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Old January 15, 2009   #1
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Default The "Magic Cross" I would like to see

Okay, I'll admit it, I am selfish. I would like to see someone breed a cross of a long, large pendular paste tomato (something akin to Federle or Opalka which both have fairly good flavor for paste-types) with a black and my personal favorite of those is Tula.

The "black" variety market is exploding. I am currently drying numerous black types for which I get almost double the money but none of them are paste varieties. They have too much moisture and too many seeds. I have to dry almost double the fresh amount to get a pound. Although I personally don't transcend into a state of rapture over the black varieties flavors as many do, I will admit that at least some of the black varieties are more flavorful than the average paste variety. In addition to dried, many Chefs are wanting the black types for sauce and now, they are also asking for "white" varieties for sauce which they are using for seafood recipes. Many Chefs are now using only heirloom varieties in their recipes siting the same arguements we use...commercial varieties lack flavor.

For any of you growing for market, I would advise visiting some upscale restaurants with your heirlooms and letting the Chefs taste them. I think they will be pleasantly surpised at the huge flavor difference.

Anyway, for those ambitious souls, A long black paste would be like winning the lottery for me!
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