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Old February 10, 2009   #14
veggie babe
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: east texas
Posts: 686

i thought it would be better to start small and hopefully learn by "doing." i made (rather my husband made) my bin out of an 18 gal. plastic tote muhck like dice has. i used card board and shredded newspaper,i have a small amount of soil and i have feed them coffee grounds and sweet potato peelings. it does not look like they have eaten anything since i got them friday 2-06. i have 500 worms or approximately 1 lb. of worms.
what i have read the optimal temp is 60-90, i live in east texas so it gets much colder and hotter than that. i thought i would watch and if they seem to get too cold or hot move them into my husbands shop,i can reg. the temp there.
how will i be able to tell if the worms become stressed??????
michael it sounds like you have a large operation,mine is a small hobby that i will hopefully benefit from with the worm tea and compost. i hate to mention this just in case someone is going to think badly of me buttttttttttt i also love to fish and as we say in texas i have a small stock pond with catfish and crappie in it. yes, i want to use some of the worms for bait. (i'm sure the grandchildren will use a few of them also)
thanks for your interest and help,

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