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Old January 21, 2009   #5
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Appalachian Mountains NC
Posts: 151

Thanks Carolyn. I'm not really looking for anything specifically. It occurred to me that if I'm going to plant only heirlooms it makes sense to find out all I can about locally grown heirlooms.

I can see why it would be difficult to maintain that type of organization here. Seed saving is no big deal, EVERYTHING is passed down and taken for granted. They save the seed because it's what their Daddy and Granddaddy always did and they can't imagine why it would be a big deal to any body else. I mean, doesn't EVERYBODY do that? Who would possibly be interested in seeds from somebody else's family? Might as well trade youngins!

I've learned a lot just from visiting the farmers market every week, but I've got years of research ahead of me. Good thing I'm only 50, lol. And have really friendly neighbors.

My neighbor makes sorghum syrup (molasses) every year with an old steam engine. That he got from his Daddy. Who got it from HIS daddy...
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