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bohica May 16, 2010 12:37 PM

Interesting history about Mortgage Lifter varieties.
[B][SIZE=2]I saw this posted elsewhere and thought it was very interesting.[/SIZE][/B]

Download the story here of radiator charlies Mortgage lifter. [/INDENT]

carolyn137 May 16, 2010 01:00 PM

[quote=bohica;168872][B][SIZE=2]I saw this posted elsewhere and thought it was very interesting.[/SIZE][/B]
[INDENT]Download the story here of radiator charlies Mortgage lifter. [/INDENT][/quote]

I think lots of folks are familiar with that version of the story. And you saw that Dr. Jeff McCormack was doing the interviewing. Jeff originally owned Southern Exposure seed Exchange and what he wrote about this variety is still there with the seed offer although he sold the company.

There is another version as well, less well known and documented. And that's that the Estler family developed Mortgage Lifter in the 20's.

I just cut and pasted the following and I do consider the Estler one to be far superior to what's called the Radiator one. There are all sorts of so called strains of Mortgage Lifter but they really aren't strains. They just have the name attached of the person who grew it.

There are two exceptions. One is the Mullens strain which has pale leaves and the other is the Estler one b'c for many of us it is slightly different from the Radiator one with regard to shape and smoothness and for many of us it's fat better tasting.

[B]Mortgage Lifter Estler's [/B]- 85 days, Indet, reg. leaf Pink- Huge,(1# and considerably over when well grown) fruit with excellent flavor. This one is said to be older than Radiator Charlie's. It reportedly goes back to 1922 and is a considerably bigger plant with larger fruit than Charlie's and seems much more prolific. Chuck's seed came from "Bob" Estler, son of the "Bill" Estler who originated the variety. Seed of this variety was sent to Australia in the thirties by the Estler's is probably the ancestor of the Australian variety Mortgage Lifter which has evolved considerably. Chuck found Estler's Mortgage Lifter to be the biggest and most prolific of the eleven Mortgage Lifter strains which Chuck had grown. There seems to be little, if any difference is taste. [B]"Mortgage Lifter Red [/B]- 80 days, Indet. Reg. leaf Although it is not truly an heirloom because it is a recent improvement on Radiator Charlie's by Jeff McCormack PhDs. This was Chuck's preference for the best of the "Mortgage Lifters". Red Mortgage Lifter carries far better than average resistance to diseases. It's a wonderful producer of one lb. and larger superbly flavored red fruit with the true beefsteak texture

I guess my cut and paste of the Radiator Charlie one didn't transfer but it would be the standard story that most folks know.

Hope that helps.

TZ-OH6 May 16, 2010 01:39 PM

I ran into the term "Mortgage Lifter" for something totally unrelated to tomatoes, so it seems like it may have been a common saying "back in the Day" for something that turned out to be profitable on the farm.

carolyn137 May 16, 2010 04:41 PM

[quote=TZ-OH6;168883]I ran into the term "Mortgage Lifter" for something totally unrelated to tomatoes, so it seems like it may have been a common saying "back in the Day" for something that turned out to be profitable on the farm.[/quote]

Well here's some Mortgatge Lifter beans for you but I have to wonder about some of these stories and how much they played into the original Estler Mortgage Lifter.

I mean if a bean is known as Mortgage Lifter and also as an Aztec bean there's something wrong somewhere.


It reminds me of the corn variety that's known as Black Aztec and I was just sent a catalog where it said that this corn had been grown for 2000 years by the Aztecs when in reality it's a corn that was grown by the Iroquois Nation tribes here in the East.

Seed companies back in the late 1800's into the early 1900's changed names and histories of varieties frequently for PR purposes since the competition between seed companies at that time was fierce and they were always looking for an exclusive.

TZ-OH6 May 16, 2010 08:40 PM

I found the term while looking up this and that on racehorses, and there is also a mortgage lifter fowl (Not sure if its a chicken or what) and an Arkansas Traveler Fowl.


travis May 19, 2010 09:41 AM

Has anyone grown the Halladay's Mortgage Lifter from SSE Public catalog? They sold out this year, so I assume it is being grown extensively or they had very few seeds to sell. If anyone has grown Halladay's and Estler's could you give a comparison please. It's interesting that both are said to have passed through Chuck Wyatt's hands at one point or another.

carolyn137 May 19, 2010 12:02 PM

[quote=travis;169255]Has anyone grown the Halladay's Mortgage Lifter from SSE Public catalog? They sold out this year, so I assume it is being grown extensively or they had very few seeds to sell. If anyone has grown Halladay's and Estler's could you give a comparison please. It's interesting that both are said to have passed through Chuck Wyatt's hands at one point or another.[/quote]

I've grown the Estler quite a few times but not the Halladay one.

I traced back the Halladay and it to the 1994 SSE Yearbook by Craig LeHoullier, but I think it was offered earlier, I just didn't take the time to look for my 1987 Yearbook, who got it from an SSE member in PA in 1987 from PA HA J and since Craig said original source I assume that the person's last name was Halladay. Craig gave it a fine review.

At one time Chuck was listing a lot of different strains. But folks can view strains, I think, in two ways. Just having a name associated with it , as in Halladay, Glick's, etc., usually reflects the name of the person who listed it or got it from someone with that name while to me a strain is something that has some subtle but reproducible differences from the original, so the only two strains of ML that I think are true strains are Mullens, which is pale leaf, and Estler.

I know a few folks who at one time grew out all the ML strains and found essentally no difference, except for the Mullens one and I think the Estler one as well, but can't be sure.

I can't help but wonder if the seeds for Halladay at SSE went quickly b'c Amy Goldman in her book featured many strains, some not even available to the public, and as I recall Halladay was one of them. Perhaps that raised the interest level in ML strains that others didn't even know existed. iI know I was contacted by two folks who asked where they could get this or that strain, but there was no commercial seed source for them b'c they are in the SSE stock collection only. They probably were listed in much earlier Yearbooks.

carolyn137 October 17, 2012 01:57 PM


Above is a recent link from GW about the passing of the last Estler son. Few have posted in the thread b'c I think few know that the Estler one was developed before the Charlie Byles ( Radiator Charlie ) one.

But this original thread goes back almost three years ago now, and there are many new TV members now who might be interested.

Mischka October 18, 2012 01:12 PM

That's sad news.

Estler's strain of Mortgage Lifter is one fine tomato and does very well here in New England. It doesn't get the same fanfare as many lesser varieties, for some reason. For those that haven't grown it, you should give it a try. It's a dependable producer with an excellent yield, too.

matilda'skid January 14, 2013 09:16 PM

Where do you get the seeds for Estler's Mortgage Lifter?

carolyn137 January 14, 2013 10:30 PM

[QUOTE=matilda'skid;320433]Where do you get the seeds for Estler's Mortgage Lifter?[/QUOTE]


However Heritage Harvest is in Canada and doesn't ship to the US.

I suggest you go to the WANTED subforum of the seed exchange and ask if anyone has some seeds to share.

I have some older seeds, can't remember how old, that I got directly from Chuck Wyatt, whose name you'll recognize from the history at the above link.

So I'm hoping that someone who has fresher seeds than I do answers you in the Wanted Forum, besides, with my seed offer right now I don't know when I'd have time to look for them, nor do I know how much experience you've had waking up old seeds.:)


GunnarSK January 15, 2013 12:00 PM

[QUOTE=carolyn137;320454]I have some older seeds, can't remember how old, that I got directly from Chuck Wyatt, whose name you'll recognize from the history above. Carolyn[/QUOTE]In 2010 I grew it from Carolyn's 2003 or 2004 seeds, and it grew beautifully and almost ripened before the plant was killed by the first frost. Due to my lack of experience I didn't save seeds, but could have easily and probably even eaten the fruit. So no seeds from me, and that's just too bad.

Axixic September 17, 2014 11:13 AM

Anyone find a source to buy Estler's Mortgage Lifter since this thread ended?

I am in Mexico and I can't participate in exchanging seeds. I need to buy them, have them sent to friends in the U.S. who are coming here or have a vendor mail them to be delivered by donkey to Mexico. I say donkey because mail takes forever here.

ScottinAtlanta September 17, 2014 12:50 PM

Also interested in some seeds.

carolyn137 September 17, 2014 02:09 PM

Tania lists no sources for ML Estler.

I offered 2013 seeds fromNeil G in my recent Jan 2014 seed offer,now closed;


I'm here by the computer and my seeds are put away right now, but this week I must put up the Fall feedback thread and am hoping that those who requested it report back,which was a requirement of participation.

What I'm saying is that I don't know how many seeds I have left and have no time to check right now.If enough, I will reoffer it to those who participate in myJan 2015 offer and if I run low I can ask Neil if he has enough to send me more/

OR, you can wait to see who grew it out and reports back in my feedback thread and then, do NOT EVER PM those folks asking for seed, rather, put your WANT list up in that subforum and see what kind of response you get.

Hope that helps,


ginger2778 September 17, 2014 02:20 PM

I supplied many folks with Estler's from my seed offer. I hope they will pay it forward, as I only have about 8 left and I'm keeping them for myself! :?:

Axixic September 17, 2014 02:39 PM

Thanks for replying.

If there are some available I have a friend visiting the U.S. in late October for a few weeks so maybe she can send a SSAE for the seeds. She is a retired nurse living down here and her joy in life is growing things. She doesn't get around too well now but she has a gardener. Lucky her I wish I did.

Anyway I give her many plants and I've told her about this variety so she is very interested in it.

I don't know why if it is such a good tomato that so few vendors have it.

ginger2778 September 17, 2014 03:42 PM

[QUOTE=Axixic;432222]Thanks for replying.

If there are some available I have a friend visiting the U.S. in late October for a few weeks so maybe she can send a SSAE for the seeds. She is a retired nurse living down here and her joy in life is growing things. She doesn't get around too well now but she has a gardener. Lucky her I wish I did.

Anyway I give her many plants and I've told her about this variety so she is very interested in it.

I don't know why if it is such a good tomato that so few vendors have it.[/QUOTE]
Please make a request for this in the Wanted seeds subforum on the homepage. Start a new post requesting it. ;)
Or I found this vendor selling it. [url][/url]

Axixic September 17, 2014 08:12 PM

I found that site yesterday. The problem is they are in Canada and they won't ship to the U.S.

drew51 September 18, 2014 08:37 AM

Try here:

Axixic September 18, 2014 09:58 AM

[QUOTE=drew51;432290]Try here:

Thanks, and I did find that site yesterday. Dale responded last night. He has several varieties of Mortgage Lifters and almost any other tomato. I wonder why he isn't on this site as a vendor.

drew51 September 18, 2014 10:25 AM

[QUOTE=Axixic;432300]Thanks, and I did find that site yesterday. Dale responded last night. He has several varieties of Mortgage Lifters and almost any other tomato. I wonder why he isn't on this site as a vendor.[/QUOTE]

Not sure? I think he is on other sites, has a blog, so I guess has his hands full. I wanted to add I bought some seeds from him last year, they grew true with good germination rates. Awesome vendor as far as I'm concerned. Cow's Tit is another hard to find, as is many he has! I have so many at this point, I have no plans to buy more. Romeo is another rare one, and all are excellent. I'm more interested in pastes but to tell the truth I have found all tomatoes make good sauce. If you remove seeds, freeze, and when thawed they drop most of the water, a little squeeze helps too, and all you have left is meat. The end product through the food mill is almost sauce already no matter which tomato you use. I have only had to reduce for a short time.

Tomato sauce is cheap, I just do it for fun. Now my blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries do save me lot's of money and they are so good for you. I'm harvesting over 60 raspberries a day. My wife and I eat most daily, but I save maybe 20 a day for this winter.

Axixic September 18, 2014 02:20 PM

[QUOTE=drew51;432302]Not sure? I think he is on other sites, has a blog, so I guess has his hands full. I wanted to add I bought some seeds from him last year, they grew true with good germination rates. Awesome vendor as far as I'm concerned. Cow's Tit is another hard to find, as is many he has! I have so many at this point, I have no plans to buy more. Romeo is another rare one, and all are excellent. I'm more interested in pastes but to tell the truth I have found all tomatoes make good sauce. If you remove seeds, freeze, and when thawed they drop most of the water, a little squeeze helps too, and all you have left is meat. The end product through the food mill is almost sauce already no matter which tomato you use. I have only had to reduce for a short time.

Tomato sauce is cheap, I just do it for fun. Now my blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries do save me lot's of money and they are so good for you. I'm harvesting over 60 raspberries a day. My wife and I eat most daily, but I save maybe 20 a day for this winter.[/QUOTE]

Blueberries are imported here but Driscoll Berries has thousands of acres and it grows strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and I guess some others. I buy strawberries for $10 pesos (70 cents) a kilo (2.2 lbs) so I guess a little under 35 cents a pound. I don't know how much they are in the U.S. because I haven't been back in a few years. Blackberries and raspberries are about the same price here.

I am going to try to grow blueberries. I bought some Southern type seeds. I guess I need a lot of nitrogen.

I gave Tatiana Dale's link. She knows his site and didn't know why he wasn't listed for all of his Mortgage Lifters varieties and some others like Brandywines. I am impressed with him. He seems like a super guy and he has tomatoes I haven't found anywhere else.

Thanks for all your help.


carolyn137 September 18, 2014 03:29 PM

[QUOTE=Axixic;432300]Thanks, and I did find that site yesterday. Dale responded last night. He has several varieties of Mortgage Lifters and almost any other tomato. I wonder why he isn't on this site as a vendor.[/QUOTE]

He isn't on this site as a vendor since no one has listed his site in the Seed and plant resources Forum.

If you go to that Forum you'll see that sometimes it's the owner of a site that links to their website, and also others not associated with the site list it b'c they think it's a good site, etc.

When I clicked on the link above I ran through the tomatoes and then went back to the Home page and was surprised to see it was Delectation of Tomatoes, which I already had in my faves from a couple of years ago when someone asked me to check out something.

It should be someone who has had interactions with Dale, or Dale himself to do that link.

Is Dale a Tville member?

Here's a problem I see. The link says giant tomatoes, as I remember, and that is NOT the focus of the site at all, the large number of other varieties available should be the Focus, not competition sized ones.

The other problem I see is that the website itself looks quite unorganized, I think you know what I mean, which is a problem for many trying to find something.

I know it said minimum 20 seeds/pack but I couldn't ASAP find the cost/pack nor shipping costs, but I didn't find time to look.

Could you help me out on that?

I know Dale said he wanted to do descriptions, etc, and I think that should be his immediate focus instead off offering more than the about 900 vareties he says he's offering. Increased interest will only come with fuller descriptions, as Isee it.

Ok, so what's the feedback from what I just wrote? If it's one of you that wants to list it I'd be glad to help write what goes in the first post so that the link doesn't confuse folks, and anything else that might be confusing, as to how to order.

Hope that helps,


Axixic September 18, 2014 03:38 PM

No doubt the site is a mess. I've spent quite some time on it and couldn't figure out how to order. I guess I have to email him with an order.

I will send him a link to this thread so that he will join this forum to list his site and maybe find some kid in his neighborhood to fix his website.

When I sold computers I always tried to find a kid to do demos because their brains have more of a knack for software than do grownups.

drew51 September 18, 2014 03:48 PM

[QUOTE=Axixic;432325]I buy strawberries for $10 pesos (70 cents) a kilo (2.2 lbs) so I guess a little under 35 cents a pound. I don't know how much they are in the U.S. because I haven't been back in a few years.

Strawberries are cheap, but not the ones I grow, the gourmet white pineberries

Or the rare Musk strawberries

carolyn137 September 18, 2014 03:51 PM

[QUOTE=Axixic;432344]No doubt the site is a mess. I've spent quite some time on it and couldn't figure out how to order. I guess I have to email him with an order.

I will send him a link to this thread so that he will join this forum to list his site and maybe find some kid in his neighborhood to fix his website.

When I sold computers I always tried to find a kid to do demos because their brains have more of a knack for software than do grownups.[/QUOTE]

If he comes to this site he can read all but two of the Forums, but cannot post anything and cannot view pictures until he is a registered member and his firfst post is moderated.

And there's a verylong list of those who want to be registered members.

Just tell him that when he comes here to go to the Legacy Forum to read the thread On Mortgage Lifter, Estler, and if he likes what he sees in the Forum in general he can follow the directions at the top of the page having the info on how to register, as you and all others did to get registered.

Carolyn, who thinks he might know who I am based on all the varieties he lists that I introduced.:)

Axixic September 18, 2014 05:14 PM


Carolyn, who thinks he might know who I am based on all the varieties he lists that I introduced.:)[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately I am not here enough to keep up with everyone but I told him I thought you are Dr. Carolyn Mann, is that correct? Anyone in the tomato business or tomato hobby knows who you are.

Axixic September 18, 2014 05:17 PM

[QUOTE=drew51;432348]Strawberries are cheap, but not the ones I grow, the gourmet white pineberries[/QUOTE]

I have seeds for the white strawberries and never tried them. I guess when it dries out some I will try to grow them. It is our rainy season and the professional growers grow under plastic rows so the plants aren't drenched.

ginger2778 September 18, 2014 06:01 PM

[QUOTE=Axixic;432357]Unfortunately I am not here enough to keep up with everyone but I told him I thought you are Dr. Carolyn Mann, is that correct? Anyone in the tomato business or tomato hobby knows who you are.[/QUOTE]

Dr Carolyn Male.

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