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barkeater March 11, 2013 09:25 AM

What Onion Varieties You Planting?
I'm starting my onion seeds this week and trying a some new ones:

Red Zeppelin
Rossa di Milano* - open pollinated. Supposed to store like Copra?
Red Amposta* - open pollinated. Anyone ever grow this one?

I'm also growing leeks for the first time ever:

Tadorna*- from High Mowing Seeds whose farm is located 20 miles from me. It's the only one they sell so it probably is a good one for Vermont. Anyone know this variety?

Durgan March 11, 2013 09:39 AM

Walla Walla only. About 50.

halleone March 11, 2013 09:44 AM

Just Red Marble from seed, and the Catawissa sets that rxkeith sent me last fall; the Catawissa's started popping up 'bout a month ago. Living in Walla Walla, I can readily get WW Sweet starts, but I prefer to let the big boys grow them and save space in my garden. ;)

Riceloft March 11, 2013 09:44 AM

Copra, Big Daddy and Yellow Sweet Spanish - all from Dixondale farms. I had some seed starting trouble this year so just ordered from them :).

PNW_D March 11, 2013 10:24 AM

I'm trying Potato Onions from seed mine provided last year - fascinating - hope my results will be as impressive


Redbaron March 11, 2013 10:48 AM

Catawissa, Egyptian Walking, scallions, and some unknown variety of white and unknown variety of red that just happened to be on sale for 1 dollar, plus 3 kinds of garlic.

kath March 11, 2013 11:04 AM

Ailsa Craig Exhibition, Red Bull, Redwing & Ruby Ring from seed; Super Sweet sets from Agway just to try them, and some yellow potato onion planted last fall.

roper2008 March 11, 2013 11:20 AM

I ordered the intermediate day sampler pack from dixondale. Maybe
now with the right kind of onion, I'll get some decent sized bulbs.

Fred Hempel March 11, 2013 12:56 PM

Lunga di Firenze (Florence Long)


To me, it's like a big shallot -- but alot easier to grow and use.

tjg911 March 11, 2013 03:18 PM

[QUOTE=barkeater;333267]I'm starting my onion seeds this week and trying a some new ones:

Red Zeppelin
Rossa di Milano* - open pollinated. Supposed to store like Copra?
Red Amposta* - open pollinated. Anyone ever grow this one?

I'm also growing leeks for the first time ever:

Tadorna*- from High Mowing Seeds whose farm is located 20 miles from me. It's the only one they sell so it probably is a good one for Vermont. Anyone know this variety?[/QUOTE]

i never heard of tadorna but that really doesn't mean much!

rossa di milano must be a red onion. it may store a long time but i doubt it'll store as long as copra.

red wing store a long time but copra beats it by a couple of months. if your onions store to the next harvest then you are in good shape. for me red wing are harvested in mid august and store to may, june even july sometimes. copra are harvested around 8/9 and store a full year. one year i had them to mid october tho they were starting to sprout and a little soft but that's 14-15 months but they were still ok to eat.

i'm growing the usual - copra and red wing. i had not so good germination from the red wing so i started some red bull to see how they taste and store compared to red wing which i am totally satisfied with. i couldn't get red wing seeds from pinetree seeds in maine so i bought them from parks seeds and i hope that wasn't a mistake. past experience with parks wasn't stellar so i normally wouldn't buy from them but this was an emergency. pinetree sent me a free pack of red bull when it was apparent they would not have red wing this year, i never saw this happen before. so when i had to start more red onion seed i decided to try the red bull. so this will be interesting cuz i like red wing enough i'd never try anything else.

i don't want huge onions which is one reason i stopped growing alisa craig exhibition but they didn't store long enough and often had doubles that would rot. copra are a good size possibly too big. red wing are a bit larger so i'm curious to see how large the red bull are.


Father'sDaughter March 11, 2013 10:40 PM

This year I'm growing Tropea long and Tropea round (just to see if there's much difference), Copra, Red Wing, and bunching onions. The last two years I only grew the Tropea round, but giving others a try based on recommendations here, and a seed offer for the Copra and Red Wing (thanks Tom!). I started my seeds last month and despite low germination on the Red Wings, they're all doing quite well.

b54red March 12, 2013 12:24 PM

This far south it is very hard to find onions that do well. I have grown most of the onions mentioned above by other posters but very few delivered much in the way of bulbs. Any of the Vidalia types do well here but they are terrible storage onions and only keep a few weeks. The one onion that is dependable, a decent fresh eating onion and also a decent storage onion is white Bermuda. I think I have about 8 or 9 varieties in my garden now yet I only have hopes of getting any onions big enough to store from the Bermudas. I am constantly wasting space in my garden with red onions hoping to find one that will make consistently down here. I have found a few smaller yellow onions that do okay but they are only good for cooking as the flavor is a bit too strong. I might get the occasional nice onion from the others but it is so infrequent that the bulk of my onions planted will be Bermudas from now on.

Eirik March 12, 2013 12:32 PM

The onions Im starting this year are:
[I]Allium carolinianum[/I]
Allium wallichi
Allium cernuum pink giant
garlic estonian red
garlic Hammer
and some leeks, dont know wich variety.

swamper March 12, 2013 01:07 PM

Ailsa Craig, doesnt store but taste fantastically sweet and grow huge. Wanted to try Rossa di Milano for better storage.

Cole_Robbie March 12, 2013 01:17 PM


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