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michael johnson October 17, 2006 02:59 AM

Seeds-By- Size, anybody ever tried them.??
I was looking at a web site called [url]www.seeds-by-size[/url]. for the last week or so, and they seem to have a heck of a lot of tomato seeds for sale as well as hundreds of other veg seeds.

The tomato seeds section runs into many pages of different varieties, some of them rare, the only problem is that they are a bit pricy for 5 seeds in a pkt, but get cheaper in larger lots.

They have got a lot of varieties that I want for next season to try, and am seriously thinking of ordering some from them- does anyone know if they are any good and reliable in supply etc- before I place an order with them. :arrow:

feldon30 October 17, 2006 05:20 AM


$3.75 for 5 seeds.
$7.50 for 10 seeds.

Do they have a germination guarantee?

amideutch October 17, 2006 05:43 AM

Feldon, The question was has anybody tried them. Have you?

carolyn137 October 17, 2006 10:23 AM

$3.75 for 5 seeds.
$7.50 for 10 seeds.

WOW, for what I saw in most of the categories it would be cheaper to order them from US sources as well as become an SSE member.

Yes, I've seen that site before but I never paid attention to converting the prices, and no I don't know of anyone who has ordered from them. And I can understand why.

It appears to me from many that they list that they've combed many commercial seed sources in the US b'c quite a few are rather specifically offered at only certain places, and whether they are just breaking up commercial packs to sell the seeds at a rather substantial profit or producing their own seed, which I doubt, I know that if I were in Europe I would do as I suggested above unless there's some specific variety that I HAD to have that wasn't available elsewhere.

Those prices are ridiculous, not that anyone asked my opinion. :lol:

LoreD October 17, 2006 06:32 PM

Those prices are astounding. If you would like a better source for seeds in the U.K. you should try the European seed savers exchange: Terre de Semences with Association Kokopelli.

HUGE catalog with several hundred types of tomatoes, the same for peppers, many American types along with European, Asian, etc. Also, beans, peas, watermelons, melons, corn, greens, and just about everything else. Many of the varieties are rare.

Tomato packets contain about 20-25 seeds for 2 pounds British, 1.50 pounds for shipping. Free shipping over 40 pounds within the UK.

Also, they are non-profit and are preserving heirloom varieties. You would be supporting a worthy cause.

All seeds are organically or bio-dynamically grown.


Ripple Farm
Crundale. Canterbury. Kent .CT4 7EB
Tel 01227 731815

Hope this helps.


LoreD October 17, 2006 07:21 PM

I looked at seeds-by-size and it was very confusing, they had some packets that had 5 for $3.75 and then they said they sold by weight .19 gram packets containing 50-75 seeds for $4.00. I can't figure it out.


michael johnson October 18, 2006 01:27 AM

Thanks LoreD, and the others, I didnt know Terre De Semences still existed in the UK , I used to get their catalogue about seven years ago and realy liked them- but they suddenly put up the price of their catalogue to a whopping £10.00 english money just for the catalogue, so I didnt bother any more after that, pehaps by now they might have made the price more reasonable, -if so I shall definatly try them again.

But as Carolyn and the others say, seeds-by-size prices are a bit steep, and all the rest of the calculating details within the pages are somewhat confusing, so maybe I will put them on the back burner for a while and try Terre De- Semences again. :D

LoreD October 18, 2006 07:02 AM

Their catalog is still very expensive but you can order online at their website.


greenie October 23, 2006 12:54 PM

Hi Michael,

Even though I'm new to this, Seeds by size seem really expensive even by UK standards. You can try Edwin Tucker & Sons in Devon. They've been recommended to me by a friend who uses them. They do mail order. Not very many tomatoes but a good variety (some heritage) of veg. Sent you a PM.

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