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Old October 20, 2008   #3
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I have looked all over this section and all over the WEB and have found that I am more confused than ever.

One place said about 50 meters.
It also said they are not self pollinating and someone said all Tomatillos are hybrids.
I just simply cannot believe the last statement.

Over at SSE they said this.
“Tomatillo - Planting: Sow indoors ¼" deep in pots or flats 6 weeks before the last frost. Thin seedlings when 2" tall and transplant into individual pots. Plant outdoors 24" apart in rows 36" apart. Culture is very similar to tomatoes. Plants can be trellised to keep well contained and the fruits off of the dirt, or the plants can be allowed to sprawl on the ground.”
And this,
“Seed Saving: Tomatillos will not cross-pollinate. Select fully ripe fruits to save for seed. Pick at least one ripe fruit from each of several plants. Squeeze seeds and juice into a strainer and wash, spread on a paper plate and dry.”
Now I’m stumped.
My wildest guess would say that if you gave the critters a good distance apart and they had purple polka dots on them you would get seeds that produced the same.
I have never grown the things before and would like to know the truth.
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