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Spatzbear March 21, 2007 05:35 AM

Anyone growing Zucchini?
Just wondering. I love zucchini and grow a lot. Somehow we always seem to be able to eat them all. Without stress. :) We don't even have to do a zucchini run - or leave bags of them in front of neighbours' doors in the middle of the night, etc.

My favourite would be Lebanese Zucchini, followed by Ronde de Nice (which is not very productive for me, unfortunately). Then Golden Zucchini - because it's pretty and reliable. A new one this year was Maltese Zucchini - which was very productive and delicious.

Sooo, pleeaaaase. Let me know. What are you growing? What are your favourites?

I only have a few more zucchinis to go, then it's the end of the season.

Adenn1 March 21, 2007 06:42 AM

I first tried zucchini two years ago...tried to grow a nameless variety in a large a few fruit...but it was hard for me to keep it watered properly. Then it died a quick death with some sort of disease.

Last year I wanted to try Costata Romanesco and Yellow Straightneck. The CR plant was huge and quickly grew into the yard. I really liked the taste of it...somewhat nutty. Another good attribute was that larger fruit were still tasty...some got to 18" and probably weighed 3-5 pounds. I discarded the seed membrane and filled them with ground meat and tomato sauce. The yellow staightneck was also good and productive.

I will only have space for one plant this year (trying some root crops for the first time) I am trying a variety called Nimba from Baker Creek. Reportedly a smaller plant and early fruit. Anxious to see how it works out.

I do stuggle with disease and I believe insects...something always seems to attack the stem of the plant at the base...then the plant slowly dies upward. Got some research to do.

shelleybean March 21, 2007 07:24 AM

We eat a lot more Golden Scallop than zucchini but I like Cocozelle. I'm just growing one plant this year. I like it fried and in ratatouille. It's also pretty raw because it has green stripes on the skin.

feldon30 March 21, 2007 10:56 AM

Haha, when I saw the topic I figured the first line would be "How do I stop from growing so many?"

The joke being that the only time people lock their cars in small towns is when zucchini and squash are in season. ;)

shelleybean March 21, 2007 11:34 AM

Or you can leave a pile of zucchini on your neighbor's front porch, ring the door bell and run away.

spyfferoni March 21, 2007 01:44 PM

I'm going to grow a golden for sure, and maybe another green variety. If I find seeds locally, I'll try a scallop type.

I have a friend who says her mother makes an amazing fake strawberry jam with zucchini. Anyone heard of that?
I like to sautee it with a little olive oil or butter and some seasonings or some onion. It is a great low carb/low calorie side dish.

MMMM I can't wait.


barefootgardener March 21, 2007 04:16 PM

I've been growing Zucchini Rampicante for the past three years now. It's got great flavor and does not get watery like a lot of other Zucc.'s.Plus it has very few seeds at the top of the squash. Most of the seeds are in the bulb end.

I will also grow yellow crookneck cause my MIL likes it, along with yellow golden straightneck.

montanamato March 21, 2007 05:00 PM

I lkie to grill the tiny ones on the BBQ....Also my favorite bread and butter pickle recipe turns out great when small zukes are substituted for cukes...Leaves more cukes for fresh eating and prevents most of the zukes from growing up...
I have grown Striata d'italia for several years and Tatume in the past. This year am growing Golden and San Pasquale...I sometimes stuff and bake the blossoms too.


barkeater March 21, 2007 07:37 PM

Zucchini Elite is the perfect zucchini for me, has been since 1983. I wouldn't even try any other as it isn't possible to improve it IMO.

flowerpower March 22, 2007 07:47 AM

I am trying the cocozelle this yr. I like the stripes. lol

shelleybean March 22, 2007 08:18 AM

Flowerpower, that's what initially attracted me to Cocozelle too. It has a nice nutty flavor. This will be my third season with this zucchini.

Miss_Mudcat March 22, 2007 11:27 AM

I grew Costado Romanesco and the hybrid Gadzukes from Burpee. As for flavor, they are the most excellent tasting, in my opinion, but they are low yielders, which is amazing for any zuke!

I grew Rond de Nice last year. It was prolific and tasty! Great for steaming when small and nice as a stuffer when medium-sized. I found a recipe calling for cous cous as the stuffing. DH and I loved it, but the children weren't as receptive.

Another standard for me is yellow straightneck. Traditionally I grew only yellow-crookneck, but now that I'm growing for market, I needed something sturdier. Those crooked, skinny necks break too easily. I think they taste just the same.


DavidinCT March 25, 2007 03:11 AM

I'm trying [FONT=Arial][I]Zucchino da Fiore[/I] which was bred to produce large flowers and not many zucchini. Don't want to take up space in the garden (they are runners) so will see how 15 gallon white Easi-lift grow bags work on the lawn. Want to try the flowers wilted with fresh tomato sauce, stuffed with ricotta and anchovies or clams and in frittata. Hopefully they will be a nice ornamental in the yard and tasty.[/FONT]

bugsy March 27, 2007 11:36 PM

Wow, you didn't get much from your Ronde de Nice plant? I don't know what happened but I think I must have harvested at least 25 pounds from one plant, I am being very conservative. I hauled plastic grocery bags of round zuchini from that darn plant every other day all summer. That thing was a zucchini pumping monster. My family wants two plants this year and I really had to think about it before agreeing to it.

obispo45 March 27, 2007 11:57 PM

For most of my gardening I prefer OP'ed varieties, the main exceptions are sweet peppers and zukes/summer squash. I realize the last two aren't the same but I always seem to lump them together. Presently I plan on growing Zephyr F1 a gorgeous half of veggie is bright yellow, bottom half is almost a mint green. Johnny's has it...maybe the only seed co. to my knowledge that has it. Really tasty and funky looking. Also like Magda F1 and its pretty, blocky, nutty tasting goodies. That one produces like a son of a gun! Will probably grow Costata Romanesco again, and going to try harvesting Yugoslavian Finger Fruit(long season squash) as a summer squash.

bugsy March 28, 2007 12:30 AM

Yeah, Zephyr is a Johnny's exclusive and man that is a nice little summer squash.

mathfed March 29, 2007 09:35 AM

Has anyone tried Raven? I grew that one last summer, and plan to grow it again. It is very dark green, almost black. I really like the taste of it. I get buried with zucchini every summer, and told myself I wasn't going to grow any this summer. The thought of not having fresh zucchini to stir fry with fresh peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and udon noodles made me rethink that. A miracle occured, and I found a spot to put a zucchini in my garden layout for 2007. I'll probably always have at least one zucchini plant. By the end of the summer, I am sick of them. I sure like having them around to munch on, though, and miss them during the winter.

nctomatoman June 10, 2007 01:24 AM

We are growing Raven, Zephyr and Sebring, and are now actively and regularly picking from all 3. Our favorite thing to do with them - cut in half or quarters, brush with olive oil, add a little salt and pepper, and grill them...really good accompaniment to grilled fish. One surprise is that in the packet of Zephyr, one of our 3 plants turned out to be the pale green Kuta type squash - it's very good, but Johnny's has a bit of a quality control issue there! It is also more vining than Zephyr (perhaps it is one of the parents). We may be odd in really enjoying summer squash all season long, so are hoping that the squash vine borer doesn't pay our garden a visit!

lumierefrere June 10, 2007 10:15 AM

My Ronde de Nice takes over the garden. This year I planted it by the propane tank where it can go monsterous without bothering anything else. Very fine variety.

FlipTX June 11, 2007 09:33 AM

I'm growing Parthenon, which doesn't need pollination to set fruit. For some reason I'd never had good luck hand-pollinating my squash and the bees didn't seem to be doing the trick, either, so this one has been working out well for me.

JerryL June 11, 2007 10:25 AM

[SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]I’m not a big Zucchini fan but my wife is. The only variety she has me grow is Aristocrat. It’s a hybrid that’s not available from too many seed companies but she insists I grow it each year. [/FONT][/SIZE]

feldon30 June 11, 2007 10:58 AM

I'm not going to have much in the way of tomatoes for the SETTFest, but I will have peppers and probably cucumbers. So what are you bringing to the SETTFest, fliptx? ;) ;)

michael johnson June 11, 2007 11:21 AM

[I] always forget to pick some of my zucchinis and end up with about twenty the size of the largest marrows at the end of the season, some of them nearly three foot long and six inches thick- I never quite know what to do with them afterwards- the best thing I have found so far is to split them longways down the middle- clean out the seeds etc, and then stuff them with a good herby type sausage meat then roast them in a slow oven until slightly burnt, they are lovely.:D [/I]

shelleybean June 11, 2007 11:34 AM

Michael, another option is to grate the huge zucchini and make zucchini bread. Very good with some cream cheese. :)

Earl June 12, 2007 09:23 PM

Zephyr [from Johnny's] is the best yellow I've grown. We always blanch and freeze several quarts to make squash casserole during down time in winter and spring.

Ruth_10 June 16, 2007 05:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
We have grown and enjoyed Raven for a number of years. This year we are growing Dark Green and Golden. The seeds were from SHP. We got them in late this year. As a matter of fact, just this morning I did a second planting. In the first photo, left to right, is Dark Green, Golden, and Dark Green. The second photo is a fruit from the Dark Green plant on the far right, which is the largest plant (even though all three were planted at the same time).

We like young zucchini sauteed in stir fries. For slightly larger fruits, we have a dish we call "Boats." We scoop out the seed cavity, add tomato sauce (made from heirlooms, of course), put some cheese on top, and bake them until done. Very tasty.

mcasey July 25, 2007 09:34 AM

After losing my zucchini last year to powdery mildew....I brought in my very first ever from my garden yesterday!

I like them shredded with carrots in meatloaf, shredded in my no crust quiche with cheddar cheese and just plain old steamed.

Mary Ann

Puregoodtomatoes August 8, 2007 04:58 PM

I grow it every year but I'm still looking for a favorite variety.
My favorite way to make it is slice it along with onion and saute with evoo, salt, pepper, and a lot of dried basil. I just barely cook it until softened, still a little crisp!!! Yum...

piegirl August 8, 2007 07:19 PM

Nine hills growing and not one fruit yet. I may be the only
to not have trucks loads of zukes which is why I planted nine
hills. Tons of males have flowered for a month, females form
but drop before they even bloom - at about an inch. I love
them and found a recipe using shredded zuke for pizza crust.
it was quite tasty. Many times I just slice and take to work
as a snack. So someday, sometime, I may have a few! Piegirl

Earl August 8, 2007 07:33 PM

Piegirl, you may need to do the pollinating if the insects aren't doing it, must be why the females are falling off.

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