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amideutch December 20, 2009 08:52 AM

Gleckler Seedmen is Back
Gleckler Seedmen is an old respected retailer of tomato seeds that fell to the wayside and was brought back to life last year by the founders son with a limited selection of toms. Carolyn Male started and championed a thread in the "Wanted Varieties" Forum entitled "I Need Help" soliciting we members for seed donations of various tomato varieties to get Adam Gleckler on his feet, which we did in an exemplary manner. Here is the updated site with an exciting list of new Tomato varieties for Glecklers that should appeal to the tomato growing masses. Ami


farmall December 20, 2009 09:09 AM

Gleckler Seedmen
We would like to Thank everyone who sent us seeds last year.If anyone see's any discrepencies in the descriptions please let us know. We are currently still uploading pictures and will also be adding some peppers,squash and watermelon.

Thank You for all your help. It is greatly appreciated!
Adam Gleckler

travis December 20, 2009 09:20 AM

Very nice selection with undoctored pictures showing tomatoes obviously grown in normal field conditions, which is helpful and honest. The text accompanying the pictures is in serious need of editing to correct many typos and misspellings. However, I have just trashcanned orders to two other commercial vendors and will order from Gleckler instead!

ContainerTed December 20, 2009 10:48 AM

Very Nice site, Adam. A few spelling issues, but it's looking good. I might also suggest giving cherry tomatoes their own main link like Pink, Red, and Black toms, or, alternatively, include the cherry types under their color.

I couldn't help feeling a sense of pride in seeing all four of the varieties I donated listed (that's my germination % feedback). I think anyone who gives a tinker's hoot about the stuff they send out to others feels the same.

Well, it's time to open a bottle of very good wine and toast this "rebirth" we have all been privileged to witness. "May the winds of business be strong, yet gentle, and always fill your 'sales'.(pun intended)


farmall December 20, 2009 12:38 PM

Thanks Ted and Travis. My wife will be working on all my typos. I did better in sciance, FFA, and math than english in school. our web site has been a pain in the but, the way it sets the tomat catagories up. I've been working on that I should get everything straightened out here soon
p.s I will be sending everyone who sent me seed a packet of our new variety Angora Orange when things slow down here a little bit.

Adam Gleckler

carolyn137 December 20, 2009 12:57 PM

And I pulled up the Gleckler thread in the Dicussions section this AM to say the same.

Adam sent me an e-mail this AM asking if I could read through the blurbs and see if any corrections should me made so I'm going to ask that those of you who sent varieties to Adam check them out for him.

And I'm going to make the same request in the thread in the Discussion Forum.

So if you see anything that need correcting please post it here of there and I'll make a list and send all comments from this Forum and the discussion Forum back to Adam at one time.

Good work Adam, for there are many varieties you list that can't be found anywhere's else.

Tania December 20, 2009 03:18 PM


I am glad to see the old seed vendors are coming back - thank you for the tremendous work that you and your family has done to bring the company back to life!

A couple of comments about the website navigation:
- Yellow and orange tomatoes are only appearing from Red tomatoes page
- same for Cherry tomatoes - the link is only available from green-when-ripe page.

I think you probably wanted them to appear on the left-hand side in the navigation menu?

I have not read all the blurbs, but I noticed that you describe Whippersnapper tomato as indet. I see lots of SSE members listing it as det. and/or compact plant, suitable for hanging baskets.


Tania December 20, 2009 03:31 PM


There is a typo in the variety name:
'Schmatzefien' - it should be 'Schmatzef[B]ei[/B]n' - at least this is how it is spelled in the SSE Yearbooks and by Reinhard Kraft.

What does the word mean? I am not sure, as I do not know German... but google translator comes with something similar to 'fine dinner' or 'savory dinner'...


clara December 20, 2009 04:22 PM

Tania, "schmatzen" is a verb and means "eat noisily" and "fein" is "fine".

Whippersnapper IS det. and best for being used in hanging baskets. You can expect about 300 cherries from a basket/pot of 30 centimeters in diameter. clara

carolyn137 December 20, 2009 05:06 PM

Folks, I have no idea if Adam is going to come back and read what's been posted for him, so I'll ask him about that in terms of if he wants to come back and copy stuff down or if he wants me to do so in case he doesn't have the time to come back and read here.

Actually I think I'll em him tonight about that.

nctomatoman December 20, 2009 05:42 PM

First thing I noticed is that Cherokee Purple is listed as PL...but it is regular leaf. the PL "version" of Cherokee Purple should not really have that as a name, since the true Cherokee Purple is not PL.

Tania December 20, 2009 07:59 PM

Rhodes heirloom should be 'Rho[B]a[/B]des Heirloom'.

Tigerella name has a typo.

Thesaloniki should be Thessaloniki, with 2 's'.

amideutch December 21, 2009 01:09 AM

Adam, if the Cherokee Purple PL came from me you can change the name to "Spudakee Purple" with the (Cherokee Purple PL) in parenthesis and reference this variety to Bill Malin who discovered it around the same time that Baker Creek started offering it's Cherokee Purple PL if my memory is correct. Ami

dice December 21, 2009 01:57 AM

-Anna Marias Heart (variety name)
+Anna Maria's Heart (apostrophe)

patty_b December 21, 2009 09:26 AM

Wondering which came first, RL or PL of Japan Tomato Tree. I have only gotten the RL's. It's a great yellow. Patty

Tania December 21, 2009 11:44 AM

[QUOTE=patty_b;150885]Wondering which came first, RL or PL of Japan Tomato Tree. I have only gotten the RL's. It's a great yellow. Patty[/QUOTE]

All SSE listings indicate that it is RL.


amideutch December 21, 2009 01:32 PM

Adams Japanese Tomato Tree I believe came from me. I got seeds from Reinhard Kraft via Manfred Hahm. I asked Reinhard the question concerning RL/PL. Reinhard got his seed from Andrey and said out of 10 plants grown 6 were PL. Ami

Tania December 21, 2009 02:17 PM

[QUOTE=amideutch;150912]Adams Japanese Tomato Tree I believe came from me. I got seeds from Reinhard Kraft via Manfred Hahm. I asked Reinhard the question concerning RL/PL. Reinhard got his seed from Andrey and said out of 10 plants grown 6 were PL. Ami[/QUOTE]

So there is still a chance that this particular version/strain (PL) may not be stable.

I am not sure where Andrey got his seeds from, but it looks like this variety was offered at SSE Yearbooks at least since 2002. It is described at orange, 6-10 oz, regular leaf.


amideutch December 22, 2009 12:38 AM

I wonder how many plants Adam grew and if they were all PL or a mix and he culled the RL's out. The fruits on my plant were up to 500 grams. Ami

Tania December 22, 2009 12:56 AM


I am thinking if you sent him PL seeds than all his plants should have been PL, unless additional crossing took place...

Btw, I received your seed package today - thank you!!! :)


patty_b December 22, 2009 08:43 AM

Do you think having the Japan Tomato Tree be the RL and Japanese Tomato Tree be the PL would define the two different strains or is there listings for Japanese Tomato Tree in SSE also as RL? Patty

carolyn137 December 22, 2009 11:50 AM

[quote=patty_b;151005]Do you think having the Japan Tomato Tree be the RL and Japanese Tomato Tree be the PL would define the two different strains or is there listings for Japanese Tomato Tree in SSE also as RL? Patty[/quote]

Patty, they aren't two strains when there's a leaf form that isn't the same as the original. Strain has a different meaning as I see it.

I'm wavering here b'c of the many varieties where there's two leaf types known for an original and it isn't and hasn't been abundantly clear to me that the only difference are the genes that that determine leaf type.

it would be if there was a single spontaneous mutation that changed an Rl to a PL, but let's take two different examples.

There's Kellogg's Breakfast and KBX, the PL variant. I think most folks think they're the same except for the leaf form.

But now take Cherokee Purple, which is RL and compare it with Jere Gettles Cherokee Purple Potato Leaf and with Spudakee, Bill Malin's PL version of CP.

Not everyone who compares the two variants thinks they're completely the same as CP,and most of the comments I've seen have related to taste.

I used to think that the reversion from Rl to PL WAS due to a single spontaneous mutation, but keith and I talked about that quite a bit and I agree with him that there are other ways that DNA can be altered, without naming them, and it's perfectly possible that genes other than a leaf form gene can also be changedl

And as Tania said, it could also mean that a variety was not yet genetically stable and the gene flip flops.

There was one variety that did that for me all the time. Craig, what was it? You'll remember b'c you said you had it stabilized.

I'd save seeds from the RL fruits and get both RL and PL in growouts and save seeds from the PL fruits and would get PL and RL in the growouts.

Frustrating as heck.

amideutch December 22, 2009 01:45 PM

And to throw another in the mix is the Akers West Virgina PL I grew this year. Got the seed from LooneyLinda at Davesgarden who got seeds from Sand Hill in 2007 and upon growout of 20 plants 3 were PL's. Saved seed from PL and grew next year and they were all PL's from where I got my seed. Ami

GunnarSK December 22, 2009 05:00 PM

Shapka Monomakha is of course right, but the translation to English is not. instead of Monomakha's (hat) it should say Monomakh's (whatever), as "a" in Russian is a declination ending (Genitive) a not a part of the word/name.

carolyn137 December 22, 2009 06:23 PM

[quote=GunnarSK;151052]Shapka Monomakha is of course right, but the translation to English is not. instead of Monomakha's (hat) it should say Monomakh's (whatever), as "a" in Russian is a declination ending (Genitive) a not a part of the word/name.[/quote]


Gunnar, since you started a thread about this variety at idig I thought I'd link to it here b'c Tania and others chimed in and it doesn't seem to be all that clear cut.

The variety was introduced by Andrey as M's hat and you and some others said, I think, it should be M's cap.

Maybe others could read the above thread and give an opinion as well.

farmall December 22, 2009 07:11 PM

Ted My garden notes for the cp show that they were all the same pl about 14 plants

The japan tomato tree I show they were all pl about 16 plants

Thanks to everyone for all the help I'll be working on correcting this stuff for the next couple of days.

Duh_Vinci December 22, 2009 08:17 PM

[quote=carolyn137;151059]...The variety was introduced by Andrey as M's hat and you and some others said, I think, it should be M's cap.

Maybe others could read the above thread and give an opinion as well.[/quote]


I did read the entire thread, and I can see how one may consider translating it as a "Cap", specially due to it's shape. "Шапка Мономаха" is a very unique attire, dome, made with gold, and decorated with precious stones and fur, etc. It is believed to be called that very name for the first time in 1500's. - But, I don't believe that the definition of the word "cap" even existed back in those days.

More so, any attire to be worn on someone's head, that included fur, would automatically be called a "hat". In the simple terms, "Shapka" - is a piece of attire that one would wear on their head, but not a "light" piece and by no means represents any type of straw hat, or anything else of summer resemblance (a different names are used for those). Hat is usually a head attire to keep a person warm.

I did pull up 2 dictionaries (Russian to English), and neither mentions an English word "Cap" under any variations.

So with all do respect, I must agree with Andrey on the translation, "Monomakh's Hat" ;)

Kind regards,

P.S. Now that I've read about this variety - interest has risen, and looks like I have to get some seeds from Tania

amideutch December 23, 2009 01:33 AM

Duh_Vinci, you will not be disappointed with Shapka Monomakha. It is an excellent variety. Ami

Tania December 23, 2009 01:54 AM


I'd still go with Wikipedia: [URL="'s_Cap"]'s_Cap[/URL]

or Britannica Online Encyclopedia: [URL=""][/URL]

Google: [URL=""][/URL]

Another possible (and legitimate) translation is 'The Crown of Monomakh'.

Given the controversy (as it often happens with 'foreign' variety names), it is always better to stick with the original name in the original language and provide 'possible' translations in the description of a variety. Otherwise, some folks in the future may think of 'Monomakh's Cap' and 'Monomakh's Hat' as two different varieties... ;)


travis December 23, 2009 01:12 PM

I'll try to say this in an attempt at a friendly and constructive suggestion. I hope no one takes offense. The website should set as a goal a professional first impression. In that regard, I think most of the comments have been more hung up on the minutia of PL vs RL and whether shapka translates as cap or hat or crown or whatever. Yet if I put myself in the position of just a casual amateur gardener, I think I'd rather feel I was ordering from a professional seed vendor than whether the varietal names reflect perfect Russian to English translations. And with regard to PL vs RL, I have received seeds for Russian varieties directly from Belarus and Russia where when grown out gave both leaf expressions. So, that appears not to be so uncommon, in my experience anyway.

What I am getting around to saying and trying to be polite about it is there are grammatical errors in nearly every seed description on the website and I think when you post something on the Worldwide Web, you are exposing it to a worldwide audience where a professional appearance is critical if one wants to be perceived as such.

Now this may seem petty to some and maybe it is. I could care less about spelling, context, typos, etc. when reading discussions on gardening boards. So long as I can understand the message, it makes no difference to me how it appears in the post. But when I read a seed catalog, I guess I expect it to be written in correct English - the international language of business. And truly I think most people take away a more positive impression when the text is correct.

Some examples: Should potato leaf be capitalized? Why? If it should be capitalized, then both words should be and not just one of them. There are several instances where the description is given as "Potato leaf."

The beefsteak vs beefstake example already has been given. There are many instances of that conflict.

There are several instances where the name of a country is not capitalized such as Siberia.

Craig LeHoullier's name is spelled a variety of ways, including "Lehoullierin" in at least once instance.

Foliage is spelled "foilage" several times.

The spacing between sentences, commas, the lack of commas in some places or the placement of commas where not correct, etc. are other examples.

The alternate use of dashes and upper case between "Mid-season" or "mid season," etc. are other examples of inconsistency or incorrect usage.

I don't want to go on and on about it. I'm not trying to act superior or unnecessarily critical. I'm just saying that correct English use gives a better professional impression in business than incorrect use. That was the intent of my original comment on the first page of this thread and the intent of this comment now. I think it's more important than nitpicking over translations or other minutia not necessarily important to the general population that will be contemplating an order from a company advertising on the Worldwide Web.

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