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Old May 6, 2006   #1
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Default CHOPTAG 2006 Spring Plant Share Meet

[Modifided version as thread in General Forum]

A better day couldn't have been asked for, cool, breezy and sunny. When we got there [me, Kathy, and Dad] shortly after noon, a few CHOPTAGgers were already there and they [Brian, Dave, and Jerry] helped us unload our stuff from the car's trunk. During the unloading several questions arose about where was the pulled pork. Saying, "Dang, I forgot it!" didn't work so I got the crock pot out from behind the front seat. I think they would have been just as happy to see an UPS man show up with it. Smile

After setting up our table we greeted old friends and introduced ourselves to the newcomers who will become old friends. Since we started CHOPTAG it has become obvious to me that tomato growers, at least 99.9% of them, are the best people on Earth. We now have several new, and I can tell deep to the bone, CHOPTAGers: David, Fred, Lisa, Michael, Neal, Sue, and Valeree. The only thing I regret is there wasn't enough time to spend more time with all of you guys.

Anyway, Neil and Heather arrived shortly after we did and we setup the food table and started the pork pulling. The aroma, man the aroma, it permeated the air and stomachs really started to rumble and grumble. We had 5 or 6 kinds of sauces plus some lip smacking homemade. The sidedishes everyone brought were delicious: baked beans, slaw, salads and etc. Man o man, we really pigged out. Smile

The pulled pork contest was declared a tie by everyone and that me and Neil had to do another showdown! Dang, I haven't even mentioned tomatoes. LOL.

The gang only managed to force 6-8 plants on me. But I did pretty good with those I took, getting rid of all of them. We had lots of plants left, Gary was auctioning them off at the last. That was a lot of fun, really. He's a real clown!

The thing is, Gary ended up not getting rid of any but taking three from Neil! Wait, I think Gary cajolled Jerry into taking one.

Of all the plants I took, I only messed up on two deliveries, some green garlic to Lisa [but Sue shared hers] and a Kimberly to Mark. Even after not getting his Kimberly, Mark gave me a small metal chest of drawers with film canisters to store my tomato seeds.

Please rememeber, everyone who got plants from me. They need to be hardened off in part shade/sun for a few days before planting.

Thanks everyone! You're great folks and you made our day. Looking forward to seeing you at the taste fest in Aug. Sorry for being so wordy.
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