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Jonnyhat July 22, 2015 09:44 PM

please tell me there is an organic pesticide for squash vine bore

Cole_Robbie July 22, 2015 09:51 PM

This stuff worked on my whiteflies. I noticed it killed potato bugs, too:

I don't know for sure if it meets the official government standard, but the stuff is basically harmless to people. I have been meaning to test it on stink bugs.

Jonnyhat April 17, 2016 08:15 PM

I read that you can inject BT with a meat injector right into the stalks. will report back on success this year

Bulldog April 18, 2016 06:27 AM

I have read that you can use a syringe, but I am not sure if it works as a preventative. I think they have to be in the stem. I am going to use foil around the stems this year. I'll try to cover with insect netting also.

BigVanVader April 18, 2016 10:18 AM

DE works for me, need to kind of pile it around the stem.

Barbee April 18, 2016 10:41 AM

I dont think svb is listed on the label but i have personally used it directly on a borer i dug out of a pumpkin vine and it killed that rascal dead as a hammer. It is a systemic bacteria. Follow the label closely. Its very pricey and has a short shelf life.

joseph April 19, 2016 12:38 AM

Perhaps grow varieties/species of squash that are not susceptible to borers.

fonseca April 19, 2016 01:12 AM

The only option is to cut them out, and MAYBE the plant will make it. I've tried generous dustings of DE, foil around the base of each vine, kaolin clay and piles of gravel as mulch.

This year I am growing my cukes under floating row covers. I have already seen the SVB moths hovering over them in the garden. If I don't get a decent harvest I am giving up on heirloom cukes. Growing Suyo Long, Lemon and Boston Pickling.

saltmarsh April 19, 2016 02:05 AM

It is just a moth. And a fairly docile one at that.

They are easily identified.


I normally see them in the garden between 9AM and 11AM. Watch where they land (normally on a squash leaf.) and you can walk up to them. I thump them to the ground with my middle finger then squash them with my foot. A simple organic solution.

clkeiper April 19, 2016 07:49 PM

I just read an article from Rodales that someone mentioned growing peppermint in with their squash and had no squash vine borers. It wouldn't hurt to try it.

Mike723 April 21, 2016 08:57 AM

[QUOTE=saltmarsh;552825]It is just a moth. And a fairly docile one at that.

They are easily identified.


I normally see them in the garden between 9AM and 11AM. Watch where they land (normally on a squash leaf.) and you can walk up to them. I thump them to the ground with my middle finger then squash them with my foot. A simple organic solution.[/QUOTE]

"A simple organic solution." :)) I like that!

seaeagle April 23, 2016 11:55 PM

I have tried for years to stop them and it is impossible.The few things I found that helped are

Don't plant in the same place every year- move from one end of your garden to the other.This will keep the borers that buried in the soil from getting your new squash.

Get some minced garlic and put in a container at the base of each plant and the older and stronger it gets the better.Add water to keep it from drying out and replace when necessary.

Wipe the stems every 2 or 3 days with a rag and some ivory soap.

These steps will buy you time and will make the harvest longer but as the plants get bigger they will eventually get in.

Susan66 April 24, 2016 12:34 AM

Growing bush beans in with your potatoes will discourage potato bugs. They hate the beans, I guess. When I lived in Missouri, the guy across the street was spraying Sevin on his potatoes every week or so. I planted rows of beans between my rows of potatoes and never saw a bug after I started doing that. But lost all my squash, summer and winter to squash bugs every year. I could hand pick and smash egg cases for a while, but I always lost the race in the end. Here in New York, I'm lucky-the moth doesn't seem to live here. I like the peppermint solution, but mints can get pretty aggressive. Maybe try blending it up in the blender with some water and spray it on the plants. Worth a try, maybe.

Susan66 April 24, 2016 12:39 AM

Along with the garlic and soap, hand picking eggs and every other suggestion people here have made. Those bugs are bad!

Tracydr April 24, 2016 10:33 AM

If anybody finds a good cure for stink bugs I need to know. I'm considering doing kaolin clay this year since they just ruined so many tomatoes last year. That and those leaf hoppers,ugh!

Mike723 April 24, 2016 10:45 AM

Perhaps we could wrap the stems in a synthetic material similar to cheese cloth? Something like the mesh used for sheetrock taping .. Over lapped enough it would probably do the trick, so long as it didn't cause any rot.. Sounds like a bit of work, and it may become problematic with future growth - unless it was a stretchable material..? Hmm lol

coastal bend April 24, 2016 11:19 AM

check out Spinsoad it might work.

luigiwu April 24, 2016 11:27 AM

Parafilm is stretchable but what is it that actually will deter them from working their way up? soemthing scratchy or??

JaxRmrJmr April 28, 2016 01:59 PM

I trap them with a pheromone lure. In a small backyard I usually got a few per week. Later in the season I was getting 50+ per week. It greatly helped with my squash.

Then the pickleworm moth showed up and did me in.

LMinAL April 28, 2016 03:23 PM

I have them here every year. The only thing that works for me is keeping them covered so the moth can't lay eggs as long as possible. By that time, the plant is large enough to sustain some damage.

My routine is to plant out, once seedlings come up I thin them out and put up my pvc hoops and tulle netting. I keep them covered until they outgrow the enclosure then spray spinosad. I also keep an eye out for eggs and handpick them as much as possible. Once you get to this stage, you will be able to tell if a borer has entered early by keeping a close watch on your leaves. If one starts to look discolored or wilty, look on the back of the stem or between the leaf veins and you will probably find the entry. I remove that leaf stem at the base and cover with dirt, then find the tiny bugger in the removed stem and squash it. The plant should be large enough by then to survive having a few leaf stems removed.

This has allowed me to have squash through early July until the pickleworm comes and then I just give up. :twisted:

saltmarsh April 29, 2016 02:26 AM

All Natural
LMinAL "This has allowed me to have squash through early July until the pickleworm comes and then I just give up."


I saw this video 4 years ago. It was the rabbit hole I fell through and started my journey with biodynamic methods.

LMinAL that video was taken in August. Look at those squash vines.

I grew up on a truck farm in North MS in the 1960s. Sharecropped several acres of squash each year. I sprayed with Seven and Malathion weekly and still lost about 10% of the fruit to Pickle worm.

If I had tried to use this on the farm my father would have beat me half to death. It's about 180 degrees out from everything I was taught growing up.

The first year I tried the teas, I didn't loose a single plant to squash vine borer and didn't loose a single fruit to pickle worm. Not one.

Some plants respond to the teas more than others. Squash really respond to them. People driving by on the road would stop and ask about them. They couldn't believe how quickly they grew and how healthy they looked. They had to be picked twice a day to keep the squash from getting too big.

No commercial fertilizer, no animal manures, no pesticides, no herbicides, no irrigation.

Just teas made from garlic powder, red pepper powder, ground sage; horsetail; Lacto bacillus inoculant; 1 TBLS molasses per gallon of tea used as a sticker; 1 TBLS Palmolive Orange dishwashing liquid per gallon of spray used as a spreader.

Simple cheap and it works. Claud

reddeheddefarm April 29, 2016 08:28 AM

will you give specifics on how to make this tea?

dirtdobber April 29, 2016 10:17 AM

I'm interested too. I didn't lose any squash last year to the SVB but I cut them out and reburied but now they know where a nice crop of squash will be this year.

GoDawgs July 12, 2018 08:43 PM

This is the first year I was diligent about watching for that first droopy leaf that indicates a SVB has visited. As soon as a leaf drooped I got out the syringe a diabetic friend gave me and loaded it with bT. Squash stems are hard enough that a needle won't penetrate so you have to put the syringe into the borer hole and shoot bT both up and down the stem. Then I piled soil over the hole area.

It seemed to help a lot. Yes, the SVBs eventually won but not before the squash had produced. These were acorn and butternut squash. The SVBs didn't bother the spaghetti squash. Go figure.

I have tried preventatively wrapping the stems with aluminum foil, strips of old row cover and panty hose. It would have been easy if the plant stem was just smooth but noooooo... There are leaf stalks close together that make wrapping the stem problematic. And *forget* trying to wrap panty hose or row cover strips around them as they catch on all of the tiny spines on every leaf stem. This was a pain in the patoot from last year and didn't work anyway:


As someone else mentioned, using cover over squash plants until they outgrow it gives them a good head start. After that, add in vigilance and bT injections and you might get some squash. :roll:

SueCT July 12, 2018 11:11 PM

There seems to be some confusion here between squash bugs and squash vine borer. The only thing I have found to work is fall planting. Last year I direct sowed on July 10. I did get some squash before the cool weather came, but mildew was a problem. i plan to plant seeds again this year, hopefully if not tommorow, very soon after. How well this works is going to depend on how long a season you have and how long the warm weather holds that year. At least I got some squash.

In the future, I hope to experiment with starting them in pots inside if necessary and planting out after the moths are gone, vs. direct sowing slightly earlier.

GoDawgs July 13, 2018 05:25 PM

[QUOTE=SueCT;708089]There seems to be some confusion here between squash bugs and squash vine borer. The only thing I have found to work is fall planting. Last year I direct sowed on July 10. I did get some squash before the cool weather came, but mildew was a problem. i plan to plant seeds again this year, hopefully if not tommorow, very soon after. How well this works is going to depend on how long a season you have and how long the warm weather holds that year. At least I got some squash.

In the future, I hope to experiment with starting them in pots inside if necessary and planting out after the moths are gone, vs. direct sowing slightly earlier.[/QUOTE]

I've got one crookneck and one zuke grown in pots that are ready to set out tomorrow. I'm going to set up a few hoops with row cover over them until the plants outgrow it. Down here SVBs hang around a bit longer.

SueCT July 13, 2018 08:01 PM

If I had plants I would keep them in for probably another month. Since I am direct sowing seeds, they don't emerge for 7-10 days, and then are too small for the moths to either find or bother with. By mid August they should be gone. I try to plan to have it start producing in mid to late August to get a fall crop before it gets too cold. I probably will only get 3-4 weeks of squash but it is better than the none I get planting in spring, lol. Next year I might try starting them in the house and putting them out in August.

KarenD July 14, 2018 11:49 AM

[QUOTE=GoDawgs;708070]This is the first year I was diligent about watching for that first droopy leaf that indicates a SVB has visited. As soon as a leaf drooped I got out the syringe a diabetic friend gave me and loaded it with bT. Squash stems are hard enough that a needle won't penetrate so you have to put the syringe into the borer hole and shoot bT both up and down the stem. Then I piled soil over the hole area.

It seemed to help a lot. Yes, the SVBs eventually won but not before the squash had produced. These were acorn and butternut squash. The SVBs didn't bother the spaghetti squash. Go figure.

I have tried preventatively wrapping the stems with aluminum foil, strips of old row cover and panty hose. It would have been easy if the plant stem was just smooth but noooooo... There are leaf stalks close together that make wrapping the stem problematic. And *forget* trying to wrap panty hose or row cover strips around them as they catch on all of the tiny spines on every leaf stem. This was a pain in the patoot from last year and didn't work anyway:


As someone else mentioned, using cover over squash plants until they outgrow it gives them a good head start. After that, add in vigilance and bT injections and you might get some squash. :roll:[/QUOTE]

GoDawgs I just found a svb entry point and I am going to try your technique of injecting BT. My plants are container gourds with a trellis. Entry point is to far up the vine to cover with soil but will try wrapping the spot with vet wrap. Vet wrap is a stretchy material that sticks to itself.

GoDawgs July 15, 2018 09:40 AM

[QUOTE=KarenD;708259]GoDawgs I just found a svb entry point and I am going to try your technique of injecting BT. My plants are container gourds with a trellis. Entry point is to far up the vine to cover with soil but will try wrapping the spot with vet wrap. Vet wrap is a stretchy material that sticks to itself.[/QUOTE]

See how far up the vine you can get a needle to penetrate into the stem to shoot the bT "uphill". Any excess should drain "downhill" but hopefully you'll get far enough up to get that borer. You can also try to insert a piece of wire up the entry hole to try and pierce the borer. A two pronged approach.

Great idea about the vet wrap! I've got some in my first aid box and will try that next spring since I've already torn out my squash plants.

Greatgardens July 19, 2018 12:18 PM

I've changed my planting routine. I delay setting the plants out until after the borers emerge and lay eggs. For me that meant the end of June. So far, so good in 5b.

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