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roper2008 January 28, 2018 08:42 AM

What peppers your growing for 2018
If anyone would like to share their list. I like to see what peppers others are growing.
This is mine so far. In no particular order.

Brazilian Starfish
Mini Piperka
Zapotec Jalapeno
Chilhuacle Negro
Peruvian Red Rocoto (already germinated)
Friariello Di Napoli
Jimmy Nardello
Elephant trunk
Golden Cayenne
Serrano Tampiqueno
Jalafuego Hybrid
Himo Togarashi
P. Dreadie Scotch Bonnet(germinated)
Aji Amarillo Grande(germinated)
Aji Dulce (germinated)
Aji Arnaucho(germinated)
Aji Largo(germinated)
Aji Limo Rojo(germinated)
Thai pepper
Also going to try and germinate some older seed from The Chili Pepper Institute.

jmsieglaff January 28, 2018 08:51 AM

I grow 12 pepper plants each year, 2 per 5 gallon bucket. Since moving to buckets a few years ago my peppers have been great--big healthy plants with loads of peppers. I'm the only one in the house that likes hot peppers so I grow mainly sweets, with a couple hots I use for cooking, salsa, and sandwiches.

Aji Amarillo (small ones)
Poblano Gigantea (2)
Yummy Orange (3) mini orange snacking pepper
Yummy Yellow (2) mini yellow snacking pepper
Yummy Red (2) mini red snacking pepper
Orange Sweet Twister Pepper (seed saved from a Sunset produce pepper), long, crisp, sweet pepper.

roper2008 January 28, 2018 10:28 AM

The Yummy pepper must be good. Never tried them. I'll have to look into those.

Salsacharley January 28, 2018 12:53 PM

I'm overwintering these, hoping for nice big production this year.
Jalapeno - Craig's Grande
Numex Orange Spice
Numex Trick or Treat
Santa Fe Grande
Jay's Peach Ghost
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
7 Pot Yellow
Aji Amarillo Grande
Bahamian Goat
Black Pearl
Caribbean Seasoning (3rd year)
Carolina Reaper
Chapeau de Frade
Chocolate Naga Brain

I've got 30 more I want to try this year:
7 Pot Bubble Gum White
7 Pot Long
7 Pot Primo
7 Pot Primo Yellow
Bleeding Borg 9
Bulgarian Carrot
Datil St Augustine
Habanero Costa Rica
Habanero de Arbol
Habanero White #2
Habanero White Mini
Jimmy Nardello
Lemon Drop
Big Black Mama
Big Mustard Mama
Big Caramel Mama
Manzano Yellow
Numex Centennial
Numex Easter
Peter Pepper Orange
Pimenta Leopard
Purple UFO
San Pedro Sweet
Sugar Chili
Sweet Banana
Zolotistyi Sweet
Donkey Ears

I don't know if I'll get all those going but they are my wish list. I'm cutting back on tomato varieties this year to make room for these.

jmsieglaff January 28, 2018 03:20 PM

[QUOTE=roper2008;680182]The Yummy pepper must be good. Never tried them. I'll have to look into those.[/QUOTE]

They are the small sweet mixed bags of snacking peppers you see in the store, only better because they are fresh from your garden. My source was Jung Seed about 3 or 4 years ago, listed as Yummy Mixed Peppers. They are listed as Hybrid on their website, but the colors grow true (as well as shape and size), so they are OP.

clkeiper January 28, 2018 03:35 PM

[QUOTE=jmsieglaff;680221]They are the small sweet mixed bags of snacking peppers you see in the store, only better because they are fresh from your garden. My source was Jung Seed about 3 or 4 years ago, listed as Yummy Mixed Peppers. They are listed as Hybrid on their website, but the colors grow true (as well as shape and size), so they are OP.[/QUOTE]

yes! they are OP peppers. I think they are getting money out of them by advertising them as hybrids since there are so few seeds in each one. the orange ones are the tastiest by the way.

jmsieglaff January 28, 2018 03:44 PM

[QUOTE=clkeiper;680224]yes! they are OP peppers. I think they are getting money out of them by advertising them as hybrids since there are so few seeds in each one. the orange ones are the tastiest by the way.[/QUOTE]

I agree, orange are the best. Yellows are a close 2nd. Red are my least favorite, but still good flavor, but walls are thinner than the orange and yellow.

jmsieglaff January 28, 2018 03:45 PM

Do any of you huge pepper list growers make your own hot sauce? Any tricks or tips should I ever want to try it?

rhines81 January 28, 2018 05:23 PM

[QUOTE=jmsieglaff;680227]Do any of you huge pepper list growers make your own hot sauce? Any tricks or tips should I ever want to try it?[/QUOTE]

I don't make it (yet), but I am a heavy user. Go for flavor first, not heat. Once you have the flavor you like it's easy enough to ramp up the heat from there.

I have single bottles of different ultra-super hot sauce and truthfully it goes bad before the bottle is half empty, only using a drop or two to add heat to different things. I think making a large batch of something like that would just be a waste unless you had a lot of friends/family that really like it super hot. Hot sauces with habanero heat or less will typically be the most consumed.

My favorite one (at the moment) is called Evil Ooze. I mix it in pasta sauce, put it on pizza and use it as a catsup substitute on burgers and dogs. Very tasty.

pmcgrady January 28, 2018 05:27 PM

[QUOTE=clkeiper;680224]yes! they are OP peppers. I think they are getting money out of them by advertising them as hybrids since there are so few seeds in each one. the orange ones are the tastiest by the way.[/QUOTE]


MdTNGrdner January 28, 2018 05:33 PM

[QUOTE=jmsieglaff;680169] Since moving to buckets a few years ago my peppers have been great--big healthy plants with loads of peppers. [/QUOTE]

2017 was my first year trying peppers in containers, and they did very well - although to be fair, so did the ones in ground. It was my best pepper year, and yes jmsieglaff, I did make hot sauce. No tips or tricks for you except that it's well worth it to have the homemade stuff - DH and I loved it! I just used an internet recipe and mixed peppers, mostly habs. I'm excited to try again this season.

Like SalsaCharlie I'm cutting the number of tomato plants, but not number of varieties. We have two new beds but added potatoes, sweet potatoes, more peppers, and a ton of beans... I'm really excited about those, too.

Here's my pepper list - provided they germinate! I still had trouble with that last year.

Aji Amarillo
Aji Brazilian Starfish
Aji Escabeche
Ancho 101
Arroz con Pollo
Banana, hot
Banana, sweet
Chilhuacle Rojo
Congo Trinidad
Corno di Toro, red
Cosa Arrugada
Datil Sweet
De Bresse
Doe Hill
Dolce de Espagna
Fehrer Onzon
Garden Salsa
Golden Treasure
Habanero, chocolate
Habanero, pink
Himo Togarashi
Hot Portugal
Inca Red Drop
Jalapeno, Craig's Grande
Jalapeno, Early
New-Mex Big Jim
New-Mex Heritage 6-4
New-Mex Jalmundo
New-Mex Joe E Parker
New-Mex Twilight
Oranzhovoye Chudo
Ozark Giant
Pasilla Bajio
Peppadew, S.A.S.
Round of Hungary
Serrano Huasteca
Serrano Tampiqueno
Sweet Pickle
Tolli's Sweet
West Allis 1/2 Sharp
Wisconsin Lakes
Zolotoy Dozhd

pmcgrady January 28, 2018 05:37 PM

Oops wrong thread!

Fred Hempel January 28, 2018 05:37 PM

Just because fruit color, shape and size "grow true" does not mean that the peppers are OP.

Both parents of a hybrid can have very similar peppers but be different in any number of other traits that may be subtle (eg. disease resistance).

Since I can find over 5 reputable seed sellers that sell them as F1 hybrids, I think it is very likely they are.

Of course it could be a conspiracy between all of these seed companies, but personally, I doubt it.

I know there have been charlatans who have sold OPs as hybrids in the past, but I think many folks now are too quick to assume malfeasance when there is none.

[QUOTE=jmsieglaff;680221]They are the small sweet mixed bags of snacking peppers you see in the store, only better because they are fresh from your garden. My source was Jung Seed about 3 or 4 years ago, listed as Yummy Mixed Peppers. They are listed as Hybrid on their website, but the colors grow true (as well as shape and size), so they are OP.[/QUOTE]

AlittleSalt January 28, 2018 06:08 PM

This year's pepper list is a simple one for me. Whatever they're selling at the local plant store. I did not plant any from seed because I didn't have enough room.

pmcgrady January 28, 2018 06:20 PM

I'm on F4, F5 this year.Same pepper.

velikipop January 28, 2018 07:48 PM

I have reduced the number of peppers I grow and focus mostly on the ones I can use, though I still like to try a few new ones. Last week I started the following Chiles:

San Sebastian (From the Basque region in Spain)
Aji Amarillo
Black Congo
Red Fatali
Yellow Manzano
Brown Rocoto
Aji Benito

Sweet Peppers"

Palancko Cudo
L'Orto di Napoli
Beaver Dam
Shepherd Peppers (Seed from peppers grown in Ontario)

jmsieglaff January 28, 2018 09:13 PM

[QUOTE=Fred Hempel;680245]Just because fruit color, shape and size "grow true" does not mean that the peppers are OP.

Both parents of a hybrid can have very similar peppers but be different in any number of other traits that may be subtle (eg. disease resistance).

Since I can find over 5 reputable seed sellers that sell them as F1 hybrids, I think it is very likely they are.

Of course it could be a conspiracy between all of these seed companies, but personally, I doubt it.

I know there have been charlatans who have sold OPs as hybrids in the past, but I think many folks now are too quick to assume malfeasance when there is none.[/QUOTE]

I reckon I learned something today. I never would have thought of peppers growing true, at least in phenotype could still be a hybrid. But it makes sense. I don't have much of any disease pressure on my peppers so I don't know about those aspects. I guess for my purposes I consider them OP, they are consistent from year to year and always delicious.

Fred Hempel January 28, 2018 09:42 PM

If they behave similarly to an OP, that is a good thing. Still a good idea to always save seeds from the best plant or plants (depending on how many you grow).

[QUOTE=jmsieglaff;680277]I reckon I learned something today. I never would have thought of peppers growing true, at least in phenotype could still be a hybrid. But it makes sense. I don't have much of any disease pressure on my peppers so I don't know about those aspects. I guess for my purposes I consider them OP, they are consistent from year to year and always delicious.[/QUOTE]

Worth1 January 28, 2018 09:49 PM

[QUOTE=jmsieglaff;680227]Do any of you huge pepper list growers make your own hot sauce? Any tricks or tips should I ever want to try it?[/QUOTE]

Not a list grower here but learn to ferment them first.
I have some now that have been going for months.

roper2008 January 29, 2018 07:32 AM

[QUOTE=Salsacharley;680201]I'm overwintering these, hoping for nice big production this year.
Jalapeno - Craig's Grande
Numex Orange Spice
Numex Trick or Treat
Santa Fe Grande
Jay's Peach Ghost
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
7 Pot Yellow
Aji Amarillo Grande
Bahamian Goat
Black Pearl
Caribbean Seasoning (3rd year)
Carolina Reaper
Chapeau de Frade
Chocolate Naga Brain

I've got 30 more I want to try this year:
7 Pot Bubble Gum White
7 Pot Long
7 Pot Primo
7 Pot Primo Yellow
Bleeding Borg 9
Bulgarian Carrot
Datil St Augustine
Habanero Costa Rica
Habanero de Arbol
Habanero White #2
Habanero White Mini
Jimmy Nardello
Lemon Drop
Big Black Mama
Big Mustard Mama
Big Caramel Mama
Manzano Yellow
Numex Centennial
Numex Easter
Peter Pepper Orange
Pimenta Leopard
Purple UFO
San Pedro Sweet
Sugar Chili
Sweet Banana
Zolotistyi Sweet
Donkey Ears

I don't know if I'll get all those going but they are my wish list. I'm cutting back on tomato varieties this year to make room for these.[/QUOTE]

If you get them all going that will be a lot of pepper plants. I'm ordering 3 more earth-
boxes to put most of my peppers in. I think I will have 10 or 11 boxes total. Some of
the Jalapeno's will be in raised beds.

[QUOTE=MdTNGrdner;680243]2017 was my first year trying peppers in containers, and they did very well - although to be fair, so did the ones in ground. It was my best pepper year, and yes jmsieglaff, I did make hot sauce. No tips or tricks for you except that it's well worth it to have the homemade stuff - DH and I loved it! I just used an internet recipe and mixed peppers, mostly habs. I'm excited to try again this season.

Like SalsaCharlie I'm cutting the number of tomato plants, but not number of varieties. We have two new beds but added potatoes, sweet potatoes, more peppers, and a ton of beans... I'm really excited about those, too.

Here's my pepper list - provided they germinate! I still had trouble with that last year.

Aji Amarillo
Aji Brazilian Starfish
Aji Escabeche
Ancho 101
Arroz con Pollo
Banana, hot
Banana, sweet
Chilhuacle Rojo
Congo Trinidad
Corno di Toro, red
Cosa Arrugada
Datil Sweet
De Bresse
Doe Hill
Dolce de Espagna
Fehrer Onzon
Garden Salsa
Golden Treasure
Habanero, chocolate
Habanero, pink
Himo Togarashi
Hot Portugal
Inca Red Drop
Jalapeno, Craig's Grande
Jalapeno, Early
New-Mex Big Jim
New-Mex Heritage 6-4
New-Mex Jalmundo
New-Mex Joe E Parker
New-Mex Twilight
Oranzhovoye Chudo
Ozark Giant
Pasilla Bajio
Peppadew, S.A.S.
Round of Hungary
Serrano Huasteca
Serrano Tampiqueno
Sweet Pickle
Tolli's Sweet
West Allis 1/2 Sharp
Wisconsin Lakes
Zolotoy Dozhd[/QUOTE]

I like your list, all useable peppers.

[QUOTE=velikipop;680264]I have reduced the number of peppers I grow and focus mostly on the ones I can use, though I still like to try a few new ones. Last week I started the following Chiles:

San Sebastian (From the Basque region in Spain)
Aji Amarillo
Black Congo
Red Fatali
Yellow Manzano
Brown Rocoto
Aji Benito

Sweet Peppers"

Palancko Cudo
L'Orto di Napoli
Beaver Dam
Shepherd Peppers (Seed from peppers grown in Ontario)[/QUOTE]

San Sebastian, I'll have to look that one up. Looks like everyone has Aji Amarillo on
their list. I wonder if Fred has something to do with this.:)

jmsieglaff January 29, 2018 10:13 AM

I love the Aji Amarillo, I've been growing the baby (2-3" long) Aji Amarillo from the seed Fred made available here a few years back. I find it is a very versatile and delicious pepper. I especially like the fruity, citrus like flavor along with a nice, yet usable amount of heat.

I use them on pizza, in roasted tomatillo salsa, sliced length-wise on sandwiches, in many dishes. I also freeze them whole in a freezer bag and that way I've got them year-round for cooking. One plant produces hundreds of those peppers over the course of a summer.

Ann123 January 29, 2018 11:01 AM

I think I've sown too much... Anyway, half of them are going to my parents garden. But since they don't like hot peppers I guess the hot ones will grow here.

1. sweet peppers capsicum annuum
Jimmy Nardello
Zolotoy Dozhd
Tolli’s sweet
Golden treasure
Fehrer Ozon
Quadrato d’asti rosso
Arroz con pollo
Sweet pickle

2. Capsicum chinense
Pink habanero
Biquinho Iracema
Numex suave orange
Datil sweet
Congo trinidad

3. Capsicum baccatum
Peppadew South African strain
Aji Brazilian starfish
Aji escabeche

4. Capsicum annuum mildly hot
Heritage 6-4

5. Capsicum annuum hot
Numex twilight
Jalapeno purple
Early jalapeno
Rezha Macendonian

Cole_Robbie January 29, 2018 03:35 PM

The bulk of my mix for market will be my best sweet varieties from last year:
Ajvarski Sweet
Crunch Sweet Orange
Sweetest Pepper
Golden Treasure
Erbil Sweet

I will probably order Sweet Chocolate from Baker Creek

as well as Candy Cane F1 from Harris:

Hot peppers are a money-losing crop for me, but I still grow a few plants anyway. I do a lot better selling the plants than the peppers. Last year's winners were:
Peach Bhut
Orange Bhut
Spanish Bhut
Devil's Tongue
Big Sun Habanero
White Habanero (I have an unstable White Bullet Hab)

I am also going to order seeds from this guy, who claims to have hotter varieties than Carolina Reaper. I think the plants will sell very easily:

I don't know if anyone would buy the actual peppers, but they would make a nice conversation piece on the market table.

Salsacharley January 29, 2018 06:35 PM

Primo is one of the supremeo of hot pepper developers and growers.

velikipop January 29, 2018 07:26 PM

No, I doubt that he would. The seed is from a colleague who visited the area several years ago and brought some dried peppers back. It is very similar to the famed Espelett from the same region. Great for drying and making powders.


Salsacharley January 29, 2018 08:29 PM

Beautiful list!!

[QUOTE=MdTNGrdner;680243]2017 was my first year trying peppers in containers, and they did very well - although to be fair, so did the ones in ground. It was my best pepper year, and yes jmsieglaff, I did make hot sauce. No tips or tricks for you except that it's well worth it to have the homemade stuff - DH and I loved it! I just used an internet recipe and mixed peppers, mostly habs. I'm excited to try again this season.

Like SalsaCharlie I'm cutting the number of tomato plants, but not number of varieties. We have two new beds but added potatoes, sweet potatoes, more peppers, and a ton of beans... I'm really excited about those, too.

Here's my pepper list - provided they germinate! I still had trouble with that last year.

Aji Amarillo
Aji Brazilian Starfish
Aji Escabeche
Ancho 101
Arroz con Pollo
Banana, hot
Banana, sweet
Chilhuacle Rojo
Congo Trinidad
Corno di Toro, red
Cosa Arrugada
Datil Sweet
De Bresse
Doe Hill
Dolce de Espagna
Fehrer Onzon
Garden Salsa
Golden Treasure
Habanero, chocolate
Habanero, pink
Himo Togarashi
Hot Portugal
Inca Red Drop
Jalapeno, Craig's Grande
Jalapeno, Early
New-Mex Big Jim
New-Mex Heritage 6-4
New-Mex Jalmundo
New-Mex Joe E Parker
New-Mex Twilight
Oranzhovoye Chudo
Ozark Giant
Pasilla Bajio
Peppadew, S.A.S.
Round of Hungary
Serrano Huasteca
Serrano Tampiqueno
Sweet Pickle
Tolli's Sweet
West Allis 1/2 Sharp
Wisconsin Lakes
Zolotoy Dozhd[/QUOTE]

velikipop January 29, 2018 08:29 PM

I noticed that several people are growing Ajvarski Sweet, which I had never heard of. A quick check showed that the supplier is Baker Creek and the description they give is vague, we know that it is from Macedonia, a region, along with Bulgaria know for some of the best thick skinned roasting peppers.

I have some familiarity with region and was curious as to what this pepper could be. Ajvar refers to the relish made fro roasted peppers and many varieties are used for that purpose. The most popular is Kurtovska Kapija and is identical to Baker Creek's Ajvarski Sweet.

The reason I mention this is that we get so many peppers and tomatoes that are the same but have been re-labeled, not a big deal, but it is nice to know what variety you are actually growing and what it is called.


BigVanVader January 29, 2018 09:28 PM

I'm growing:

Carolina Reaper
7 Pot Primo
Baron (F1) Ancho
Jedi (F1) Jalapeno
Crunch Sweet Orange
Mighty Minis
Carmen (F1)
Banana (sweet)

Going to try growing a lot of them in buckets/bags this year and use my rows for more profitable crops.

MdTNGrdner January 29, 2018 09:36 PM


I like your list, all useable peppers.


That's me, Mrs Practical. :D
It was difficult to narrow it down. I know at least a few varieties are similar but don't quite trust my germination and production skills enough yet so the list grew. There are enough varieties that we should really be able to expand our pepper horizons even more than last year. If they germinate. ::drumming fingers...::

[QUOTE=Salsacharley;680433]Beautiful list!![/QUOTE]

Thank you! A lot of repeats from last year and many from the MMMM and trades. If they'll go for me I'll save lots of seeds to share :yes:

Alex, Baker Creek was my source for Ajvarski; this will be the 3rd year growing it. I think you're right about all the re-labelling that goes on - even innocent (:?!?:) re-labelling, such as "so-and-so's [name of country] Red", when the variety obviously already had a name from wherever it was from. There must be so many duplicate varieties!

ChristinaJo January 29, 2018 09:37 PM

I'm growing three:

Jimmy Nordello
Elephant Ear

My husband is getting to where he can't handle the spicy ones anymore😔

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