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Old August 10, 2008   #7
MAGTAG™ Coordinator
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Location: Baltimore, MD
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Let's put together a list of who's bringing what.
I will supply all fixin's for the BLT Bar, plus various plates, napkins, and utensils, and wine. As I mentioned earlier, we probably could use some more utensils. I will supply a calculator, a food scale, and a copy of Carolyn's book. I am also hoping to have received my copy of Amy Goldman's new heirloom tomato book by Saturday, and might bring along a few other titles from my tomato library. I also will bring a few Boca Burgers, although I can't supply very many. I also will make the tip box and DH Dave and I will provide directional signs.
Dave will supply a couple pies from Dangerously Delicious, Baltimore's premier pie shop. As Rodney, the Piemaster, says, "Rock and roll and pie, baby, Rock and roll and pie!". Which reminds me - I think Dave will bring along a boom box or a DVD mix or something musical that should appeal to a wide variety of tastes (except for my Dad, who only likes classical). I think Dave's planning to bring charcoal as well, since he will be doing some grilling.
Greg F., you're bringing along home brew and lots of meat, right? And are your daughters making prizes?
I believe Janet M. said she could supply tablecloths - if this is so, Janet, can you either drop them off at my place sometime this week or come early, so we can get them on the tables right away?
We may just have a new category of prize this time if things go right - Rob Kasper, food writer for the Baltimore Sun, says he intends to participate, and if Craig from NC can make it, maybe we should have a "Celebrity/Expert favorite category." I'm getting nervous - I have a bunch of ripe Brandywines, Mortgage Lifters, German Red Strawberries, Black Cherries, and Sungolds right now (the're going to my sister so she can make her Scalloped tomatoes dish ahead of time), but I have no idea how many toms will be ready next Saturday - pray for good weather for ripening! And while you're at it, pray for good weather - if we could have even half as nice a weekend as this one, we'll be in luck.
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