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Old February 4, 2009   #10
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Posts: 102
Default Orange & White Fleshed Sweet Potatoes

We have grown Red Wine Velvet for years. Also, since 2002, we've grown Brinkley White. These are both excellent. Red Wine Velvet has orange, very moist flesh. Brinkley White has white skin and flesh.

In the past we grew Maryland 810 and Georgia Red, both orange fleshed. They are both quite good. We just lost them when we moved.

In 2008 we got Nemagold and Oklahoma Red from Sandhill Preservation Center. But they got in late enough that we'll have to wait for this coming growing season to really rate them. Oklahoma Red is red skinned and orange fleshed. Its roots get quite long. Nemagold has yellow skin and flesh.

Over the years we (my wife and I) are becoming increasinly fond of the whites. They are so very prolific and tasty to boot!

One suggestion I'd make, based on our own observations. To really give a sweet potato a fair trial one ought to bake it. Boiling leaches away sugars. I can't figure out what it is, but microwaving makes some cultivars turn to absolute cardboard. So, do yourself a favor and bake your sweet potatoes!

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