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Old October 15, 2008   #15
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Default Interesting concept here

No, Michael, I haven't. But this interests me a lot. If this truly works and is controllable, it could help solve a host of fertilizing problems.

Mechanically speaking, it seems like a good system for "slowly" getting liquids to the roots. But, I keep thinking about that if the growing medium is wet, the flow thru the ceramic will be slow, and if the medium is dry, the flow will be faster. Hmmmm........You know, if the wine bottle rig flows too fast, you might try putting it closer to the drip. That might help keep the moisture level of the growing medium around the ceramic more even and would help keep the fertilizer from becoming concentrated in any area. The flow of moisture would also assist spreading the nutrients more evenly out into the growing medium.

Time and experimentation will tell you whether or not to dilute the nutrients. I would recommend you keep a close eye on this during this R&D time. To me, the danger seems to be ending up with too much fertilizer, not the opposit.

Owner & Sole Operator Of
The Muddy Bucket Farm
and Tomato Ranch

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