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Old February 26, 2009   #19
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: PNW
Posts: 4,743

Besides the mycorrhizae in Myco-Grow Soluble (Soluble is one
product line among several from Myco-Grow), it also contains
a few strains of beneficial bacteria that probably would survive
on foliage much like the bacteria used in Actinovate. The
mycorrhizae fungi spores in Soluble would probably not survive
on foliage, however, so that part of Soluble would be wasted
in a foliar spray. The bacteria that are in Soluble are apparently
not as effective at fighting fungal foliage disease in a foliar
application as the specific strain of bacteria used in Actinovate,
judging by the powdery mildew experiment.

So using Soluble for anything other than a soil inoculant, either
by dusting it on the seeds, dusting it on the rootball at
transplant time, or mixing it with water and using it for a soil
drench, is probably a waste of money. Looking at the snow
peas, Actinovate seems to outperform Soluble in the soil, too.
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