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Old January 19, 2009   #10
mresseguie's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Oregon
Posts: 159

Hello, Maricybele.

We might just be neighbors. I'm in Corvallis, which is also zone 8 in Oregon.

I'm not sure what those insects are, but are they really a problem? You've got a hot pile; it's outside. Other than their wanting to fly into your face when you turn the pile, I don't see how they would be a problem for the compost or its process.

Isn't DE water soluble? Or, at least, doesn't it break down quickly when exposed to moisture?

Could it be that your pile is too wet, and therefore it attracts those flies? Do you know what C:N ratio your pile is?

Do you cover your pile? If yes, and it fits loosely, have you tried laying a couple burlap sacks directly on top of the pile? This will diminish the likelihood of unwanted insects' entering the pile. (You can get burlap sacks from coffee roasters-Allann Brothers in Albany, Sivetz in Corvallis, etc.)

I've got 4 piles cooking right now, and I haven't noticed a fly problem. My piles are made from approx. 35-40% coffee grounds, 5-10% kitchen waste, and 50+% unshredded leaves. I zealously collect coffee grounds from two Starbucks' shops in town.


Enjoy life!
Learning to speak tomato!
Got compost?

Last edited by mresseguie; January 24, 2009 at 03:42 AM.
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