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Lee May 16, 2011 06:28 AM

Tomatopalooza™ 9 Announcement
Announcing the ninth annual Tomatopalooza™ heirloom tomato tasting! We will be holding our ninth annual event this year at Apex Community Park in Apex, NC. Date : 7/23/2011 Time: 1pm~4pm This year marks an even more laid back event than the past years. Registration is requested this year, and information on that can be found out the web site, when I make it available. We will be in the large shelter at the park only 50' from the waterside! See [URL][/URL] for more information and directions. Please post here if you have questions/comments or are planning to attend. Lee

Lee June 18, 2011 06:42 AM

Registration is now open.

Those who plan on bringing tomatoes, please list what varieties you
will be bringing in this thread... obviously once you have a good idea of what fruit will ripen! :)


Lee July 13, 2011 09:48 AM

The event is only 10 days away. And the tomatoes are really starting
to come in now! So, hopefully there will be a good showing at this
year's event.

Again, please email or post the varieties that you will be bringing so
that we can create labels ahead of time.

Also, it has been asked that if you have a lot of tomatoes, try to
show up a little early, ie. 12~12:30 to speed up the photos and other
organization stuff!

See ya there!


nctomatoman July 13, 2011 03:02 PM

Lee, I'll know better once I return from Iowa....will do a check mid next week.

gardenmama July 19, 2011 06:05 PM

[U]Planning to bring:[/U]
Aunt Ruby's German Green
Chocolate Truffle (a new variety I'm working on and want flavor feedback)
Mountain Gold
Hillbilly West Virginia
Ben Gantz
Unknown Pink Cherry (RL showed up in the middle of Jeff Davis seed block)
Green Giant

[U]From the Dwarf Project:[/U]
Wherokowhai F5
Purple Frosty
Brandy Fred
Tasty Wine (possibly)

nctomatoman July 20, 2011 07:24 AM

Can't wait to try the Wherokowhai! Worms found many of my fruit...but they are the right size and color.

most of all, can't wait to see you again, Martha!

Ken B July 21, 2011 10:28 AM

[U]Planning to bring:[/U]

Garden Peach
Green Zebra
Australian Beeksteak
Arkansas Traveller
Illini Star

[U]Hoping to bring (not sure yet):[/U]

Abraham Lincoln
Black Brandywine
Vinson Watts

(We'll update this list Friday evening!)

Ken Bezilla
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
central VA

nctomatoman July 21, 2011 01:37 PM

Just got in from picking (my T shirt must have weighed 10 pounds by the time I finished watering and picking everything in the yard....brutal out there!). I figure if it is OK now (Thurs PM), it will be reasonably OK at worst by Saturday (there is always the seed saving only option!). Most of this should be fine.

Indeterminate/non-dwarf project varieties (there always could be a few more between now and then - but this is pretty accurate, I think). I've got some from old seed saved in different years we can compare - this is kind of a "purity/stability" check!

37 varieties:

Mexico Midget
Rose Quartz Multiflora
Red Robin
Stump of the World
Surprise (1997)
Cherokee Chocolate 96-9
Lucky Cross 02-62
Henderson Bicolor (purple fruited)
Brandywine 01-11
Martino's Roma
Russian Queen
Brandywine 95-71
Pink Berkeley Tie Dye
Not Indian Stripe
Cherokee Purple 01-3
Cherokee Chocolate 05-55
Lucky Cross 02-59
Yellow Prue
Ozark Cherry
Yellow Bell
Lucky Cross 02-55
Reinhart's Yellow heart
Garden Peach
Cherokee Purple Heart
Bisignano #2
Dr Carolyn Pink
Cherokee Chocolate 96-3
Mullens Mortgage Lifter
Dr Wyche's Yellow
Mystery White Cherry
Lime Green Salad
Surprise (1998)
Andrew Rahart Jumbo Red
Halladay's Mortgage Lifter
Cherokee Chocolate 01-19

Dwarf project:

28 varieties

Jade Beauty from commercial seed
Tasmanian Chocolate 2582
Blazing Beauty 2842
Blazing Beauty 2851
Dwarf Wild Fred from commercial seed
Sarandipity latest generation
Tidy striped, purple fruit
Sweet Adelaide from latest generation
Pesty Pink from latest generation
Rosella Crimson 08-50 - selection of choice so far
Emerald Giant 2818 - commercial sample
Wherokowhai - latest generation
Perth Pride - latest generation
Coorong Red - latest generation
TastyWine - latest generation
Rosella Purple 2826
Rosella Purple 2814 - from commercial sample
Summertime Gold 3035
Shellby's Purple latest generation
Sleeping Lady - latest generation
Fred's Tie Dye - latest generation
Tasty Brown purple fruit
Summertime Green 2821 - commercial sample
Uluru Ochre - latest generation
Emerald Giant 3040
Loxton Lass - latest generation
Pesty Bicolor - latest generation
Dwarf Russian Swirl - latest generation

A few things to watch for in the tasting: how the various generations of Cherokee Chocolate, Cherokee Purple, Brandywine and Lucky Cross taste compared to each other, and other samples people may bring.

For the Dwarfs - gathering impressions of those that we have in catalogs, those that soon will be, and those in progress - and the unusual color of Uluru Ochre!

carolyn137 July 21, 2011 02:55 PM

Craig, I was surprised to see Henderson Bicolor (purple) b'c Neil is a collector of the gold/red bicolors and that's what I thought it was. Since he was sending the Russian Queen seeds to you for raising my plants for me, he sent the Henderson one along as well.

Should I tell Neil about it b'c I don't know how often he reads here.

By purple do you mean that it's nothing like a typical gold/re bicolor?I think Shoe is also growing it and me as well, but I don't have a clue as to whether the plant even has small fruits.

Maybe best for me to talk about it in our group e-mail with you and Neil and Lee and myself all together re my varieties for this year.

I also saw that you guys liked Ambrosia, which was supposed to be an OP Sungold and when Lee sadi it was red I let Lee Goodwin, who bred it know about it and of course he was disappointed but said he knew what was wrong. I don't think any seeds for the red Ambrosia should be shared until I ask Lee G about it, b'c it's his call, really.

How interesting, really, on that Henderson,but now I want to know what Shoe and Neil might be getting.

OK, new shipment of books just came, the weather stinks, really, so fans on high and back to the LV I go and turn the fan up even higher.

nctomatoman July 21, 2011 03:11 PM

Hey Carolyn! Yes, imagine my surprise when Henderson Bicolor starts ripening...and it is an oblate/boat shaped, deep purple - quite different in internal structure and flavor from Cherokee Purple. And a much different plant/growth habit - for an indeterminate, quite squat/compact. What do you think - mix up? Mis name? cross? Will be interested to hear what others get!

As for Ambrosia, my plant is giving me orange Sungold-sized fruit....Lee got the red. I saved seeds - going to move it to a larger pot for better production and more seed.

nctomatoman July 21, 2011 09:47 PM

My Tomatopalooza blog that was just posted.


Lee July 22, 2011 11:10 AM

Here are my varieties I'll be bringing....

Ambrosia (Not)
Better Boy
Big Beef Black
Magic Blush
Don's Double Delight
First Mate
German Johnson
German Queen
Grandfather Ashlock
Kristina Bulgarian
Mountain Magic F1
Park's Whopper
Plum Regal F1
Spear's Tennessee Green
Sungold Select II
Vince P1

And dwarfs:

Brawny F1
Brawny F2 -A
Brawny F2 -B
Brawny F2 -C
Dwarf Mahagony F3
Loxtan Lass F3
Rosella Crimson
Rosy F3-A
Rosy F3-B
Uluru Ochre F3
Witty F6

Oh, and I suspect I'll win largest and most unusual this year! ;)


Lee July 22, 2011 07:32 PM

By the way... Kristina Bulgarian is coming in at 31 oz.!!!

Not close to the Tomatopalooza[tm] record of > 64oz. but should be
enough to win tomorrow.....


nctomatoman July 22, 2011 07:48 PM

Lee, I just trayed up my tomatoes - I have some Cossack Pineapple ground cherries I will bring. I also noted that other things are ripening unexpectedly in this heat (not that there is much more to ripen that I've not yet seen) be sure to have some blank cards - when I do my morning watering/walk through, I will likely find other items to bring.

Patrina_Pepperina July 22, 2011 10:07 PM

Have fun guys and gals!!! 8-) Looking forward to reports of course!


carolyn137 July 22, 2011 10:08 PM

[QUOTE=Lee;225065]By the way... Kristina Bulgarian is coming in at 31 oz.!!!

Not close to the Tomatopalooza[tm] record of > 64oz. but should be
enough to win tomorrow.....


Lee, when I saw Kristina Bulgarian, which is not the right name according to sic transit, it should be K Vatcheva ( I need to confirm for you that the t is or isnot there if you want me to), me wee heart went thump, crash b/c you know how much I love Bulgarian varieties,

And I knew that sic transit had sent the seeds to you but forgot that so how about setting a few seeds aside so I can have a couple of plants next year.

Normally I never ask for seed in a post but in this case I sent you several varieties so all I'm asking for is K.

And if you want me to cut and paste Sic transit's comments from elsewhere I can do that, so that you should know that it's Kristina Vatcheva, not Kristina Bulgarian.

Actually Ithink it's best if I send you a link to the whole thread, is not here, b'c there was some strong discussion between sic transit and another person about the proper name.

Best I PM it to you if you want me to.

Sic transit gloria and I were going communicate this Fall about it, but you're closer.:)

Edited to add that I just checked and it's Kristina Vatcheva.

Suze July 22, 2011 10:11 PM

Sending well wishes and happy thoughts your way for a successful event tomorrow!

I'm guessing that the tomatoes should probably taste pretty good considering the weather.

Looking forward to reading how the tasting went and also seeing the photos. 8-)

Patrina_Pepperina July 22, 2011 10:16 PM

Oh yes, the photos!!! Always fun to check them all out :cute:

carolyn137 July 22, 2011 10:22 PM

Although I've already expressed my good wishes to both Lee and Craig and all their volunteers for a great get together tomorrow, I did that in a small group e-mail we have going for those growing out my new varieties for seed production if they come true to what they should be.

So now I want to express the same thoughts here, especially since Craig mentioned what the weather is supposed to be there tomorrow.

I hope everyone can stay as cool as possible and then get home ASAP to the AC.;)

nctomatoman July 22, 2011 10:35 PM

My plans for the day....wake early, water, pick anything I may have missed....grind coffee, breakfast, shower, pack car....the blur of the event.....try to register impressions, flavor, answer a lot of questions....drink water...drink water...drink water.....come home, shower - and out to dinner at air conditioned, delicious Cafe Capistrano!

I think the heat will make this one a bit of a wild card on guessing attendance. Last year the weather worked against us (rain threatened). This year the heat. Still....local newspaper (the Independent) will be there. We will be there. Tomatoes will be there. Some people from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange will be there with tomatoes!.....Martha will be there! Hoping for other unexpected drop ins - the event is always interesting, with always a hint of the unanticipated! And it will be fun....and the tomatoes should taste much better than last year (they already do!).

Suze July 22, 2011 10:46 PM

I see (from just entering Raleigh, NC) into Weather Underground that it's going to be 101 tomorrow. Ouch!

Stay cool! If I may make a suggestion, bring a couple of oscillating pole fans if you can - but do be sure to tape down the cords (with duct tape or such) so people don't trip on them.

nctomatoman July 22, 2011 10:48 PM

My friend, who is a weather hobbyist - and attending! - thinks tomorrow could get into the 105 degree range because he notes that the core of the heat will be over us during the early afternoon...yikes!

gardenmama July 22, 2011 10:59 PM

Craig- The Lime Green Salad Sorbet will be there too! ;)

Ken B July 22, 2011 11:08 PM

Updated list -- all these are harvested and good to go!

Garden Peach
Green Zebra
Australian Beeksteak
Arkansas Traveller
Illini Star
Cherokee Purple (from 1994 seedstock)
Yellow Brandywine
Amy's Apricot
Red Pisa Date
Abraham Lincoln

[U]Hoping to bring (not sure yet, we think we harvested some, will look around in the morning):[/U]


We're looking forward to this a lot! Irena and I will be up early to make the drive... and praying that our car's AC doesn't give out on us!!!


arivaraci July 23, 2011 06:35 AM

So excited to experience my first Tomatopalooza! Although all my tomatoes are green, I will be bringing a couple loaves of bread to share.

nctomatoman July 23, 2011 07:38 AM

I found a nice Perth Pride (the one I had labeled to bring was pretty small - this is a 6 oz one), and two new ones - Maralinga, and a ripe (or nearly so) Sweet Sue. Also picked a small bag of Cossack Pineapple ground cherries, but they aren't yielding well yet

akgardengirl July 23, 2011 12:45 PM

Have a great event and I am looking forward to seeing the results and pics.
Sue B.

arivaraci July 23, 2011 04:17 PM

What great fun that was! Thank you so much Lee, Craig and Lori for such a great time. I wish I had thanked you in person before leaving. it was hot, and my dearest daughter was done.

I have a favorite from the tasting - Stump of the World. And I really liked Lime Green Salad from the dwarf table. I wish I had started on the dwarf table, because by the time I got to the dwarves I could barely discern sweet from tart. I'll know better next year.

Thanks again for the event and encouragement!

nctomatoman July 23, 2011 05:22 PM

Melted Sue and melted me just arrived home! We drove through a torrential downpour on 440 (dropped the temp from 102 to 75)...alas we returned to a baking driveway of dry pots. Not a drop here.

Yes, a really nice event - we will start a separate thread on things.....but first, we have a date with Cafe Capistrano!

gardenmama July 23, 2011 10:37 PM

So wonderful to be able to make the trip to Raleigh this year to reconnect with familiar friends and make a few new ones.

I pretty much hung out at the dwarf table or the bicolors and orange/yellow table but was able to sample just about everything. I'm not sure if the heat enhanced or detracted from some of the flavors, but there were many new tasty ones to be had.

Thank you Craig, Lee, and Lori & her logistical team, for all the hard work putting this event together.

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