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Old January 27, 2009   #10
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 2,591


Actually I sell them as soon as I can get them decent sized and my market is open. They will be maybe a month or more ahead of the season for most people.You know some people always have to have the FIRST tomato in the neighborhood.

When they are just plants, they sell OK. When they have blooms on them, they sell better. When they have small fruit they really sell. I often get more than $10 for the pots and $10 for the baskets.

I've been using the Huskys, Stakeless, Super Bush, Orange Pixie and Pixie. I do baskets with Basket King, Tumbler and Pink Tumbler. Those sell well when they have fruit on them.

I ordered some of the OP dwarfs I found out about here at TV, so I will be trying several new varieties this year too. Like Czech Bush, New Big Dwarf, and Golden Dwarf Champion. I also have a few other dwarves I traded for seeds so those I will be growing myself so I will have more seed for next year.

I don't do a whole lot of those plants, but I did sell more of them last year than I thought I would. The trick seems to be to have options for people. The other thing is the big plants sitting there sell the smaller plants of the same variety as the customer can see what they will become.

I actually seeded some dwarves last weekend so hopefully I will have some big plants by May 1.
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