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rnewste February 13, 2011 11:54 PM

Myth-Busters Challenge - Biota Max vs. MycoGrow - Confirmed!
In early October, I planted Oregon Giant Snow Peas in two adjacent EarthTainers to grow over the Winter. I wanted to evaluate the effect of comparing Biota Max versus MycoGrow with no other variables.


On October 23, I inoculated the 'Tainer on the left with MycoGrow, and the 'Tainer on the right with Biota Max. Here they are on December 15:


Note that the 'Tainer with MycoGrow took an early lead in growth.

However, the Biota Max inoculated 'Tainer eventually caught up and surpassed the MycoGrow 'Tainer:


Production also appears better from the Biota Max:


Average Snow Pea size has run about 4 inches:


So, my conclusion is in a head-to-head trial, Biota Max beat out MycoGrow. Again, not a statistically conclusive study, but it is an interesting comparison.

As both MycoGrow and Biota Max cost about $6.00 delivered, I recommend doing a 50% / 50% blend of both products as there are ingredients in each that are unique.


amideutch February 14, 2011 01:01 AM

Good stuff Ray. Couldn't agree more on the 50/50 blend and would also reccomend adding Actinovate to the mix. Ami

rnewste February 14, 2011 01:11 AM

[quote=amideutch;199702]Good stuff Ray. Couldn't agree more on the 50/50 blend and would also recommend adding Actinovate to the mix. Ami[/quote]

Agreed. I am planning on the MycoGrow / Biota Max inoculation about 3 weeks after initial plant-out, then doing an Actinovate treatment 3 weeks hence.

BTW, I planted out a Black & Brown Boar, Pink Boar, and NARX today, as they simply outgrew their inside InnTainers and had to go out. They are each over 4 feet tall as of now. I know it is VERY early for N. California, but I've got 18 inch tall back-ups of each, if we get hit by a freeze.


Stepheninky February 14, 2011 01:55 AM

[QUOTE=amideutch;199702]Good stuff Ray. Couldn't agree more on the 50/50 blend and would also reccomend adding Actinovate to the mix. Ami[/QUOTE]

Would not the Myco grow soluble work like the Actinovate as part of its formula is the same bacteria in Actinovate?

amideutch February 14, 2011 05:58 AM

[quote]Would not the Myco grow soluble work like the Actinovate as part of its formula is the same bacteria in Actinovate?[/quote]

Same bacteria but a different strain. Ami

fortyonenorth February 14, 2011 10:10 AM

Ray/Ami - How are the MycoGrow and BiotaMax applied? Is it a one-time soil drench after transplant; a periodic applications throughout the growing season; or ???

creister February 14, 2011 10:15 AM

I was also wondering if you (Ray) apply any mycos at transplant time. I think it was Ami that dipped the root balls at transplant time?

amideutch February 14, 2011 11:41 AM

As I grow my seedlings in Dot Pots/Cow Pots I just dip them in a water bath that has had Actinovate, Biota Max and Mycogrow soluable added to it. Remove, drain and plant. You can do the same with seedlings grown in plastic pots also. Dip them in the solution, remove and allow excess to drain back into the bucket, remove plant from plastic pot and plant. Ami

dipchip2000 February 14, 2011 12:07 PM


Isnt there a fertilizer or NPK amount that will damage or kill soil bacterias when applied after the Biotamax? I remember reading somewhere on here about what not to use after treating with Mycorra or Biotamax. I forgot to remember what it was or where that post was located. Can you advise??


creister February 14, 2011 12:16 PM

I believe that you do not want your percentage of phosphours, the P of NPK, to be above 3-4 percent.

rnewste February 14, 2011 12:58 PM


If you are using Tomato-tone (3-4-6) or Foliage Pro (9-3-6) things should be fine.

I am sure Ami's "dip method" is more precise than my (lazy) method of simply doing a single soil drench 3 weeks after plant-out, so if you really want to do it right, follow Ami's process.:yes:


Dewayne mater February 14, 2011 03:57 PM

Ray - thanks much! What is the onlyline source you use to obtain the $6 delivered price? Thanks.

Ami: How much of Actinovate, Biota Max and Mycogrow are in the bath you use for dipping? So you dunk the entire plant, (plant, roots, dirt and all) in a big container full of water and ABM and let the excess water drain off?

rnewste February 14, 2011 04:11 PM


Funny. If you go to the site, it is priced at $7.88. If however, you go to the site, it is priced at $5.85:


Still a good deal at the $7.88 price, but why not save a couple of Bucks.

Here is the direct link to the MycoGrow. Scroll down the page and click on the 1 ounce SOLUBLE at $5.95



creister February 14, 2011 04:52 PM


Is only one tablet enough? I don't have many plants this year (24 total). I saw that Biotamax offered free shipping.

rnewste February 14, 2011 04:57 PM


Is only one tablet enough? I don't have many plants this year (24 total). I saw that Biotamax offered free shipping.[/quote]

Are you sure the "biggertomatoes" site does [B]not[/B] offer free shipping as well? Both sites are owned by the same person.

The Biota Max site says one tablet is good for 1/4 acre, so with the one tablet, I break it in half, and save the unused half for next Season. I don't think I have anywhere near 1/8 of an acre to then treat.....:))


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