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ZBQ July 31, 2006 10:15 PM

12 ga. deer repellent!!
I am ready to SCREAM!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

The deer got into my tomatos and devoured about 70% of them!!! :evil: :evil: Nusiance, nothing but a nusiance!!

I'd love to plug'em while they had a tomato in their mouth!!!:twisted: :twisted:

They were actually standing IN the 11" raised beds that are attached to my garage!!! Found tracks!!Their stomachs were so full that I found 5 tomatos that just had teeth marks in them with not so much as a bite taken out of them!!!

But guess what? They didn't even touch the basil, which was right next to the tomatos!!

I still have some, but it was looking like I was going to have a bumper crop for my first year, now what do I have? Hardly nothing. All that hard work.......AHHhhhhhh!! :x :x

Any one have a good remedy exept a good ole 12 ga. slug? No repeat visitors that way!!!! :twisted: :twisted:

Suze August 1, 2006 02:18 AM

Neil, sorry to hear about all this. I'll cut right to the chase -- the solution is to put up a nice, tall electrified fence. Either that, or get a good spry outside dog or two that can and will patrol the area.

* not an 'invisible' fence

* not spraying the perimeter with human urine

*or spreading hair around

* or soap, like Irish spring or such

* or doing the naked chicken dance at midnight to show tunes

* or rotten eggs

* etc, etc, ....

Those things may or may not work, and if so, the effect will be temporary at best.

Worth1 August 1, 2006 11:24 AM

Deer, ' forked horned goats, thats all they are. :evil:

The deer fence is the best thing to do.

And a big skillet!!!!!


landarc August 1, 2006 01:27 PM's my understanding that deer make a right nice sausage and smoke up pretty nice. ZBQ, I suspect you know how to dop that.

My sister uses the dog in the garden/10' high herring net system. Although, sometimes, it is problemmatic for me, dang netting tangles me up when crawling through it.

DennisinPa August 1, 2006 09:26 PM

12ga. deer repellent!!
ZBQ, I have good luck using dog hair(from local groomer),it helps with deer,rabbits,and ground hogs.
Just put it around the plants.


ZBQ August 1, 2006 10:24 PM

I will try the dog hair just to see if it helps, but, if my suspicions are correct, they will not even be phased. We have 3 pups who use the entire yard for their bathroom and they haven't been the least bit hesitant. :x :x

MIL has a dog that must shed 3 POUNDS of hair a DAY!! :shock: Will get some from her house.

Worth1 August 1, 2006 10:44 PM

That hair thing wont work unless the deer see about 5 or 6 of their brothers hung up in a tree!!! :shock:


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