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Tomstrees April 24, 2006 10:40 AM

Are herbs like toms / peppers ?
Can we get the herbs out earlier
than the toms and peppers ?
Of course after hardening them off ~


Woodenzoo April 25, 2006 12:33 AM

Hmm, well, I winter sowed mine. Catnip on 1-6, thyme and greek oregano sown on 2-18, and 3 types of parsley, 5 types of basil, cilantro, chives and cumin were sown on 3-12. The only thing that hasn't germinated yet are the cinnamon basil.
I planted everything but the cilantro this past weekend to the veggie bed or into containers.
lol I guess I just forgot about the cilantro...
No hardening off as they were already used to being outside in the sun.
Now if only my wintersown tomatoes and peppers were doing as well, I'd be happy as a clam. :arrow:

Tomstrees April 25, 2006 08:33 PM

I started hardeing them off today ~
I guess we will see if I'm too early !


Sorellina April 26, 2006 01:22 PM

Ciao Tom,

I think it depends on the herb. I don't put basil or cilantro out until the tomatoes go in. However, I'm noticing a few herbs in the garden that actually survived our winter. Chives do very well here, despite the snow cover and so do mints. I'm seeing catnip, ginger mint, peppermint, and lemon balm returning as well as some oregano and Italian parsley, so I would think those would be fine to start hardening off now. I think you may also be able to put sage, thyme, and other woody herbs out now, but I'd wait on rosemary. It grows wild into hedges in California, but it seems to be way persnickity in zone 5. I also noticed that my lavender has returned, so that was a happy surprise.

Tomstrees May 1, 2006 04:49 PM

yeah my oregano has popped
up again, which makes 3 years
in a row for it in the same spot ~
What a flavor ...
I sure wish basil was a perenial ! lol ~


jenn_sc May 4, 2006 11:08 AM

Basil hates the cold; I lost several this year when attempting to harden them off too early. (My tomatoes recovered just fine from those chilly nights)

Parsley usually comes back for a second year. I've even had parsley overwinter in pots, get covered in snow, and come back in the spring. Tough stuff!

My oregano has been coming back in the same spot for at least 5 years now with no attention whatsoever...

and who know the little mint plant I put out several years ago was plotting to take over the universe! That original small pot of mountain mint is now a huge unstoppable hedge!

In general, I find herbs much easier to grow than toms or peppers. There are certainly less pest and disease problems! Two exceptions: rosemary and lavender. I don't think they like our weather here in SC but I keep trying anyway!


Tomstrees May 5, 2006 09:40 AM

Jennifer ,

It too hot down by you for those herbs?


ps. going to plant the herbs outside today !

supergirl July 22, 2006 02:21 AM

Jennifer, I can't believe you can't get rosemary to grow! :shock: Here people literally grow it as a hedge in places. My lavender can be picky - I have one spot where it refuses to grow, but will grow a couple of feet away. Same soil, sun exposure, etc. Haven't worked out yet what the issue is.

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