem to have begun adding content it's nicely formatted but not unique to the site. Much of it seems to be what you'd get if you edited some Tomatoville threads into articles. I'm not saying the WTS doesn't have some admirable objectives. I'm just observing that making money seems to be one of their goals. I think if you want to talk tomatoes or learn more about gardening there are better options.[/QUOTE]
I agree with you both, but here again mostly we are having trouble more with the Facebook page, not really the website.

jtjmartin December 10, 2018 04:38 PM

I took a look at their website and Facebook page and found nothing to be objectionable. They do try to sell some seeds but it's a pretty soft sell. (My wife and I just sat through a local time share presentation to get some cash and vacation points - now that was a hard sell!)

The photos are very professional and the artwork is great. It is very 2018ish with the comments to the comments very affirming and non-judgmental.

I would miss the back and forth sometimes squabbling that passionate tomato-lovers get into here on T-ville. ie: To prune or not to prune?


DonDuck December 10, 2018 07:38 PM

[QUOTE=ginger2778;720650]I agree with you both, but here again mostly we are having trouble more with the Facebook page, not really the website.[/QUOTE]

I have no problem with their facebook postings. I steer clear of facebook. Many years ago, I signed up in the morning and dropped my account the same day. I didn't understand why all those folks I didn't know wanted me to "friend" them. I still have no idea what is on facebook.

AKmark December 10, 2018 08:05 PM

People way over think the most simple things in life. It is a tomato FB page. Enjoy!

pmcgrady December 10, 2018 08:47 PM

[QUOTE=AKmark;720673]People way over think the most simple things in life. It is a tomato FB page. Enjoy![/QUOTE]


JosephineRose December 11, 2018 06:03 PM

Forewarned is fair warned. Thank you all. I too will reserve judgement.

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