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maryinoregon September 21, 2007 01:44 AM

Giant Pumpkins-Lords of the Gourd
I was watching a show on PBS tonight called, "Lords of the Gourd." At least I think that was what it was called. I missed the first few minutes. It was about giant pumpkin growers in New York state growing pumpkins to show at a giant pumpkin weigh-off in Cooperstown. Wondered if any of you New York growers were there? I did not recognize any names, but that doesn't mean anything. It was shot last year and has a copyright date of 2007, so it must have finished production fairly recently, in TV terms anyway. I really enjoyed it. I was just flipping through the dial and there it was. What a kick. :D Anyone have any info about this competition? Participated in it? Mark?

dcarch September 21, 2007 07:13 AM



maryinoregon September 21, 2007 12:30 PM

Thank you dcarch. I never thought to look in Conversations. Should have done a search first.

korney19 November 9, 2007 08:15 PM

Hi Mary! I have only reached about 500 pounds so far so if I brought that they'd just laugh at me! They hold a competition sanctioned by the group led by Ray Waterman around here. He originally had the exclusive rights for distribution of Dill's Atlantic Giant seeds in the US... he's from Collins, NY a distant suburb of Buffalo.

Ray puts on a competition every year in Clarence, NY, another suburb maybe 5-10 miles east of here. The sport has grown so much that there are even different "groups" or confederations that are recognized worldwide. I think the 2 biggest are WPC & GPC? (World Pumpkin Confederation & Great Pumpkin Commonwealth.) Last year I won a membership to the GVGO (Giant Veggie Growers of Ontario) for a [I]giant pumpkin poem I wrote about me & my pumpkin adventures![/I]

Anyway, giant pumpkin growing is not only big here in the northeast but ALSO in the PNW! Jack LaRue of Tenio WA grew a 1420lb in 2004 and Thad Starr of Pleasant Hill OR grew a 1524lb this year! The biggest weigh-off near you is Canby, OR.


maryinoregon November 14, 2007 11:59 AM

Hi Mark. The local news had a great time showing off that giant squash. I am not that far from Pleasant Hill. Kind of makes me wish I could get a seed or three from the grower, but I only have a back yard to grow in, not an acreage. Anyway, I hope one of these days you make it to the big time of giant squash growing.

What is the world record weight for a giant squash? Anyone know?

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