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Al@NC April 15, 2018 11:33 PM

Summer Squash/Zucchini
Hi Guys,
I'm getting really excited about the forthcoming season and garden space is a premium (as always). And so I have to grow at least 2 Summer Squash plants and 1-2 Zucchini's. I hate all of the garden space that the leaves of the squash's take up and I'm wondering if others grow anything under their squash leaves? I was thinking of putting carrots or something under there...

At the same time I'm tempted on trying to grow my squash in 5 gallon buckets instead and utilizing the garden space for something else...

Any thoughts? What if anything do you guys grow under your squash leaves?

I'm trying a new [URL=""]Dwarf Summer Squash[/URL] from Victory Seed this year but I know the leaves still get big..

Or, I can prune some leaves at the cost of production or try to train the branches to grow upright more?

Just brainstorming here, all of this may sound crazy! :dizzy::love:;)


Al@NC April 15, 2018 11:52 PM

Maybe I'll put tomato cages around them and train the branches up...


clkingtx April 16, 2018 12:28 AM

Those are really cool ideas, I will be very interested to see if you are able to grow something under them! I might have to give it a try as well, but my problem is finding something that will stay small enough and do well in such low light, that will tolerate our hot summer temps(we usually get above 100 most days in the summer). I'll have to think on that...

Nan_PA_6b April 16, 2018 12:31 AM

I can't tell from the blurb how big the plant is for that squash. You might want to go with the squash that has the smallest f[SIZE=4][SIZE=3]ootprint. BUCKINGHAM PATIO Zucchini Squash is about 2' diameter. It's on this page:[/SIZE]

Then you don't need to underplant.


Al@NC April 16, 2018 01:06 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Nan, I like the way that zucchini looks! Maybe going dwarf and getting smallest footprints along with cages will work wonders...

2x4 or 4x4 I still want to save space because I'm growing in 4'x8' beds this year. Well I searched and found this link to someone who is using tomato cages and training their Summer Squash limbs upwards!


There's a good video there that shows it and here's a picture:

Al@NC April 16, 2018 01:10 AM

Using cages for squash can help maximize your space and reduces the chance for mold and disease by getting your leaves off the ground!:

Al@NC April 16, 2018 01:13 AM

I was thinking about growing something like carrots or something that doesn't mind the shade but by using cages I may not have to worry about shade loving plants...


Nan_PA_6b April 16, 2018 09:55 AM

I don't find there's a lot of space under a zucchini plant, as the big stems, fruit, & leaves take up the room. We inadvertently grew carrots under zucchini two years ago; the carrot trench was too close to the zucchini. The carrots didn't fare well; I think they wanted more light.


MickyT April 16, 2018 04:22 PM

I usually plant them on the side of the beds and let them grow out of the bed and into the lawn. Will also try some in grow bags this year..

AlittleSalt April 16, 2018 04:41 PM

I like the cages idea.

Sadly, the thing that grows best under my summer squash are squash bugs.

jillian April 16, 2018 05:33 PM

[QUOTE=AlittleSalt;695514]I like the cages idea.

Sadly, the thing that grows best under my summer squash are squash bugs.[/QUOTE]

:)). I hear you!

No more trying to grow summer squash for me. I will however be growing winter butternut squash. Hopefully the SVB leave these alone, that's what I have read anyway. We'll see.

Gardeneer April 17, 2018 05:14 AM

Talking about CUCURBITS.
I sow the seeds directly and let them grow on their own terme.
I have sown melons, watermelon, cukes WEEKS AG9. Now they are just popping. Only cot leaves so fa4. But with the soil and air getting warme , the6 should take off soon.
Cucumbers, 2 varieties.
Persian Honey Dew
Summer Squasy
Watermelon, Sugar Baby.
Around here melons family do real well.. We have a Wate4melon Festival, each year. Last year i had a good crop of wate4melons, sweet and juicy. My Honey Dew Melons were just like honey, very sweet.
Ok. I will come back here to report later.

Al@NC April 17, 2018 10:38 AM

I start squash, okra, pumkins and well... everything from seed and grow lights in cups. Then just transplant everything.

9 weeks ago!? That's crazy!!


TexasTomat0 April 17, 2018 11:06 AM

I've got my squash in between the tomato plants in my raised beds then in front of the squash I have bush beans growing. So far everything is getting enough light, the tomato plants are already reaching above the squash and the bush beans are reaching out in front, so everyone has their own space to grow.

Al@NC April 17, 2018 12:40 PM

[QUOTE=TexasTomat0;695647]I've got my squash in between the tomato plants in my raised beds then in front of the squash I have bush beans growing. So far everything is getting enough light, the tomato plants are already reaching above the squash and the bush beans are reaching out in front, so everyone has their own space to grow.[/QUOTE]

Good Point TexasTomat0, beans and other vining crops such as cucumbers can potentially grow pretty close to the squash and do well because they can climb out from the shadows of the squash leaves.


Nan_PA_6b April 17, 2018 04:56 PM

Al, bush beans are not vining. But your point about vines is still valid.


Al@NC April 18, 2018 12:06 AM

Thanks Nan, I've never grown beans before! I started with tomatoes, squash and okra. I read bush beans and honestly thought of peas :P


Nan_PA_6b April 18, 2018 10:34 AM

Al, you're in for a treat. One plants bush beans after last frost, and nearly every seed comes up! They grow well, nourish the soil, and produce like gangbusters. My fave are the broad yellow Roma beans, but the purple podded beans are also good; you don't have to hunt for the beans because of their color (the purples turn green when cooked). Very rewarding, easy, and tasty crop.


Al@NC April 18, 2018 11:59 AM

Similar to this one Nan?


Nan_PA_6b April 18, 2018 06:42 PM

Yes, just like that!


Al@NC April 18, 2018 07:32 PM

I dropped by the local university today, I was recently told that they have a seed bank/library. Well there were some varieties there and I happened to get seeds for the Pollock tomato along with Brilliant Pink. I also grabbed some Mini Orange Marigolds, Cherokee Trail of Tears Beans, Brett's Yellow Bush/Snap Bean.

I'm not seeing any info on line about there being a "Brett's Yellow Bush/Snap Bean so it probably something that was picked up at a farmer's market or who knows. Needless to say they aren't the same as a Gold Romano Bean but I may grow a couple this year and see how they turn out.

I'm trying to be really good (it's hard!) now since I've spent too much money on seeds this year.

I recently ordered the Mikado tomato seeds from Hudson Valley Seed co. along with a family heirloom named Aubrey's special pinks tomato. I'm also waiting on Megabite F1 seeds from Park Seed that I ordered.

I'm anxious to get everything planted out and get this season rolling...


Nan_PA_6b April 18, 2018 08:47 PM

[QUOTE=Al@NC;695926]...I happened to get seeds for... Brett's Yellow Bush/Snap Bean...
... I may grow a couple this year and see how they turn out.[/QUOTE]



GoDawgs April 28, 2018 05:07 PM

Last spring I planted summer squash in the middle of a 4' wide bed where there were carrots growing down the sides. But the carrots were sown Feb 14 and the squash weren't sown until early April. Unusually early for me to plant squash but it was an unusually warm winter and spring so I took a chance. By the time the squash were big enough to bother the carrots I was pulling carrots.

I just planted summer squash in a bed that has young scallions down one side and fall planted scallions going to seed (for collection) on the other side. I don't think there will be any conflict there.

Summer Squash in tomato cages.... now that's an interesting thought! Thanks for posting that. I might have to try that with one of them. :yes:

Al@NC April 29, 2018 02:32 AM

[QUOTE]Last spring I planted summer squash in the middle of a 4' wide bed where there were carrots growing down the sides. But the carrots were sown Feb 14 and the squash weren't sown until early April. Unusually early for me to plant squash but it was an unusually warm winter and spring so I took a chance. By the time the squash were big enough to bother the carrots I was pulling carrots.

I just planted summer squash in a bed that has young scallions down one side and fall planted scallions going to seed (for collection) on the other side. I don't think there will be any conflict there. [/QUOTE]Thanks! That's good to know...

Summer Squash in tomato cages.... now that's an interesting thought! Thanks for posting that. I might have to try that with one of them. :yes:[/QUOTE]I'm just trying to think outside the box, and then when I googled it there were already others doing it. I'm going to grow 2 Summer and 2 Zuc's this year this way and see how it works out...


GoDawgs April 29, 2018 09:41 AM

[QUOTE=Al@NC;697530]I'm just trying to think outside the box, and then when I googled it there were already others doing it. I'm going to grow 2 Summer and 2 Zuc's this year this way and see how it works out...[/QUOTE]

Oops! I erred in my planting scheme description. The squash were planted in a bed where there are turnips planted down both sides! Again the theory is that the turnips will be gone before being covered by squash leaves.

It's [U]cucumbers[/U] that are planted down the middle of the scallion bed. Hmmmm, we'll see how THAT works out! :lol:
While I was puttering in the radishes yesterday, I wondered if you could put those in with the squash. They mature quickly and later sowings might just enjoy a bit of shade from big squash leaves. Just a thought.

Al@NC May 1, 2018 04:02 AM

I'm going to grow cuc's on trellises this year (as I always have) but I'm thinking I will plant a ton of peas around the outside of the tomato cage roughly 1" from the cages. I don't know how many pea plants I can get around the cages without them affecting the amount of sun the squash get but we'll see :) ... The super snappy peas are only suppose to grow to 28-32 inches tall.

I feel like I'm a little late with the peas but our temps here are just now getting to 45f at night so I'm not so late.

I'm thinking you can grow radishes!

I'm curious what affect growing the squash in cages will have on powdery mildew if any....


GoDawgs May 1, 2018 06:49 AM

I'm pretty much done with radishes here as far as planting any more. It's going to get too hot pretty soon and make the radishes too spicy. There are some almost-ready daikon still in the ground and they'll be the last until fall.

Al@NC May 1, 2018 12:02 PM

[QUOTE=GoDawgs;697850]I'm pretty much done with radishes here as far as planting any more. It's going to get too hot pretty soon and make the radishes too spicy. There are some almost-ready daikon still in the ground and they'll be the last until fall.[/QUOTE]

I miss living in the south as far as gardening is concerned (I used to live in Western North Carolina). I am just now planting out this week for the first time this season!:P


Gardeneer May 8, 2018 03:37 AM

Done with the radish. Squash are growing buds. They are bush type. Cukes are about to vine melons and watermelons are a bit behind. But with the weather warming up, actually getting hot, cucurbits are growing faster now. I like cukes and zukes as you don,t have to waitfor them to ripen up.pick and eat them tender and young.

GoDawgs May 14, 2018 07:39 AM

Fool the borers?
I saw somewhere in a catalog some kind of shiny ground cover cloth. It's supposed to "repel" squash bugs as the shiny surface reflects the sunlight and confuses the vine borer moth. Supposedly. When I mentioned it, my sister wondered if one of those $1 space blankets would work. Ah ha!

So that will be one of the experiments in the never ending quest to defeat vine borers. Put a slit in the space blanket to slide it around the stem (the plants are already coming up) and pin it to the soil.

Last year a light row cover worked pretty well on one zucchini until it got way too big and pushed its way out of the cover. That's when the first borer damage showed up. At least I got a few zukes!

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