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Old October 19, 2008   #3
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i meant to say but forgot that i grew diva for a couple of years and it did better than any other cuke, up to that point. then the 3rd year it produced poor yield, plants died, just terrible, so i dumped diva and tried county fair.

w/o a doubt county fair out performs anything. yields are immense. plant health is absolute, the plants die in the 3rd week of september and that is acceptable as the weather is cooler and the sun is very weak by then.

i have grown many different cukes over the years. from 1992 to 1998 at other house i did not have bw problems and i was pleased with all the different varieties i tried, many had huge yields. but from 1999 here at new house, bw has been a big problem. any variety other than diva and county fair produce initially for 10-14 days and then the bw starts and the plants start to die. yield drops and in about 15-20 days all plants are dead.

for this reason i have been hesitant to try anything other than county fair especially after diva let me down. i really love cukes even tho they have little taste but they are so sweet, crunchy and juicy, just love them. i could use that clay based spray (surround?) but it needs application after every rain. i trellis cukes so covering with floating row covers is not practical, trellis is 8' long and about 6' 6" high. one side is pole beans the other cukes.

i really want county fair, if it ain't broke don't fix it. if there were other varieties that are bw resistant like county fair i'd try them but from what i know county fair is the only one.

so either i'd like names of other bw resistant cukes or a seed companies that sell county fair.

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