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Cecilia_MD7a March 27, 2007 10:35 AM

MAGTAG II is August 25
I went ahead and reserved the same pavilion in the same park as last year for this date. I haven't gotten much response on any of the websites where I posted, but the 25th seemed a LITTLE more popular.

SO ...

Saturday, August 25, 2007
Southwest Area Park, Baltimore, MD

gflynn March 28, 2007 09:40 AM

My wife will be very happy. Perhaps my tomatoes will too. We will see!

bluekat April 1, 2007 11:10 AM

Works for me - just have to rearrage the work schedule a little - think they will have enough notice?!?


Cecilia_MD7a April 2, 2007 01:07 PM

They'd better! After all, you're this year's poster girl (holding last year's poster tomato)!

Dunkel April 11, 2007 09:17 PM

God willin' and if the creek don't rise I'll be there.

Tomstrees May 21, 2007 04:37 PM

Man do I wish I could make it ... maybe I can ... will see ~


Dunkel May 28, 2007 06:37 PM

Daggone it, Tom you better be there. LOL Missing last year was understandable but 2 years running isn't. He He

gflynn May 29, 2007 05:32 PM


Do come, we had about 82 different varieties last year. I tasted every one :-)

I will have to Really make a Dunkel this time :-)


spkfero June 6, 2007 08:09 PM

is it ok for me come to lol
i will be coming from michigan to visit my son
he lives in belair , i can,t bring my tomatos
but he may some that i sent him
have traded with david and trudi
like to meet both

and greg i also home brew

see you aug 24


gflynn June 7, 2007 10:18 AM


great to have you tomatoes or not. We need lots of help determining the greatest tomato of all :) so please do come.

Last year we had 82 unique varities and many recipes including a tomato desert pie that was very unusual. Myself and another gentlemen brought some homebrew. Maybe this year I can make a real Dunkel and give it as WV name!

How about: "Get'n Hillbilly Silly" or "Mountian Crazed Dunkel" :D


Cecilia_MD7a June 11, 2007 08:26 AM

Yes, Gene - we welcome all tomato lovers! Have you ever been to DATE or any of other the Midwest tomato festivals?

So, we have about 2 1/2 months to go ... how are everybody's crops doing? My tomatoes have been lagging behind compared to last year, but since my toms peaked two weeks before MAGTAG last season, this might be a good thing. I have a few small Cherokee Green fruits and some Black Cherries starting up, but this isn't surprising since those fruits are on the huge plants I got from Annebert at the Mid Atlantic Swap in May.

I plan to repeat the BLT Bar this year, which means that I'll have to take the day before MAGTAG off and microwave bacon all afternoon again! My house smelled so good that evening. Since I'm doing Weight Watchers (and have lost 30 pounds so far - trying for 50!), I might cook some Canadian bacon and/or veggie "Fakon" too.

Last year, my sister, brother & sis-in-law, nephew and niece attended. This year, there may be even MORE members of my very large family in attendance - a couple of my relatives were perturbed that I didn't tell them about last year's fest, but honestly, I thought it might be a flop! Also, my tomato-loving Dad hopes to attend. He will have just celebrated his 85th birthday a couple of days before the event - perhaps I should make that notorious tomato cake i posted the recipe for last year, and stick candles in it!

Dunkel June 12, 2007 08:23 AM

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]My maters are looking great. I would say that 95% of the plants I'm growing have either small fruits, flowers or flower buds already. Weather was hot and dry in May but recently it's cooled off nicely (80's daytime 60's nighttime). Hopefully the cooler weather will allow alot of fruit to set. Last year it got hot way too early and caused alot of blossom drop. :evil: I'm really looking forward to MAGTAG 2nd annual get together.[/SIZE][/FONT]

feralcatfriend July 21, 2007 09:25 AM


I'm looking forward to MAGTAG 2007. I hope I'll have some tomatoes from Memory to Vavilov (MTV) to bring. I only see one source for MTV in the SSE yearbook. I got it last year from Tanager Song Farm, which I hope will be selling seeds again in 2008. Anyway, Memory to Vavilov is my rarest tomato to contribute--the tomatoes are golf ball size, so how many should I bring? I LOVE this plant and would like to see it get more attention. It's great for early production of dozens of tomatoes. It's small so you can grow it on a patio and it tolerates heat and drought like a champ. It's also early and I'm sure I'd be telling you how its tomatoes taste right now, but the deer beat me to it last week, stripping my MTVs of about 20 tomatoes each. Arghh!


spkfero July 21, 2007 07:20 PM

i will be coming from bel air also
don,t know if my son will have tomatos
he planted out late. ( his tom. came from me )
as you knowi live in michigan and was late getting
them to him
we both plan on being there


gflynn July 23, 2007 09:49 AM

Cynthia and Gene,

Glad to hear you can make it. There will be many tomatoes to taste and lots of seed to share if its anything like last year. It's great to meet so many people from so many different places that all like heirloom tomatoes.

Its the one time of year when I can talk about tomatoes without someone giving me a funny look ;-)

My crop it doing well this year and I should have a few new ones. One of them is from Belarus (from Andrey) and is called Orange One. I got my first ripe one yesterday and sliced it up for the kids. It has orange skin but when you cut into it there is a pink glow to the flesh. Very tasty indeed!


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