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Old May 8, 2006   #8
Miss_Mudcat's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Central Georgia
Posts: 366

Hi All Y'all!

Thanks to everyone who makes CHOPTAG happen. I am so glad to have found you!

PLEASE, whomever made the broccoli salad, I MUST HAVE THE RECIPE!

Sue, thank you for sharing your green garlic with me. Earl, I didn't put in a request, but your wonderfully sweet wife wouldn't let me leave without any after I made a comment about it! Tell her THANKS!

I enjoyed meeting all of you. Cathy (Woodenzoo) didn't make it, so I brought home the Druzbas intended for her, and I picked up a few: GMG from Earl, Dr. C. from Valeree? and Granny Smith from Sue? (or did I get that backwards?), Black Plum from Mike and Big Rainbow (for Rain who is still talking about it daily) from Jerry. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Looking forward to August.

Farmers don't wear watches; they work until the job is done!
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