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Andrey_BY May 31, 2006 05:05 AM

My GH tomatoes and peppers so far
Tomatoes have been transplanted on May 13 and May 20, sweet peppers - on May 21. Total 50+40 tomatoes, 5 hot peppers and 100 sweet peppers. As you can see Russians are not into hot dishes :wink: :arrow:

The major open ground transplantation for tomatoes scheduled to this week-end except about 20 plants I've already placed on May 27.

Cucumbers are germinating very slowly even under spanbond cover... The weather is still not for summer in Belarus. Heavy rains and only + 10 + 15 C.


Mantis May 31, 2006 08:04 AM

Great looking plants Andrey. Keep the pictures coming.
I love greenhouses. :D

dokutaaguriin May 31, 2006 09:18 AM

Hi Andrey,
Nice setup.
What kind of spacing do you use for your peppers?
What are those cups for in your greenhouse?

Andrey_BY May 31, 2006 09:41 AM

Jeff - I usually leave these cups with written variety names I use for seedlings at home before staking all plants in greehouse. Then write down all on a scheme or use simple labels.

This year I plant my sweet peppers much closer to each other than before ~ 30x40 cm just to transplant more peppers from my own and my mother-in-law. We'd grown definately too many pepper seedlings this time :D

Also I leave 6 holes right in the end of our pepper greenhouse for some unusual (for me) cucumbers, 1 melon, 1 watermelon, 1 Red Burgundy okra and 1 purple physalis :)

sweetwm007 June 1, 2006 10:55 PM

andrey- nice looking set up.
what type of soil and do you amend the soil?

JBinKC June 2, 2006 12:28 AM

Fantastic looking set-up, The plants look great!!!

Andrey_BY June 2, 2006 03:29 AM

William - We use common soil + add aged horse or hen's manure in autumn + wood ashes in spring right in the holes before transplanting. Sometimes add some mineral (or combined) fertilizers without chlorine, but not so much.

Also have to change (rotate) soil every 3-4 years.

Rena June 2, 2006 06:04 AM


Worth1 June 2, 2006 04:15 PM


What kind of peppers are they?
I have been looking for the kind that they use in the Hungarian Paprika that I love so much. To make Hungarian goulash out of, (of course.)
The imported stuff is a little pricy.

Great looking plants, by the way a friend of mine in Alaska just bought a tractor from Belarus.

Good job and good luck.


Tania June 3, 2006 02:23 AM

Andrey - you have absolutely awesome setup and such healthy plants - thanks for sharing!

I hope you'll have a great harvest from these beauties.

Andrey_BY June 3, 2006 03:53 AM

Thanks to all of you for good comments!


What kind of peppers are they?
I have been looking for the kind that they use in the Hungarian Paprika that I love so much. To make Hungarian goulash out of, (of course.)
The imported stuff is a little pricy.

Great looking plants, by the way a friend of mine in Alaska just bought a tractor from Belarus.

Good job and good luck.


Worth1 - Usually we grow a half of whoopers with thick walls (I prefer former Yugoslavian, Russian and Belarussian varieties, but will add more American next year since I've got many from trades with many of you at Tomatoville) and a half of rather more productive middle-size sweet paprikas. Actually I have more than 45 varieties in my sweet pepper collection and it's always a bit difficult for me to choose what to grow this year).

Regarding our tractors your friend has a very good choice and he save a lot of money I think. Our "Belarus" tractos are among the cheapest hard working tractors in the woirld. You can buy a very powerful Belarusian tractor for only 15000USD!


coronabarb June 3, 2006 11:51 AM

What a great setup! You'll have more peppers and tomatoes than you can eat! Keep us updated with pics.

Earl June 4, 2006 08:01 PM

I hope my wife doesn't see your picture, she might want to trade me for you! :-) You're a big handsome guy.

Very nice greenhouses that you have!!! You are a great friend to us and one of these days I hope we will be able to meet you and shake your hand. Stay safe. Take care.

Andrey_BY June 5, 2006 03:26 AM

Earl - Don't worry, I'm in love with one Russian/Lithuaninan/Polish redheaded woman (my wife) for more than 10 years so far and we've got a wonderful girl who looks very much like me :wink: I have too many roots here to be seduced by any other beautiful women from over the world :D All my very close relatives live in Minsk in one district very close to each other...

So I invite you and many other my friends-gardeners from Tomatoville to visit Belarus if you would like someday. Minsk is located not too far from Moscow (only 700 km) so you could visit both capitals. You will be definately amazed of Soviet realism of our streets, buildings and monuments of Lenin and Dzerzhinsky, pure services, but very friendly people. It seems to me Belarus is the only country in the world where you can see Police wrecker-tractors (they use it for evacuation of wrongly parked cars :lol: ).


There will be also a special excertion to Belarusian dachaland and a warm atmoshere of my daugther's room with mice and lambs on the wallpapers and blinking stars and planets on the ceiling in the night :wink: :lol:

sweetwm007 June 5, 2006 07:18 AM

andrey- as earl said " you are the man"!

sorry my seeds i sent tou were nabbed by customs. i could have been part of your greenhouse display.

you gotta watch those red- headed women. they really like money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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