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Old February 7, 2009   #7
MAGTAG™ Coordinator
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 400

Thanks everybody here and at the "other" garden site who wished me well. BTW, since some of you mentioned it, prayers of all denominations are gratefully accepted, as are positive vibes of all kinds. I'm doing really well so far - no nausea or bone pain after the first chemo injection & neulasta shot, but I know that will probably change as the treatments continue. But enough about my ills ... now on to tomatoes!

The tomato plants I've ordered (just in case I'm not up to caring for my seedlings) are:

From Burpee (3 plants each): Sungold & Black Krim; from SSE (2 plants each): Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, Stupice, Hungarian Heart, Trophy (the last two are new for me).

I plan to be a little more adventurous with my seedlings. These are the ones I'm thinking about starting under lights soon:

Paul Robeson, Russian Black, Slovenian Black, Nyagous, Black Cherry, Japanese Trifele Black (Can you tell I like black tomatoes?); Lemon Boy (my old standby yellow, and I can get plants anywhere if the seedlings die); Milka's Red Bulgarian, and Church (it flopped last year, but I think it deserves a second chance, since I've never seen it at MAGTAG.) My thanks to Manure Queen for a supplying many of these seeds.

If I don't kill 'em, I'll probably have WAY too many 'mater plants this year, but I plan on growing my peppers, eggplants, and some other veggie plants in containers to make room. Maybe some tomatoes as well - Stupice and Lemon Boy did fine in large pots for me one year.
And heck, if I don't feel well enough to water the seedlings, I'll force DH to go downstairs and do it! That's what spouses are for, after all.

So what's on your MAGTAG list?

BTW, August 22 sounds great to me - that's two weekends before Labor Day, I think. It's also the day before my Dad's 87th birthday, so we can sing him Happy Birthday again. This year, though, I might need to wear the MAGTAG cap (since I won't have mucy hair) and make HIM wear the headband! Just noticed that Ramadan starts on the 21st this year, so it would be bad day for our Muslim friends - but I can't think of anything else that might be a problem at this point.
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