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Barbee March 15, 2009 04:07 PM

[B]How come ya got them lights so close?[/B]

Everyone that visits the basement asks me this question!
When I try to explain why, then I get this one.....

[B]How do you see the plants? How do you water them?[/B]

Answer: You squat down to see the plants. Or you pull the tray out and look. When I want to water, I pull the tray out and water it, then put the tray back under the lights.

Sometimes I think it might be easier to post a little sign on the lights or something. :x My sister asks these same questions every single time she visits. Like 2x a week! I'm trying to decide if she has selective memory....or I'm not giving her the answers she wants to hear. Maybe I'll ask her that every time she visits ;)

rnewste March 15, 2009 08:34 PM


Simple solution: [B]LOCK[/B] the basement door (or tell her there is a MOUSE down there!).:twisted::twisted::twisted:


Barbee March 15, 2009 10:15 PM

Ha! The mouse idea just might work! Or a snake! No, not a snake. I'd hate to jinx myself :panic:

rxkeith March 15, 2009 10:16 PM

is your sister 4 years old?

that sounds like my son some times. he can ask the same question over and over again, especially if he doesn't like the answer.

you could tailor your answers to the degree of interest the people are showing in your set up. if their eyes start to glaze over or they start looking away, time to move on. you may have an opportunity to inoculate some one else with the gardening bug.


Barbee March 15, 2009 10:42 PM

My sister is just a bit older than 54 years older:)) Maybe she's got the Benjamin Button thang going on?

No doubt you're right about tailoring the answers. To most around here, a tomato is a tomato. A celebrity or something similar.
Today's questions from my neighbors who stopped in:
[B]Wow, them's some big tomato cages! How come they're so big? [/B]To hold the tomatoes.
[B]Tomatoes don't get that big...I've never seen a tomato get that big. Are you sure they'll get that big? [/B]Yep, they'll get that big and probably even bigger.
Then they look at me like I have 3 heads and say...I'm coming down to see those tomatoes this summer. I never heard of a tomato getting that big LoLoL, now you watch, I'll have the worst year ever for tomatoes!

Polar_Lace March 15, 2009 11:03 PM

I'd go totally bonkers and tell her I'm growing a secret government plant in the basement, or maybe some 'Pods.' How about some man eating plants - Ala 'little shop of horrors!' That'd keep her out of the basement.

You can also tell her that it's a cover up for a bomb shelter! LOL! :surprised::lol::lol::)):)) (Remember those?)

~* Robin

habitat_gardener March 16, 2009 12:29 AM

Try giving her a different answer every time she asks. Say it with a straight face, then change the subject. Try for more outlandish each time, until she stops asking and looks at you funny when she visits.

"How come ya got them lights so close?"

Because their little arms are so short.
They're hungry for light and pull it close.
It needs to be in slurping distance so their little tongues can reach it, that's all they eat at this stage.
To keep the darkness from swallowing them up.
To keep the basement gremlins away.

"How do you see the plants? How do you water them?"

They tell me when they need water. I hear them calling me.
Oh, I let the elves take care of that. [NPR had a story about elves in Iceland.]
They just grow a tendril and tap into the pipes when they're thirsty.

newatthiskat March 16, 2009 12:37 AM

You could put a poster on the wall explaining why the lights are so close. I like habitat_gardener's answers. Put them on paper and laminate. Everytime she or other's ask just point to the poster and tell them to pick an answer they like! you could also make a voice recording and play it for anyone that is asking. ;)

rnewste March 16, 2009 12:40 AM


I still think [B][I]"there's a mouse in the basement"[/I][/B] is the simplest response. I keep the Dear Wife out of my "Man Cave" with that line.


newatthiskat March 16, 2009 12:47 AM

Ray I would not let a little ole thing like a mouse keep me out of anywhere! I always thought that if i had a house with a basement I would call it the Kat Cave! :cute:

stormymater March 16, 2009 01:47 AM

"Because their little arms are so short."
:)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :twisted:

Barbee March 16, 2009 06:14 AM

:explode: Look!! Here's a little exploding smiley face. That's what I felt like this weekend.
Today, I'm feeling much better. I think I will start throwing out the most outrageous answers I can think of. This could be fun ;)

svalli March 16, 2009 01:10 PM

I would use the outrageous answers.

I'm sorry to go out of topic, but this story kinda fits here. I had heard many people being called from some company, which sells panties. If you agree to get the first ones from them, they will send you new ones each month and getting rid of this 'club' is quite difficult. These are just normal panties, not any Victoria's Secret stuff. One day I did receive the call saying that I have been selected to receive five high quality panties at a low introductory price. I told the lady on the line that I do not wear any, so they would not be useful for me; she hung up. Next day I got an other call from same company, but a different person on the line. This time I told that I wear only my husband's longjohns. They have not called me since that.

Barbee March 16, 2009 01:18 PM

Svalli, that made me giggle. :)
Of all the jobs, I think I'd hate being a telemarketer worst of all. I know I am rude to them and I imagine lots of people are.
I always wanted to start telling them this big long list of complaints when they start the conversation by asking :How you doing today?"
Oh my back hurts and I have an eye infection. My heart's giving out and I can't breathe too well. You know, on and on, so they can't get another word in. Wouldn't that be just too fun 8-)

Polar_Lace March 16, 2009 03:42 PM

Barbee, you crack me up. LOL! :lol::)) That would be so funny to do!:twisted::twisted:

~* Robin

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