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Old November 17, 2008   #48
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 2,591

Wow, I can't believe how great all the people here are.

I promise I will propagate and increase the seeds. I'll send you a PM with my address. I usually try to save at least a 1/3 ounce or more from all my seeds. That way I have seed for myself, my plant sales and seed trades for at least a couple of years in case I can't harvest it again for a while.

I originally got into heirlooms when I found your book at the SSE store in Madison quite a few years ago. At the time I had maybe a dozen of the varieties in the book. I'm not sure how many I currently have from your book as I haven't been able to find the book for a while.( My house is a mess except for my organization of my seeds.) I currently grow over 150 varieties and I think about 1/2 or more of them are heirlooms. But so far most of the varieties I've gotten are (or were) commercially offered, at least for a while. I do have a few varieties that are no longer offered by the companies I got them from.

I know the PL Black Brandywine isn't a true "heirloom" but it is rare, and that's another of the things I "collect" in part so they don't disapear altogether and I guess that's more or less what a lot of the people here do too.

Thanks much.
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