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murihikukid May 24, 2017 08:20 AM

Black Cherry
Hi...Is there a tomato bigger than black cherry but with a very similar taste ...My one Black Cherry plant has produced beautiful tasting fruit and I am wondering if any of the other larger black varieties have a similar taste ....Thanks Mk

MissS May 24, 2017 09:54 AM

Black Cherry is a very unique tasting tomato. There is nothing that is bigger that tastes anything like it. Ron's Carbon Copy is very good, but it also is a cherry tomato. Also most black tomatoes are long season plants, which would not work very well for you in your climate.

oakley May 24, 2017 12:17 PM

I think a few similar are worth trying. BlackSeaman is an mid-size 6-8 oz. Not the
first out of the gate but has a nice rich flavor.
CherokeeChocolate is one of my best. My own saved seeds for a couple years now are
an average 8-10 oz good size and are full round unlike the original seeds from TGS that
are slightly ribbed.
PaulRobeson, IndianStripe...have you tried any of these? You might like them as much
or even better.
I have a very short season.

Cole_Robbie May 24, 2017 12:20 PM

Bola Maciza is a dark saladette that I like very much.

KarenO May 24, 2017 12:26 PM

I think most of the full size blacks taste better than black cherry. There are plenty of midseason black beefsteaks to try including dwarfs.
Look at the Russian and Ukrainian varieties such as black Krim, black from Tula for example if you want heirlooms. If open to new ones there are too many to list, have a look at tatianastomatobase for literally hundreds of options.

BigVanVader May 24, 2017 02:12 PM

I'd say any of the dark tomatoes like Cherokee Purple, Indian Stripe, JD's Special C-tex etc all taste as good or better than BC.

murihikukid May 24, 2017 04:51 PM

Hi...Amazing replies....First Patti....At the very beginning of my season (probably September 2016) when the gardening centres received their first plants I bought a Campari and a Black Cherry ...Both of these were grown initially inside and subsequently got affected by a bleach spray ...I persevered with them and finally removed the soil round the rootball ...lifted them out and"stretchered them out of the house and replanted them in the new greenhouse that was a long time ago ....Both have really thrived and still producing a lot of fruit..the Black Cherry along with a number of my varieties has what appears to me has a powdery mildew problem although my Black Cherry appears to be unaffected by it comparible with some other varieties...Aunt Ginny's Purple would be my worst affected......My problem of course with less than a month to the shortest day is ripening my fruit (every body has the same problem after basicly no summer?)....I am only now removing plants from my greenhouse especially ones that are "terrible tasting" and ones that are clearly not going to produce anything....but I do have Paul Robeson,Black from Tula,Indian Strike with fruit but so far they are not ripening ....I have insulated my greenhouse on the non sun sides and just hoping for the best IE that I can get a taste of these.....

My Tasty Toms are simply extraordinary...They are so far ahead of other varieties (apart from my Campari) as far as producing/resistance to disease etc and I find the taste extraordinary but I do know that the single Not Black from Tula fruit that I tasted many months ago rivaled Tasty Toms.... This is the BFT with the potato leaf?? ...I still have not found the seeds I had for it but the lady that grows it yearly has promised me some more seeds ....

My main concern and priority are the varieties that Patti so kindly provided seeds for....I have only been successful with Sweet Scarlet and have been able to save a small bank of seeds..I really like its taste ...The others (including Indian Stripe) well I just do not know..they are struggling Eva Purple Ball.has one solitary fruit on it and Stump of the World is all leaves??...If I cannot get any ripe fruit for seeds I presume all I can do is try and grow a lateral inside and hope that I can extend this action til Sept/October and spring when I could move to the greenhouse.....Unless of course somebody comes up with seeds for sale in the country....

Reports suggest that Amazon are intending coming here soon ...I wonder if they will bring a gardening section with them?? Probably will not be allowed..


carolyn137 May 24, 2017 05:09 PM

If you are looking for a dark cherry larger than Black Cherry I highly suggest


You can always go to the seed subforum here called wanted, and ask if anyone has this or that variety since usually someone here might have it .

If you are Ok with much larger dark ones , more like beefsteaks,many good ones have already been mentioned here.I opted to stick with your cherry theme, and yes,there's one I forgot and that's Black Striped Sweetheart, Tania doesn't list it, but it's a small cherry size oval ,not a heart,with green stripes, and oh so good.


murihikukid May 24, 2017 05:11 PM

Hi..I have just looked outside and its completely white ...This would probably be our first frost this year and a test for my greenhouse and tomatoes.......

Cole_Robbie May 24, 2017 05:12 PM

I have Rosella for the first time this year, and I'm looking forward to it: [url][/url]

murihikukid May 24, 2017 05:41 PM

[QUOTE=carolyn137;642075]If you are looking for a dark cherry larger than Black Cherry I highly suggest


You can always go to the seed subforum here called wanted, and ask if anyone has this or that variety since usually someone here might have it .

If you are Ok with much larger dark ones , more like beefsteaks,many good ones have already been mentioned here.I opted to stick with your cherry theme, and yes,there's one I forgot and that's Black Striped Sweetheart, Tania doesn't list it, but it's a small cherry size oval ,not a heart,with green stripes, and oh so good.


Carolyn ...Thanks....I failed to mention that my cherries apart from Black Cherry EG Sungold and Sweet 100 are a dead loss as they have all split ....I grew too many plants and varieties this past season but I managed to keep control of them all up to just recently when I think the cold is killing many .....I have never eaten so many Tomato sandwiches and I am now also boiling some up for a soup... all Tasty Toms ..I just cannot believe the crop I have...Campari surely must be a relation as they are similar with just a lesser "bite" in the taste..My Early Girl,Russian Red, Jaune Flame, Whipper Snapper Etc I am giving away to people that have helped me...I find these tasteless..Jaune Flamme was a huge disappointment..

Next season I will be growing a lot less plants and Sungold and Sweet 100 along with many others will not be perservered with.....Talking with other people it seems they are all going to buy Tasty Tom in the next growing season.. I am hoping the Not Black from Tula ,whatever it is , will be successful for me..And there is always Sweet Scarlet....Cheers

clkeiper May 24, 2017 07:58 PM

What is Tasty Tom?

Gardeneer May 24, 2017 09:14 PM

I am growing Black Cherry for the first time. Have harvested half a dozen or so tomatoes so far. Taste wise ,to me, it is nothing to write home about. I call it average taste.
I have grown several dark beefsteak varieties they all taste better than BC. They are:

Cherokee Purple, Black From Tula, Indian stripe and couple of unnamed varieties. One shown in my current avatar. I t is early too. I picked the first ripe one today. That is 63 days from plant out. 120 days from seed.

murihikukid May 25, 2017 05:11 AM

Tasty Tom...
[QUOTE=clkeiper;642115]What is Tasty Tom?[/QUOTE]
Hi..I am no expert but Tasty Tom is a tomato variety from the Netherlands that has taken over the Europe market and must surely take over New Zealand next year ...Its just an incredible plant...

Now the creator has patented his plant and I understand it is not available in the US.....however Campari is and they are so similar to Tasty Tom... I have not found a red tomato to match Tasty Tom ....and 90% of next seasons crop will be Tasty Toms...
But it is a Hybrid so there are no seeds on the market ..Here in NZ certain growers must have a license to supply the garden centres??? I will of course try and grow some seeds and see what I get and I hope to keep some of my best plants growing through winter via laterals and they may in turn supply me with laterals so that I can get a jump ahead of everything come July/August...Thats my plan ...

murihikukid May 25, 2017 05:14 AM

[QUOTE=Cole_Robbie;642077]I have Rosella for the first time this year, and I'm looking forward to it: [URL][/URL][/QUOTE]
Cole Robbie...They look beautiful ...hopefully you will let me know how the tasting goes as I will definately like to grow them...Cheers Ron

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