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Old November 12, 2008   #2
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 2,591

I think that "expert" is being more than just a bit "overly cautious".

My hubby is definately not a fan of "organic". He got a degree in agronomy specalizing in Turf from Purdue during the 60s. The era of "big ag" and all things chemical.

He was a Golf Course superentendant for over 25 years and used any and all the Potashes, murate and sulfate. Whatever he could get. But the course always had plenty of earthworms. Sometimes to the point where they would actually spray to kill them because there were too many "castings" on the greens.

Horrible I know.

Since he's been away from that job over 20 years now, he's softened somewhat on "organic" stuff and we do what we can to incorporate any organic ideas we can into our farm produce.
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