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jardinlady August 21, 2006 01:37 PM

Please help!
Hello: I am trying to post some pictures but can't, I am not sure waht I am doing wrong. I have copy and pasted the URL form Kodack gallery and also from snapfish with the foto that I want and pasted it in here and then pressed the image sign but nothing, no image is shown. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Thanks :cry:

jardinlady August 21, 2006 01:59 PM

No, I have just tried that and it does not work, not sure why. Thank you for the quick reply though. :arrow:

jardinlady August 21, 2006 02:02 PM

this is what I get.

feldon30 August 21, 2006 02:12 PM

That's the link to the entire page that houses the image. You need the link to just the picture.


Unfortunately, this forum (phpBB) won't accept IMG tags that contain certain characters, erroneously thinking they pose a security threat. Looks like Snapfish is a poor choice for posting photos. Try Photobucket.

You've got some SERIOUS stink bug problems. You'll want to spray those tomatoes and plants fast with soapy water (1 tbsp of Dawn dishwashing detergent mixed with water in a spray bottle) in the morning or afternoon (not in the heat of the day) or get a hand-held vacuum cleaner and suck em up.

You can try to hand-pick the bugs with a pair of gloves (They give off a stinky smell) but the young ones in your picture just run around to the other side of the tomato before you can get them all.

Stink bugs bite the tomato, causing little white pithy areas which have a cardboardy texture. It doesn't affect the overall flavor, but of course reduces the quality of the tomato.

Stink bugs are a big problem in the South and really anyone in Zones 8 and 9.

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

[url=]More Info at Texas A&M U[/url]

jardinlady August 21, 2006 03:16 PM

Thank you so much, I'll try the soapy water this afternoon, hopefully that will take care of the problem, also is there any good herbicide that I can use for this problem?
Also I am trying this new website that you gave me to see if it works thank you so much. :D

jardinlady August 21, 2006 03:17 PM


jardinlady August 21, 2006 03:18 PM

Thank you, thank you, thank you it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will save my garden pictures in this website from now on. :D

feldon30 August 21, 2006 05:21 PM

[quote=jardinlady]Thank you so much, I'll try the soapy water this afternoon, hopefully that will take care of the problem, also is there any good herbicide that I can use for this problem?
Also I am trying this new website that you gave me to see if it works thank you so much. :D[/quote]
Herbicide would kill your plants. I think you mean insecticide. :)

I know of no insecticide that controls stink bugs that I'd be willing to use on my plants. Neem oil and pyrethrin are some organic pesticides, but they have to be sprayed pretty much on the insects. It doesn't protect the plant itself.

P.S. The only problem with PhotoBucket is it's not intuitive to resize the photo to a reasonable size. It looks like you got a halfway-uploaded image there that didn't finish.

jardinlady August 21, 2006 06:22 PM

Yes I'll try that, once I posted it I noticed that I should have reziced it. :oops:

feldon30 August 22, 2006 10:29 AM

Wow, I've never heard of that. Might have to look into that.

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