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mensplace March 10, 2018 08:58 AM

Sweet golden greek peperoncini
Sine seeing so many references to this here, I did a Google search over about four pages of seed vendors. Some stressed that their offerings had absolutely no heat, while others discussed slight heat, and some even alleged one out of ten were hot. I think that I have experienced the whole range in pickled peppers. Some even just stated Greek Pepperoncini but he shape was all wrong, either the shape of something like our southern hots used for other purposes...very long and pencil thin, while others offered something short and blocky.

After a couple hours confused and frustrated I gave up because I wasn't going to spend the purchase and shipping when this was just something I was interested in, but didn't HAVE to have and just really just wanted a very few seeds of a mild, sweet, Greek pepperoncini because my research did indicate they were supposed to be milder and sweeter than the Italian. Who knows, maybe they ARE exactly the same. Some sites even recommended a totally different pepper...probably because that was what they stocked!

FarmerShawn March 10, 2018 04:11 PM

If you want completely mild, but the long, thin-walled shape, try shish*tos (sp for propriety), which look like pepperoncini without any heat, pretty much.
I grew Golden Greek pepperoncini last year, but I let them get ripe, and, since they had plenty of heat, and turned red just fine, I used them in my fermented hot sauce mix. If I have time, I will try pickling a few "green" ones this year. They were very productive!

mensplace March 10, 2018 04:29 PM

I'm trying to enjoy several varieties while I still can. My wife loves pepperoncini and pickled peppers both for eating fresh, in vinegar sauce, and when cooking. I have never seen or tasted the other {shi★★★★o} but all the descriptions say it is good too. The Greek was described as sweeter than Italian. I just haven't a clue, but trying to find out. Peppers are a whole new pursuit, but interesting.

kayrobbins March 10, 2018 05:47 PM

You can buy the pepperoncini pickled and I have seen fresh ones for sale at some of my local stores. I don't think you will find the Shi★★★★o so it is one you might want to grow. It is so tasty just lightly blistered in olive oil with a little salt after it is done. If you google it there are so many recipes for dipping sauces but I never use any. The other fun thing is this is sometimes referred to as the roulette pepper because while mild there will always be some pretty hot ones. You can't tell by looking but it sure gets your attention when you bite into one.

mensplace March 10, 2018 07:02 PM

Kay, are you familiar with Calabrian or in having cooked with them or tasted? Doesn't seem to be anyone with first hand experience of the true Sweet Greek version of Pepperoni versus the Italian. In this tiny town I have never seen the more unique varieties.

kayrobbins March 11, 2018 06:12 AM

I have not tried either one but the Aleppo really looks interesting. Each year I find a new pepper to add to the garden. I am growing more peppers than tomatoes now.

mensplace March 11, 2018 06:25 AM

Interesting that we are both up at this crazy hour, but I am glad you are many ways. I am interested in the Aleppo and the others, but I think mostly to give me something to do besides just sitting in this chair every day in pain while doing something positive and looking towards a beautiful Spring while I can. Have a blessed Sunday!

kayrobbins March 11, 2018 11:24 AM

I decided I had to grow the Aleppo even though I start my peppers in December and they are already outside and some are even starting to bloom. It stays hot enough in the fall to still get a crop. I also ordered Stavros Greek Pepperoncini and some Swiss Chard since I was out. I ordered from Ohio Heirloom Seeds and for all 3 plus shipping it was just under $9. I have not tried that company before but my usual seed sources did not have the Aleppo.

mensplace March 11, 2018 12:24 PM

You made my day many ways. I got up at five and did some serious reflection and listening. Did a LOT of looking back and considering what is ahead.
Some have said there is little or no difference between the Greek and Italian Pepperoncini. There is, as they are two different varieties.

From Wiki:The friggitello (plural friggitelli) is a sweet Italian chili pepper of the species Capsicum annuum.[1] It is also known as the Golden Greek pepper, Sweet Italian pepper, or Tuscan pepper.[2] In the United States they may be called "pepperoncini"; they are quite distinct from Italian peperoncini, which are hot Italian chili peppers. The friggitello is mild with a slight heat and a hint of bitterness, and is sometimes pickled and sold in jars. In Italy the friggitello is most associated with Tuscany. The Greek variety, which is sweeter, is commonly used elsewhere in Europe and the United States.[1]

[B]I did order the one you referenced,[/B] but noted that the seed provider was from Italy, so I just hope it is the sweet one.

Still looking for the Calabrian, but even there it appears that any pepper from Calabria is Calabrian chili. I'm looking for the shorter, fatter, sweeter one for pickling and cooking, with just a touch of heat, not the long skinny one that is [B]really[/B] hot.

Apparently nobody here is familiar with the picking version of Calabrian.

Thank you so much for that source...they were not expensive on the seed or shipping.

kayrobbins March 11, 2018 03:38 PM

I am so glad you mentioned the peppers. Until a few years ago I only grew Bell, Cayenne, Jalapeno and Serrano peppers. I am always interested in ones that an important part of a region's cuisine. That is what made me want the Aleppo. I have a new neighbor that is from Peru and she has been asking me gardening questions. I told her I would give her pepper plants and when I mentioned Aji Amarillo she was ecstatic. She owns a Peruvian restaurant and that is a key ingredient that she can't find fresh locally. She brought me Cerviche made with whatever version of the pepper she can find and it was really good.

I decided to get the Pepperoncini because I am going to be pickling Peppadews and thought it would be good to have two kinds of peppers.

FarmerShawn March 11, 2018 04:06 PM

[QUOTE=kayrobbins;688442]... The other fun thing is this is sometimes referred to as the roulette pepper because while mild there will always be some pretty hot ones. You can't tell by looking but it sure gets your attention when you bite into one.[/QUOTE]

I have never found anything but the very mildest tingle from any of the shish**os. I have heard that Padrons, a Spanish look-alike, referred to as pepper roulette. Unfortunately, whenever I grow them, I get more hot ones than not hot ones, with an occasional screaming-hot-blow-your-socks-off hot one. Still tasty, but a lot more bite than the sh...os.

kayrobbins March 11, 2018 05:06 PM

I have got my Shi★★★★o seeds from 2 different companies and I have yet to not come across hot ones. They are not unbearably hot but a little surprising. I grew the Padrons once but I did not really like them that much and they did not produce like the Shi★★★★o for me. It may be they were not fond of the extreme heat and humidity here.

mensplace March 11, 2018 06:37 PM

Were they cooked with something else, like fried with cheese stuffing or tasted raw. I'm just thing about the raw versus fried or sautéed jalapenos I have had.

kayrobbins March 14, 2018 08:01 PM

When I ordered the seeds I used Paypal and they put it in pending due to "government regulations"? After 2 days I called Papal to try to figure out what was going on since I have used them for years and never had this happen. After hemhawing around she finally said they were investigating what I was ordering not the company. If I was ordering marijuana seeds I would have used bitcoin not paypal. I explained that it was only 2 types of peppers and swiss chard and right after that it was approved and my order is on the way.

zipcode March 15, 2018 09:57 AM

[QUOTE=FarmerShawn;688669]Unfortunately, whenever I grow them, I get more hot ones than not hot ones, with an occasional screaming-hot-blow-your-socks-off hot one. Still tasty, but a lot more bite than the sh...os.
You need to pick them really young. Ideally while they are still somewhat matte. There's definitely more than one variety circulating as padron, so mature size can vary, but you want the biggest possible in order to have a reasonably sized one picked so young. Towards the autumn when my padrons started to get smaller, they dematted at like 2 cm, I had to eat them hot.
The ones for sale around here in supermarkets (at a fairly 'spicy' price) are about 8 cm, fully matte and 0 heat, great flavour, just smelling them makes your mouth water, most probably some padron style hybrid. Can't seem to find any seeds, most probably some spanish F1s that are not broadly available.

Gardeneer March 15, 2018 11:16 PM

I have grown pepperonci , different kinds, but was not impressed. One they have thin wall thus little meat. Secondly, the skin was too tough. Same goes for Sh!sh!to.

pmcgrady March 15, 2018 11:23 PM

[QUOTE=Gardeneer;689533]I have grown pepperonci , different kinds, but was not impressed. One they have thin wall thus little meat. Secondly, the skin was too tough. Same goes for Sh!sh!to.[/QUOTE]

Shish!to is why God invented olive oil and sea salt...

mensplace March 16, 2018 09:20 AM

just read that sprinkling the foliage when watering makes peppers hotter, so they should be watered from beneath?

greenthumbomaha March 17, 2018 01:44 AM

[QUOTE=mensplace;689587]just read that sprinkling the foliage when watering makes peppers hotter, so they should be watered from beneath?[/QUOTE]

In all my years of reading and talking to people, I've never heard that "advice". I'm in trouble if it is true because that is how I water the main garden and I don't eat hot peppers knowingly :)

- Lisa

kayrobbins March 17, 2018 06:42 AM

I don't think that getting the foliage wet has anything to do with the heat of the pepper. Peppers are hotter when grown in hot and dry conditions. That is what I have read and that has been my experience in my many years or growing peppers.

Worth1 March 17, 2018 06:48 AM

I think maturity of the plant has a bearing on the hotness of peppers to some degree.
And hot dry weather.
Poblanos I picked in August were as hot or hotter than any jalapeno I have ever had.

I have also read where watering makes them hotter.
I think it is hog wash.


mensplace March 17, 2018 10:45 AM

[QUOTE=Worth1;689725]I think maturity of the plant has a bearing on the hotness of peppers to some degree.
And hot dry weather.
Poblanos I picked in August were as hot or hotter than any jalapeno I have ever had.

I have also read where watering makes them hotter.
I think it is hog wash.


PERZACKLY why I asked the experts..........but it would semm best to put sweet peppers in the front yard and hots in the back. I don't have any plant covers

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