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Ruth_10 January 11, 2007 10:52 PM

Eat freely or hoard???
We now have a pretty good-sized stock of canned (heirloom) tomatoes such that we are able to use them freely, but we had to overcome old habits of hoarding them in case we ran out. Same with veggies in the freezer. I'd find myself holding back, but then would find I hadn't used everything when the next year's crop came in.

I'm thinking it's best to use preserved stuff freely and if you run out, you run out. And know to put more up next year. How about you?

wildcrafts January 14, 2007 11:51 PM

it depends on how much i've got put up. if i've got lots, then i use freely. if it was a lean canning season, then i hoard. but like you said, then there's stuff left over because i was afraid to use it. i need to just get over my fear of running out and use the stuff. that's what i went to all the trouble for, after all. :lol:

Worth1 January 15, 2007 12:01 AM

Eat freely!!!!!


bonekittyslug February 13, 2007 02:02 PM

[quote=Worth1]Eat freely!!!!![/quote]

I am in large agreement !!

Except I would take 6 to 12 jars of whatever you've put up (especially maters & mater juice) and stash them in boxes labeled "car parts", "mower parts", "computer parts", etc.

This way when everyone else thinks you're really out, you can still have some goodness left for yourself!! :shock: [size=2]OK, so I'm slightly sneaky![/size]

angelique February 13, 2007 03:24 PM

Good question. This reminds me that I have lots of basil squash in the freezer.

montanamato February 13, 2007 04:12 PM

I hoard and get frenzied when I run low...I like to make pickles every other year, as they last best and in the in between year I plant cucumbers and beets in less amounts...Tomatoes end up being every other year as that has been how the harvest goes...

I am sneaky though and often tell my mother I am nearly out of tomatoes , and she brings me her quarts to use and I save mine....Not really stealing from mom, as she is a notorious waster and rarely uses what she puts up and I am opposite...


Angelique...What is basil squash?

angelique February 13, 2007 05:06 PM

Angelique...What is basil squash?[/quote]

Oops. I meant to say, basil and squash (cocozelle and romanesco).

Worth1 February 13, 2007 05:12 PM

Oh great, just when I thought there was a basil sguash! :(


montanamato February 13, 2007 06:14 PM

Me too...I was hoping for seeds....


Ruth_10 February 13, 2007 09:02 PM

Jeanne, maybe we need to have a little talk about you telling your mom you're out of tomatoes so she'll give you hers. :wink: :wink:

montanamato February 13, 2007 10:12 PM

Honestly, I have seen her dump and throw away so much stuff, I have just decided to intervene...If she should ever run out, I would pay her back with mine...

Plus, she has a pretty warm growing area and really out produces me on the big slicers and longer season tomatoes...I think she harvested about 30-40 pounds off of a few Yates Beefsteak and County Agents...And I gave her the seeds...Plus, I taught her to can...Anyway, I really can't see her ever running out...


angelique February 14, 2007 12:38 AM

Sorry no seeds.

Tonight, I gave in and used 2 ice cubes of basil. Last year, I blanched then water shocked my basil. Then it was off to the food processor with a little olive oil and coarse salt. I made sure that I tightly packed the ice cubes.

I was really surprised at how good the basil still taste. I used the ice cubes to make a basil rice with diced dried tomatoes. Yummy.

I really was hoarding the basil. I think that i have at least 50+ more basil cubes. Time to use them now.

Ruth_10 February 14, 2007 08:30 PM

It's the freezer stuff that usually trips me up. With canned goods, I can eyeball amounts on the shelves and get a pretty good idea of how much I have left, but with freezer goods, it is way harder. I put stuff in as it gets harvested and processed for the freezer, which means a jumble of freezer bags in no particular order, and then it is impossible to know what you have left. :roll: This winter I--ta da!--organized the freezer using plastic grocery bags to hold bags of each type of vegetable. The grocery bags are easy to grab by the handles and lift out to get at stuff underneath and they collapse down as they are emptied so they don't take up as much room as, for example, a box would if used for an organizer.

Granny April 4, 2007 10:29 AM

Ziplocks are cheap, but I find that they can really waste space. For the few harvest items that I freeze rather than can (other than berries) I prefer to use the small disposable plastic containers. Those stack pretty well.

Rena April 4, 2007 08:15 PM

I actually freeze my ziplocks in the small tupperware then after it has frozen, upmold, then stack them up. Keeps them neat and tidy and I don't have to use up all the tupperware.;) ;)

Granny April 5, 2007 09:06 AM

This is true Imisscolo. I freeze stuff that I want to try to keep for most of a year though, rather than just a few months - most of which is "raw" rather than cooked.

The extra layer offers a lot of extra protection. Rather than use expensive Tupperware, I use the very inexpensive Ziplock or Glad disposables. (I think I've seen store brands too.) You can get 8 or a dozen 1/2 or 1 cup containers for less than $2 - even less with a coupon - that are good for several seasons of use.

spyfferoni April 5, 2007 05:48 PM

I ran out of salsa and freezer jam. I decided I won't share with friends and neighbors as much this year. Last year was my first year making jam from my raspberries and canning salsa and I gave some away for neighbor gifts. I will try to can more this year, or think of something different for next Christmas.
I'm thinking I should of horded some salsa and jam.


ZBQ April 5, 2007 09:31 PM

I use a Foodsaver. That thing has paid for it's self many, many times over!! :D

For my basil, I put it in the food processor and ground it up with just enough EVOO to make a thick paste. Then I spread it on a cookie sheet about 3/4" thick and scored it with a spatula into small squares that had roughly 1/2 to 3/4 cup in it. Put it in the freezer till frozen. Take out of freezer, break into chunks along scores and Foodsaver each. They store nice and flat. I just used some of the pesto that I made last summer in the "food porn" pictures that I posted in the Photo section. I did roasted red peppers this way too.

Just recently I was diggin through the freezer and came across some pork chops that had gotten shoved to the back. They were just over 2 years old. I thawed them out and there was no freezer burn and they tasted like they were fresh. Foodsaver is a $$ saver.:D

(No, I don't work for Foodsaver,:roll: I just think it's a great kitchen tool that is well worth investing in.:D)

montanamato April 5, 2007 09:48 PM

Lots of good ideas...We are just about out of everything....The last of the carrots will go this week and the purple cabbage ended a few weeks ago...The only canned items left are a few pickled beets, dills, and shallots...Nothing in the freezer but elk and beef...I prefer a few more vegies in my diet...
I have gone back to freezing a lot of items in glass jars again...I hope to have enough peppers , tomatoes and onions this summer to make it year round...Some years are plentiful and others so so...
I too ran out of salsa months ago....


Granny April 6, 2007 12:12 PM

Spyfferoni, something I learned about canning long, long ago was to put jams, jellies and that kind of thing up for family use in pint jars rather than the 8 ounce and to put stuff for gifts up in the pretty little 4 ounce jars. A single batch of jam will fill about a dozen of those.

lumierefrere April 7, 2007 07:26 AM

So given a choice between a Foodsaver and a good dehydrator, which is the wisest decision?

Granny April 7, 2007 10:17 AM

That depends on what you want to do with it and what kind of results you want.

The Foodsaver goes hand in hand with a freezer - but of course if you lose power, you also lose the contents of your freezer. Great for meats & fish.

The dehydrator does a great job with fruits and vegetables and of course dried foods don't thaw if you lose power. On the other hand, lots of things aren't very useful dried or take much effort & time to reconstitute for use. Some people don't much like the taste of dehydrated vegetables. I've used a couple of different dehydrators and been pretty unhappy with the amount that can be processed in a given time - and the electric bill.

All in all, since I do not have anyone who is bringing in large quantities of fish or game that needs to be dealt with, I stick with my old water bath canner for fruits, jams, pickles & tomatoes and the freezer for other stuff.

Ruth_10 April 7, 2007 11:32 PM

In an ideal world the freezer would trump the dehydrator, in my opinion. BUT--real world--we had two power outages in 2006 lasting longer than 24 h and one of those was in 100 degF weather. Without a generator to keep the freezer going, we would have lost everything. Freezer food tastes more like fresh food, for the most part. Dehydrated foods work well for some purposes, for example when used in cooking, imo. Dehydrated fruits are pretty good as snacks.

I don't have a Food Saver-type system, but we got some beef from my brother a few years ago which was packaged in that type of system and it kept very, very well. Maybe a Food Saver should go on my Christmas wish list.:)

Using the small jars for give-aways is a good idea. A few years ago I gave as gifts some red raspberry jam I made. It was red gold and I don't regret sharing it, but I sure wish I had made more. We've since moved away from the place where we had all the red raspberries, so it doesn't look like I'll get more made anytime soon.:(

Granny April 8, 2007 09:18 AM

Ruth, many a time over the years I have produced "red gold" from frozen berries. You can often buy larger bags for relatively reasonable prices at places like Sam's & Costco. The big bags of frozen peaches work well too. Just thaw them and pretend they are fresh. Very nice for jam in the dead of winter.

caascher2 April 8, 2007 09:53 AM

Good idea Granny. Never thought of using the frozen fruit. I guess no one can tell the difference.

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